Official GRcade Dreams Thread

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Baron Zemo
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Baron Zemo » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:38 am


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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Phantasmagorical » Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:22 am

I once died in my dream as well...

Some guy shot me in the back repeatedly and I was on the ground blacking out. I could still feel him shooting me in the back, but the thuds of the impact slowly faded away until it was just quiet and dark.

Then I woke up and just sat up in bed doing nothing for a little while. Was a very strange feeling afterwards..

I suggest you guys read up a bit on DMT. It's a chemical hallucinogen that's actually created in gland in our brain. But it's only really produced while we're in the womb, when we die, and very slightly when we sleep.

"Several speculative and yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurological states. DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brain and other tissues of humans and other mammals. Some believe it plays a role in mediating the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences, religious visions and other mystical states." -


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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by captain red dog » Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:25 am

Awesome dream last night! I was in some kind of western (which was like some sort of realistic computer game using the Fallout 3 engine) where I had to take out a gang hauled up in a saloon. I pulled my gun to take out the guy guarding the door but I had forgotton to buy ammo for it and the barrel clicked empty!

The guy wanted me to beg for my life and I told him I would not give him the satisfaction and that if he really had courage he would let me load my gun and beat me in a duel, rather than shoot an unarmed man like a coward. He then said, paraphrasing Unforgiven, "well you should have armed yourself if you wanted to decorate this bar". As he fired his shot everything went slow motion and turned black and white just like when you die in Fallout and I was led on the floor with him slowly firing into me.

Anyway, I reloaded my "save", made sure I had ammo, and took everyone down in that saloon. 8-)

I love dreams like that!

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Fatal Exception » Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:20 am

I think there's a lesson here about taking high codeine pain killers before bed. Last night I dreamed I was in a supermarket with a girl, who was kind of a hot goth. But anyway, the prawns were all on top of a pyramid of products singing.

I think the song went:
Prawns Prawns,
warriors of the sea
We fight battles underwater
so you don't have to
so you can live indoors

It didn't rhyme, but had a jazzy lounge singer kind of vibe. I worry myself sometimes.

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Dandy Kong
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Dandy Kong » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:41 pm

Phantasmagorical wrote:I once died in my dream as well...

I knew some guys who said that you could never die in a dream, 'cause if you'd die in the dream it'd mean you died in real life as well.

Turns out they were wrong...

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Skarjo » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:42 pm

Dandy Kong wrote:
Phantasmagorical wrote:I once died in my dream as well...

I knew some guys who said that you could never die in a dream, 'cause if you'd die in the dream it'd mean you died in real life as well.

Turns out they were wrong...


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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Fatal Exception » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:50 pm

Dandy Kong wrote:
Phantasmagorical wrote:I once died in my dream as well...

I knew some guys who said that you could never die in a dream, 'cause if you'd die in the dream it'd mean you died in real life as well.

Turns out they were wrong...

I've been killed a few times in my dreams. :lol:

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Hero of Canton
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Hero of Canton » Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:06 pm

Mad one last night. I dreamed I was having an affair with Lily Allen (she was absolutely charming as strawberry float in this dream) but that we both had special powers of indeterminate description and there were these mutants - intelligent, humanoid ones rather than slavering beasts - chasing us. I think we managed to either kill or lose all the smaller ones, but there were two absolutely giant ones which were after us. We were on a ship and I remember saying that the layout was exactly the same as the one in Cold Fear the videogame (odd, as I've never played it) and so I knew some good places to hide. But the mutants were faster than us, and so one of them managed to spot us running to a hiding place. Lily got injured and I had to quickly drag her up some stairs, but for some reason, this staircase led nowhere, just to another set taking us back down. As we just started to descend the stairs, this one mutant (who we thought was behind us) ran up, knocked Lily to one side and picked me up by the head, demanding that I tell him the secret of my powers.

Then I woke up. Absolutely no idea where that came from. I didn't even have any cheese yesterday.

