GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - The Penultimate Week!
by Terrible_Lizard » Wed Oct 28, 2009 4:51 pm

I boguth Burger King, I never do, I see them as overpriced.

Just looked at Slayerx's Cat called awesome! :P
Nice cat :D

Cinematic Gamble
Walked in to the cinema and luckily Zombieland was playing! =D Awesome film :]

Breakfast Club
Day 1 - Jam on toast
Day 2 - Mars Bar
Day 3 - Crunchy Nut Cornflakes
Day 4 - Nougat Pillows
Day 5 - Cheese Toastie
Day 6 - Leftover Pizza
Day 7 - Leftover Sandwiches

Give the man an Oscar
Same as Banjos Vid.


Followed Employee on the train.

Notes taken:
- Young blonde male, mid 20s maybe.
- Seemed to be an employee on the train I was on.
- Walked up and down, apparently checking for unattended packages.
- Collected some rubbish from people
- Fiddled with his bag for a bit pretending to be busy.
- I approached him and asked if he'd been working there long and he had been since he left school.
- Got into a conversation about uni.
- I asked his name and it was Ryan.

Whole thing lasted about 15 minutes :]

I should have max points this week, inc. bonus points. Confirmed?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Banjo » Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:01 pm

Banjo: Week 7


Had a bath. Never do.

Dalagonash's Brutal Legend review. Twas good.


Cinematic Gamble
Up in 2D. 8-)

Breakfast Club
Day 1: Fried egg
Day 2: Weetabix
Day 3: Bacon sandwich
Day 4: Sausage roll
Day 5: Mackerel
Day 6: Leftover Pizza
Day 7: Porridge


Give the Man an Oscar

Ladies and gentelmen of the forum, me and Terrible_Lizard present, for your viewing pleasure, the most ermbarassing thing that I've (and hopefully, he's) ever done. You may get some laughs from the cheapness of it, or the laughable dub work, but all I can say is that your mind will be blown. I present, Story of Terrible Lizard

There may also be some superb photoshop opportunities, seeing as we're topless for most of it. :fp:

A minute in length, I will never live this down.

:lol: :fp:

Went to the cinema. Here's what I noted:

Got ticket from woman, name Danielle. Black hair, curvy.
She serves family of four, also going to same screening as me.
Continues to serve more customers.
Banters with co-worker to her left, lasts about a minute. She doesn't laugh at his joke.
Serves more people, keeps a smile the entire time.
Leaves to go to the toilet or somewhere else. Lasted 12 minutes.

Maximum pointage, I should assume?

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by That » Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:11 pm

You don't have the postcount to pull this off.


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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Ironhide » Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:12 pm

PsychicSykes wrote:Indulge


Yum. 8-)


Checked out Falseys gamercard above. Surprised to see him have so many achievements on Forza 3 due to the fact he seems to spend most his time in the editor. (Doing a fine job I may add)

Cinematic Gamble

I'm not sure if this will count or not, but basically I piled all the DVD's in my house up, knocked them over before picking one out with my eyes closed. The one I picked out was Knocked Up, which I had watched already two days previously. I watched it again. I really hope this counts.

Breakfast Club


Coco Pops, Those Big Coco Pops things, Frosties, Cornflakes, Rice Krispies, Honey Loops and my usual Cheerios. Bonus point get. 8-)

Give the Man an Oscar

Ran up the stairs in my house and did the whole Rocky thing at the top. No bonus points sadly.


1. Walking the dog I spy my target, an old lady with white hair about 20 metres in front.
2. She crosses the road while I remain on the same side to avoid suspicion.
3. She pauses at the postbox while the dog relieves himself on a tree. Good boy.
4. I cross the road as she carries on moving, dog seems particularly interested in a nearby fencepost.
5. She's paused outside the shop reading the notice board, I pass within touching distance.
6. She goes into the shop and my work is done as I continue on.

I don't think you'll get any points for your Brakfast Club seeing as you had cereal every day.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - The Penultimate Week!
by mcjihge2 » Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:17 pm

Didnt do as well as i could have this week with the bonus points


EASY (1 point each)


Had an eat out curry on saturday night, cost about £17.


I looked at face palm gamer in Brer sig. And i looked at the picture of the topless halo girl at work. Huzzah

MEDIUM (3 points each)

Cinematic Gamble

Using the random number generator and x box live film download

I got 159 and that gives one two many

So good i think i might model the rest of my life on it

Breakfast Club

Fail - I never eat breakfast anyway

HARD (5 points each)

Give the Man an Oscar

On sunday morning i woke up and said strawberry float 11 times - in an effort to recreate the opening sceane in four weddings and a funeral.


