GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling

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PostGRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Mockmaster » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:18 pm


Mockmaster wrote:Season's Greetings everybody, and welcome to the Grand Unveiling of GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011.

After a week of hard slog, 28ish volunteers have beavered away at personalised sigs for their partners, an altruistic act to spread cheer and delight.

A fine selection of sigs awaits your ravenous eyes... All you have to do, is scroll down.

So without further ado,

May I present to you....

A Christmas Gift....

Sigs that will give all who wear them a Festive lift.....

Seven and Staydead

Seven's sig for Staydead:


"Unlike other sigswaps, it was pretty easy to know what Staydead likes, in good way of course - meaning more time to work on it along finding right images. Or rather, a good image.

I know he likes K-ON which I happen to be fond of (although not that big fan as Staydead), and I thought I'd also add Japanese saying of Merry Christmas to make it more special. No, I don't know Japanese, I just know how to google :shifty:

I hope he likes it

Staydead's sig for Seven:


"Merry Christmas Seven, I'm not too good with photoshop and I hate working with sprites, but I did my best and I really hope you like it. I know you love Sonic, Star Wars and Pokemon so I tried to fit them all in one sig, Robotnik turns up for his christmas party only to find Luke Skywalker and Pikachu there. He's wanted to go for Round 2 at Icecap, so he's rather confused that Luke and Pikachu are there. This is most likely Scratch and Grounder mucking up the invites yet again.

I really hope you have a lovely christmas Seven as you deserve it. You're one of the nicest people on the forum and make the forum and more recently Mumble chat a much nicer place thanks to your presence.

Sputnik and DarkRitual

Sputnik's sig for DarkRitual:


May Coventry stadium be a Wasteland forever, you scrooge :evil:

I sold a bunch of Magic the Gathering cards to DR some time back. One of the cards was this:


which I later discovered is worth about 10 times the price I sold the cards to him for. Since he never mentioned it (but he probably didn't realize himself. I hope) and made a massive deal I had to include Scrooge. Also he appears to be a Coventry fan. And Dark Ritual is another Magic card:


DarkRitual's sig for Sputnik:

On the twelfth day of Sputnik, my true love gave to


12 Borknagar's Drumming
11 Sunny Philadelphias
10 Coxes-a-Teaching
9 Orks-a-Waaaaghing
8 Beavis'-a-Grunting
7 Great Old Ones
6 Buttheads-a-Uhhhhhing
5 Phal Curries
4 Walter Whites
3 Crap Reddits
2 Skyward Swords
And Mario Kart 7 on Wii.

Only thing I could think of doing after trawling through his posts. Never noticed the guy before if I'm honest. :oops:

Jay Mysterio and Frank

Jay Mysterio's sig for Frank:


The concept behind this was Xmas meets Rock Band. Coz, you know, Frank likes Rock Band and stuff :shifty:
Anyway, the Xmas tree baubles have the RB instruments on 'em and the tinsel behind Frank's name is in the Rhythm Action ISO Standard colour scheme. Enjoy!

P.S. I was gonna make a matching avatar as one of the instrument baubles but didn't know which one was Frank's weapon of choice so if he so wishes I can make one for him if he requests an instrument.

Frank's sig for Jay Mysterio:


As a bit of background, it's Christmas time in the Jay Mysterio household, and his top five wrestlers (according to his list in the wrestling thread) have come to visit. They've even agreed to get into the festive spirit, although Stone Cold decided in advance he's not going to enjoy it. At least he's not as bad as Randy Orton, though, who forgot to wear a shirt. Idiot.

There's some wonderful roast turkey, a terribly photoshopped table, and the Rock appears to have left his left arm somewhere else. It's probably busy filming for Fast Six or something.

Merry Christmas.

Hawky and Zenigame

Hawky's sig for Zenigame:



And like that, Hawky vanished into the festive night, having changed Zenigame's Christmas forever.

Zenigame's sig for Hawky:


Well, first of I'm not the most familar with Hawky, he really doesn't seem to post much. Spends quite a bit of time in the fitness thread by the looks of it. But an unfit bastard like myself doesn't frequent such a thread. Started with that tree from a picture he posted in a creative corner thread and the crest of Boro who I believe he supports. But that wasn't really christmas-y enough. Seen he mentioned he had a guitar so added the guitar-playing Santa. Then seen he had listed Friends and Chuck as 2 of his favourite shows so went for 2 christmas related images from those shows.