DML wrote:F'NARR!
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Dandy Kong » Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:43 pm

Fatal Exception wrote:
Dandy Kong wrote:
Phantasmagorical wrote:I once died in my dream as well...

I knew some guys who said that you could never die in a dream, 'cause if you'd die in the dream it'd mean you died in real life as well.

Turns out they were wrong...

I've been killed a few times in my dreams. :lol:

So? How can I be sure you're not some kind of evil spirit? Hm?

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Dual » Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:10 am

Wanted to get this down quickly before I forgot it. I've been having loads of vivid dreams lately. Two dreams in the same night, I think they were actually connected some how:

First one i went back to ibiza with Nick and it was great and not much happened. We were just lying on the grass drinking.

and another one i was with the lads on another weekend away and we were arguing about TVs and then i realised T hadn't been with us all weekend but suddenly turned up on a night out and I shook his hand and he wouldnt let go of my hand and then noony came over and told us not to fight and i was shouting "I was really worried about you!" and then he pulled up his hood and kinda walked of to the club. then noony was asking me of i really liked clubbing and i was like yeah its wicked, so then he fell out with me and went home with ed.

Yeah so that happened this morning. You know when you feel kinda, sad about a dream? I feel like that this morning.

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Qikz » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:34 am

Well, I just want to write both of these down because they're weird as strawberry float.

First one was about how the world was invaded by zombies who had super sensitive hearing but couldn't see very well bar one or two (also to add there were times of the day when the zombies would just go off elsewhere, then they'd come back). I managed to hold up in my house with little to no effort as they seemed to not realise I was there, that was until I went to tell my mum that she couldn't make any noise otherwise they'd know we were inside and we'd both end up dead.

Safe to say while I was hidden around the corner, one of the leader zombies saw me (wtf!). So we both ended up dead. Weird thing was, rather than dying it gave me the option of respawning as a human or a zombie. I picked human and went back to hiding. By this point my dad turned up at the front door and helped us hide. The strange thing was he was one of the people who knew how to stop the zombies (one of which was a rotten bannana and we had some outside so he rushed to get some and got back). Just as I was about to see if the bannana worked, I woke up.

The second dream was weird. I was back at school (although everyone was still around 20 for some reason) but me and another few guys were literally the only guys there and everyone was wearing WWII style jackets and uniform (I really don't get that part, but some of the girls were hot in it 8-) ). Basically it ended up with me and one of the other guys who was someone I used to know from School/College called Alex got invited to play this weird sport which was a mix of hockey and basketball. The thing you threw around was a massive puck which you picked up and threw at the goal but you couldn't move with it and you were only allowed one touch of it (you had to kick to pass). Now comes the weird part, as I was playing I was slowly turning into a woman, I can't explain how strange it was, because it was really stupidly strange. I didn't even notice until I went back to the changing rooms to get changed and realised I looked completely different and had tits. I woke up shortly after I realised sadly, so I couldn't have any fun with them. :(

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Rubix » Wed May 25, 2011 12:14 pm

Last night I dreamt that someone on GR posted a link, I clicked on it and next think I knew all my personal details were posted in the topic.

It felt so real I had to log into GRcade at 2 in the morning to make sure it wasn't true!

PLAY | Persona 3 Reloaded [11h], Spider-man 2 [1h]
WATCH | HiJack S1, Dexter S2
RACE | Chew Valley 10k (Jun), Chippenham 10k (Jun), Cardiff Half (Oct)
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by 1cmanny1 » Thu May 26, 2011 1:45 am

I had a dream my ex was going to a prom dance, totally naked with just felt pen badly covering her privates. :?

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Mockmaster » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:57 am

I had an amazingly lucid dream last night that an asteroid was about to hit the Earth. France to be exact. Everyone had accepted this and that it was the end of the world. It came to the final night and everyone had a big party. The dream ended when I looked up to the sky and saw the gargantuan trail of the object in the sky above me. Scared the hell out of me and I woke up still thinking it was the end of us all.

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