Followed this guy into tesco on saturday


He picked up a basket and went straight for the homeware section. He spent about 10 minutes in that one aisle and put 2 white, square dinner plates in his basket. He then went to the checkout and paid in cash.

no note book and no name. I was going to try and take more pictures but i bottled it.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Ironhide » Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:26 pm

Ate a full packet of Jaffa Cakes, felt a bit sick afterwards.

Just read Banjo's blog, seems he has shaving issues.

Breakfast club

Monday - Ham & cheese toastie
Tuesday - French Toast (or to us northerners, "Eggy Bread")
Wednesday - Omelette
Thursday - Fisherman's pie (I was late up so this was a combined breakfast and lunch)
Friday - Bacon sandwich
Saturday - Beans on toast
Sunday - Cheese on toast

Cinematic Gamble
Watched True Lies, wasn't as good as I remember but still entertaining nontheless.

Rear Window
Observed the neighbors over the course of the week
Neighbors at no.6 had some fresh fish delivered
no.4 had a visit from district nurse (for flu jab, I know this as I was the next patient)
woman from no.3 walks her dog at same time every day
Nieghbors over the back had their hedge cut
Found out one of the neighbors is actually named Trevor after years of thinking his name was John

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Mockmaster » Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:30 pm

Stellar effort Banjo and Terrible Lizard :lol:

Deadline fast approaching.

The new table and the final Tasks of the Week will be up tomorrow.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Pontius Pilate » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:36 pm

Uploading video now. Video didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, because I had no one to hold the camera :( I hope yous like it though!

If youtube hasn't processed my video by 7, can I have an extension please? :wub:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - The Penultimate Week!
by Pontius Pilate » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:47 pm

Ryan0rz wrote:Summary so far...


Indulge -
Ryan0rz wrote:I just indulged myself in a big apple crumble, with lots of custard. Task get?

Sigular - Ventured over to my buddy brother, Mafros blog "He Got Games" and read some of his reviews etc. I also commented on his review for Prototype. ... omment-395


Cinematic Gamble -
Ryan0rz wrote:First number generated, 10.

Second number, 8.


Never seen it, wanted to see it though for some time.

Ryan0rz wrote:It's done! Film was okie :? ...I mean it was garbage, but the chick was all kinds of hot. :fp: :wub:

Breakfast Club -
Ryan0rz wrote:
Breakfast task.
Ryan0rz wrote:Toast and Philadeplhia 8-).

Ryan0rz wrote:Had porridge for breakfast.

Ryan0rz wrote:Had Waffles for breakfast!

Ryan0rz wrote:Had an omelet(?) for breakfast.

Ryan0rz wrote:I had a slice sandwich for breakfast today! Slice/squared sausage, whatever you freaks call it.

Ryan0rz wrote:I had a fried cheese and ham sandwich.

Ryan0rz wrote:Excellent, I had corn flakes. 8-) I hardly ever eat breakfast, unless I wake up quite late. I find it quite hard to stomache food early on. :x


Give the Man an Oscar -

Stalker - Done this today. :fp: Never again...I didn't take a notepad, but I did find out her name, and I did get within touching distance of her. I went into marks and spencers to pick my prey. There she was, kneeling on the floor, stacking fresh bread onto the shelves. Slightly bent over, I could see her pants. They were black. I slowly slid my hand down my trous...Joke. :fp: I could see her pants though. But she was somewhat fat and middle aged. I had to make it look as if I was looking for bread to space out the time. This is when I was within touching distance. Of course I couldn't stand there for the whole time, so I had to walk around the surrounding area. I used the old pretend to text technique for a while. 8-) Anyway, her name was Anne, thanks to her name tag. Never again.

All points bar 1 bonus, I think. 8-)

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Frank » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:48 pm


I spent the entire morning reading webcomics instead of doing valuable Uni work. Time well spent, I think.