Wiggles and Delusibeta

Wiggles's sig for Delusibeta:


It was pretty tough to find many of Delusibeta's interests from browsing off-topic, and I didn't want to trawl intto GGC. :shifty: The sig is a christmassy version of the cover of his favourite album, Muse's Origin of Symmetry and the text is a play on his original username, Delusibeta's Flying Circus. Sorry it's a little boring, but hope you like it!

Delusibeta's sig for Wiggles:


A quick look through his search history made it very clear that he likes football. However, since I know slightly more about football than I know about horse racing (i.e. not a lot), I had to resort to Google Image Searching his avatar. This yielded a picture of James McFadden promoting the 2008/09 Birmingham City strip, which I used. Add in a hat and a Christmas pudding later, and then added in a goalkeeper saving a Christmas pudding from a sticky end, because why not? Finally, I made the background green to represent his Irish heritage. Sure, it's not my best work, but I still hopes he likes it.

Falsey and smurphy

Falsey's sig for smurphy:


smurphy likes bikes and that yeah? Well its christmas innit, so Santa has to get his presents about and that but his sleigh is broken! smurphy steps in like a true hero and lets Santa borrow his bike to deliver the presents in, wowza! (that white stuff in the background is snow and them lines coming off Santa are speed glitter arent they, because hes magic to the maxx).

smurphy's sig for Falsey:


It wasn't hard to come up with a sig for Falsey. To me his very name represents all that is good about this forum. No one else here is so generous and considerate to others. That is reflected in his sig, and hopefully by displaying this proudly it will save him having to post it as he was no doubt planning to, and can instead bless us with another greeting of joy.

The present represents giving presents to each other, and, being Christmas, the star obviously represents how much of a star Falsey is on this forum. There may be some other connotations, I don't know. I have also included our avatars starting lovingly at each other, which unfortunately they never get to do because they both face to the right as displayed on the forum.

Note for the colour blind: The stuff around the edges is tinsel, immediately obvious to most of us, but I thought I would just let you know seeing as you can't view it in all of it's sparkly glory.

Oh Teh Noes and Fatal Exception

Oh Teh Noes's sig for Fatal Exception:


I went with Knives because that's what his girlfriend is "called". And the background is a GENUINE ACTUAL fatal exception error. And Kim Jong Il was because Kim Jong Il tbh.

Fatal Exception's sig for Oh Teh Noes:


Girlfriends friend is in my spare room so I only have access to my laptop :fp: Sorry, but this is my effort. :(

Safe version:


Prototype and Shadow

Prototype's sig for Shadow:



Shadow's sig for Prototype:



zXe and Rog

zXe's sig for Rog


For Rog's Xmas sig I first wanted to encompass his love for Asus RoG gaming products, because as a professional gamer he only settles for the best hardware and will pay extortionate prices to be ahead of the competition. You could kind of say he's the Asus ambassador of their gaming branch of the company. Notice his forum avatar sporting the RoG Vulcan gaming headset on the left there. Also to hit the Christmas sig theme criteria I added an Xmas hat to it. On the right I've added my partners name painted in red and white, while the famous RoG logo sits just below, but large enough so we are always aware of his passion for premium quality products. If you've ever played online games with the PCS/mumble lot, you'll know of Rogs continual complaining and utter detest for "cheese spots" - spots in which players in said game can get an 'unfair advantage'. So naturally his avatar is expressing this frustration, again in this holiday season. Now as this is a gaming forum after all and I am aware of Rogs many gaming interests, I've added a small creeper at the bottom as Rog is a regular minecraft player and they do kind of resemble a Christmas tree being green and all... ok I'm stretching here. Finally to give it that extra glow, I added some coloured Christmas lights in the background, each with their own individual 'spirited' glow, so the polar opposite of Rogs personality basically.

Enjoy it!

Rog's sig for zXe:


A lot of people will probably think this is a shoddy sig with minimal effort but if you knew Dan (zXe) you would know that his personality is so one dimensional due to his counter-strike addiction that I really didn't have much to work with. It's all he has and will ever play. It owns his life, which is unfortunate as he really isn't that good and I regularly own him at the game. So hopefully this christmas when he repeatedly has to look at this sig he will remember that I own him, hard, and be brought back to reality to become a functioning member of society. Maybe someone will even buy him a game that he will play for more than 10 minutes before leaving it forever for CS. It would be a true christmas miracle and I am doing my part to make that happen.

Clarkman and Wedgie

Clarkman's sig for Wedgie:


For Wedgie, I combined two classic icons of the British Festive period: Doctor Who and Only Fools and Horses.

Wedgie is a big Doctor Who fan & his LIVE and PSN names are 'KH Del Boy', so I can only assume his love of David Jason & co.

I put it all on a candy cane background and slapped his name on for good measure.

Happy holidays, Wedgie, old chum!

Wedgie's sig for Clarkman:


His avatar is a Pilowhirl, so I've used that and added a santa hat. And he seems to post a lot in the Poker thread so I've added the card suits and faded them, a bit like far away stars. Added a christmassy background.

The only thing I'm struggling is the font. But I'm pleased with it. Hope he likes it.

Garth and SchminkyPinky

Garth's sig for SchminkyPinky:


SchminkyPinky seems to be well into Skyrim, and as Skyrim is quite a snowy place I thought it would be fitting to make him a Skyrim themed Christmas sig 8-)
On the left is a terrifying dragon sporting a festive hat (likely acquired from some poor Nord who strayed too close), and on the right are a few dragon language markings which translate to "Merry Xmas".
Ho-ho-hope he likes it!

SchminkyPinky's sig for Garth:


When I think of Garth, I think of GRCade and Xboxens. I decided to go with an Xbox related theme because I felt that it would involve less tit-shitting and hentai. Garth is also a big fan of Peter Moore so I decided to combine Peetah (the EA CEO) with Xbox Live being hacked since they are closely related and the story is rather topical at the moment. I then added some christmas related enhancements like snow, holly and finished it off with Garth's name in the top left hand corner. I hope Garth likes it but it doesn't really matter since he has to wear it anyway 8-)

Foxhound and tipaoffj

Foxhound#'s sig for tipaoffj:


I didn't know who tipaoffj was. So I read every single post he's made (like, all 60 of them) and now know him better than his own hand. His favourite movie his Jingle All The Way and his second favourite movie is A Bug's Life. Also, he is from Middlesbrough and doesn't like pepper spray. The picture I have chosen is Arnie in Jingle all the Way looking like he has been pepper sprayed. In a Santa Middlesbrough hat. With Flik from A Bug's Life waving in some faux snow. Merry Christmas!

tipaoffj's sig for Foxhound:


I'm new to forum so didn't know foxhound, but wanted to make it personal so I looked through his history and picked a few characters/things that stood out.
Also tried to make it christmassy.
Made it in paint so it looks a bit shabby, but I think it has an authentic finish.
That is all, cheers.

Stu and Preezy

Stu's sig for Preezy:


I know that he likes Obertan very much, so spoke to Obertan via twitter, and he left Preezy a message.

Preezy's sig for Stu:


My effort for Stu.

Alvin Flummux and jamcc

Alvin's sig for jamcc:


I made this signature by trawling through jamcc's rubbish (and boy howdy, what a lot of detritus he accumulates!) and becoming familiar with his likes and dislikes, in the loosest possible terms you understand. I came upon the Skyrim motif when I was walking down the street one day, in the very merry month of May, and became aroused by a passing Viking warband. As you do at that time of year.

The Banana Spiders, er... well, obviously I did some [i]proper
research too, I'm not stupid. :shifty:

Anyways, I hope that he likes my sig, and I hope he (and all of you) has a great Christmas.[/i] :)

jamcc's sig for Alvin:

Version 1:


Version 2:



I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything more imaginative in the short amount of time I left myself. I know you like the larger ladies so I thought I would pay homage to that in a dignified and considerate manner. She's a beaut.

Merry Christmas.