Followed the link in Irene's sig to the GRcade Top Albums thread, I'll be submitting mine later (if it's still running)

Breakfast club

Wednesday - Frosted Shreddies
Thursday - Frosties
Friday - Jam Mini Roll
Saturday - Cooked Breakfast, Wetherspoons style. (Well, the egg, bacon, sausages and toast from a Wetherspoons breakfast, anyway)
Sunday - Toast and butter
Monday - Shreddies (As Taskmaster said that I should eat them in a different style, I attempted to eat them without the use of a spoon. It did not end well)
Tuesday - Kit Kat
Wednesday - Dairylea square and a Dairylea strip cheese.

Do I get a bonus point for doing 8 days? ;)

Cinematic Gamble

The girl I was meant to be going to the cinema with today cancelled on me last night, so I had to resort to the random number thing after googling "Movie Posters". I got "The Spirit". Never seen it before, and I've never read the comic books. It was bizarre, I still can't tell if the terrible acting at the start is intentional or not. Samuel L Jackson dressed up as a Nazi is made of win, though.

Give the man an Oscar

My friend and I re-enacted the lightsaber duel from Star Wars episode 3 in Toys R Us a few days ago, complete with Ewan MacGregor style "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!".

I thought it was quite impressive. Unfortunately the security didn't :(

No-one filmed it, either. So I lose points there. Bonus points for almost getting arrested, though?


Followed the girl who was sitting in front of me on the train. early 20's, I'd imagine. Blonde hair. Bit fit. You know the type. Took notes on my phone, does that still count? She got off the train at the same stop as I do, and then proceeded to powerwalk up the stairs and down the road. I followed her to a pelican crossing (I think) where I was within touching distance. She then saw someone she recognised crossing the road at the same crossing, and they stopped on the same side to chat. I crossed over when the lights changed, thinking it'd look suspicious if I just stood there watching her.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by False » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:50 pm

Task rundown spectacularo.

Did it on Friday. Went to bed earlier than usual with a hot chocolate, biscuits and a fat duvet. Stayed in bed till like 12 on Saturday. Awesome.

Followed the link in Irene's. Just PM'ed him my choices.

Cinematic Gamble
Did this Monday Evening, After my stalker task. Dropped into the local Odeon. Got Zombieland. Pretty gooseberry fool, yo. They gave me a stdent discount even though I havent been in college for over 6 months too.

Breakfast Club
Apologies, I was gonna take pics, But after day 2, Dragging my laptop downstairs at the crack of noon and positioning the webcam was a pain in the sphincter.
Tuesday: Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes
Wednesday: Toast and Peanut Butter - Cuppa Joe
Thursday: Cream Crackers with Smuckers on top - Glass of milch
Friday: Chicken and Bacon butty - OJ straight from the bottle
Saturday: Left over Pizza
Sunday: Yoghurt. Ughhhhhhhhhh.
Monday: Crabmeat omellete
Tuesday: Reheated Chicken Chow Mein
Today: Pumpkin Cake - Chocolate Mini Roll - Tasty brew.

Tasty, eh?

Give the man an Oscar
Uploading as we speak

As already said, I did this before my cinema task. Walking through the village (Bromborough), With notebook in tow. Notes:
Man leaving Bus
5"10-5"11, Light brown/blonde shaved head
Crossed road, Past sayers
Withdrawn money from cash machine (TSB), £20?
Into £stretchers
Got gloves/scarf/hat combo
Paid (£4.99)
Walking towards Brom Cross
Stopped in Lins (Chinese takeaway)
Chinese man said 'Hello Gary'!!!
Bought Beef Curry, Fried Rice, Sausage, 2 chips.

Thats when I left, Was about 13-14 mins in total. Luckily I was with a mate so everytime I thought he may have been looking at me, I said something to my mate and motioned to write in the pad. When he went into the takeaway, I had to buy a chips to remove any suspicion too.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Mockmaster » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:52 pm

Stone Cold Steve Pan? :lol:

Great Oscar efforts guys. Fantastic inventiveness.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Pontius Pilate » Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:52 pm

Stone cold Steve Pan. 8-)

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by False » Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:08 pm

Still uploading..

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by False » Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:13 pm

Here it is, Sorry, Didnt expect it to take so long coming off the camera.

Im ashamed.

My brother filmed it, and thus watched it. Does that mean maximum pointage?

Edit: Youtube says its processing, Ive never uploaded a video before.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Irene Demova » Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:08 pm

I'm an hour too late :fp:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Banjo » Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:35 pm

Final week starts tomorrow (I guess). It's been a helluva ride.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 7 - Deadline Today 7pm
by Pontius Pilate » Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:43 pm

Wish it could go on forever. :cry:

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