Rogue Tomato and Jenko

Rogue Tomato's sig for Jenko:


He (Jenko) seems to really dislike Anime and Staydead so I made him this as a bit of a Joke, he hasn't posted much so I didn't really know what else to make him.

Jenko's sig for Rogue To... oh wait. a no show. Who's that jumpin' out the sky? J-A-Y... MYSTERIO!

Ok, so I offered to make a backup sig and got Rogue Tomato. Now, what do I know about Rogue Tomato? Well, first off, he's a tomato, but what else? I searched literally a page of his recent posts and found out that he lives in (or at least has heard of) Edinburgh. That's good new as I am from Edinburgh and it is beautiful at Christmas, taking a tram* in the snow is incredible. So, Edinburgh+Xmas+Tomato... a magic formula indeed. Unfortunately I came up with:


So it's snow falling in Edinburgh at Christmas. You may notice a 'rogue' snowflake in there too, ifyouknowwhatimean.

I mean one of them is a tomato.

You know, like Rogue Tomato.

Sigh... I'm sorry RT. Blame Jenko :fp:

*Due 2011??

Also, Zenigame came in at the last minute with a backup sig for Sputnik:


Beavis and Butthead Christmas based on previous avatar. Reddit Alien because he's obsessed with reddit.

Thank you to Jay Mysterio and Zenigame for deputising and making the backup sigs and Jay for the awesome logo.

That's it, until next time.

Thank you everyone for taking part. Please wear your sigs with pride and enjoy the festive weeks ahead!!!!!

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Fatal Exception » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:19 pm

We were supposed to write about it too? :shifty:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Prototype » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:19 pm


Thanks Shadow!

And cheers for organising it Mocky.

Last edited by Prototype on Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Preezy » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:20 pm

Didn't know I had to give you an explanation for the sig choice :oops: :fp:

and Stu - what the strawberry float is that gooseberry fool. Do mine again. Needs more Obertan

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by jamcc » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:22 pm

Sorry Alvin. :fp:

Thanks for the sig. I have no idea what the Skryim dude has in his hands but I do like the "go a bed" reference.

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Turboman » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:23 pm

:lol: should have used something better than paint.

Cheers for my sig foxhound, it's quality :D

Errkal wrote:It is amasing how people dont seem to be abel to do that.
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by SchminkyPinky » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:25 pm

Cheers Garth :wub:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Alvin Flummux » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:26 pm

jamcc wrote:Sorry Alvin. :fp:

:lol: Yeah, I bet you are.

jamcc wrote:Thanks for the sig. I have no idea what the Skryim dude has in his hands but I do like the "go a bed" reference.

They were supposed to be sacks of presents, but they just look like giant chicken drumsticks or cave man clubs. :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Dolph Wiggler » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:27 pm

Thanks Delusibeta :wub:

Can't wait to see what Glowy thinks of it :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Garth » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:27 pm

Petah Moore, brilliant! :lol:

Cheers Schminky!

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Qikz » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:28 pm

Seven :wub: :wub: :wub:

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by The Alchemist Penguin » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:28 pm

Thanks for the sig, Jay! :wub:


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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Fatal Exception » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:29 pm

:lol: :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Mockmaster » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:29 pm


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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by smurphy » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:33 pm

The one Rog made is excellent. :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Jay Adama » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:33 pm

The Alchemist Penguin wrote:Thanks for the sig, Jay! :wub:


No problem TAP. It's me on the left, you on the right and inside the box is a localised copy of Gyakuten Kenji 2.

In other news, cheers to Frank for my Xmas sig! I actually do feel at least 12% more festive now...

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Shadow » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:33 pm

Awesome sig, Thanks Proto. :wub:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by The Alchemist Penguin » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:35 pm

Jay Mysterio wrote:No problem TAP. It's me on the left, you on the right and inside the box is a localised copy of Gyakuten Kenji 2.

I knew I could count on you. It's what I always wanted. :cry:

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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Oh Teh Noes » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:37 pm

Thanks FE :lol: :wub:

Dr Cottle wrote:My favourite flavour of popsicle is DICK.
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PostRe: GRcade Christmas SigSwap 2011: The Grand Unveiling
by Dolph Wiggler » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:38 pm

Preezy's new sig :lol:

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