Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!

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PostDrag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Thu May 28, 2009 10:24 pm

Ok, I just got back from seeing this. Normally after seeing a film I'd be like "that was pretty good" but I'm literally grinning like a loony and buzzing from what I've just seen - this was the best film I've seen in ages. As a big Evil Dead fan (2 especially) and therefore Sam Raimi fan, I'm blatantly biased but even so, this was a great horror film.

It was very Evil Dead 2 in feel, same sort of gory slightly sick comedy but in a really good way - everything I was hoping it would be really.

I won't post too much as I'll inevitably start to waffle on and post unintentional spoilers but anyone who loves a good horror film, or just good films in general, go and see this. You'll jump, laugh and in some places wonder what you're watching but all in a good way.

Only downside is it lack's cameos from both Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi who normally show up somewhere in Sam Raimi's films, but at least his car's present and correct.

Just wish he'd tell Marvel to screw it and make Evil Dead 4 instead of Spidey 4 as if this is anything to go by it'd be awesome.

I know someone's probably going to post a link to another thread discussing it that I missed but if any new film deserves it's own thread then it's this one. If there is one and I've missed it then someone please close this. :)

Last edited by HailToTheKingBaby! on Thu May 28, 2009 10:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Oh Teh Noes » Thu May 28, 2009 10:25 pm

Looks and sounds gooseberry fool tbh.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Skarjo » Thu May 28, 2009 10:26 pm

Sarge is going to go mental.

I'm seeing this tomorrow night, for the record.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Thu May 28, 2009 10:28 pm

Skarjo wrote:Sarge is going to go mental.

Why? Did he make a thread already that I've missed or does he just not like the film?

It could be my love of Evil Dead that's clouding my judgement but I really thought it was excellent. Nice change from all the usual identikit horrors you get these days too.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Drumstick » Thu May 28, 2009 10:30 pm

Sarge wrote:Drag Me to Hell.

Truly terrible movie, in fact it's probably the worst movie I've have seen this year so far.

Tries far too hard to be too many genres, it's comedy then it's horror then it's suspense/thriller & fails at all of them.

Most of the comedy scenes were awful & felt completely out of place, the horror was very predictable & dumbed down & the suspense scenes were Christine is being harassed by the demon were just awful.

And PG rated Horror movies are an affront to the horror genre. :|

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Thu May 28, 2009 10:35 pm

Ah the latter then :lol:

Well I disagree, but then as someone who is a fan of Sam Raimi's style I knew what to expect. It could almost be Evil Dead 2.5

It's different from your typical horror/suspense films you get now, but to me that's a good thing - it doesn't try to be overly clever, it doesn't feature some teen running through the woods from some random killer, it just tried to make you jump here and there and entertain you and for me, it worked perfectly.


And it's a 15 not PG.. it does seem quite hard for a horror to get an 18 rating these days unless they have loads of really graphic violence/nudity/swearing just for the sake of it and this isn't really that kind of film but there are a few quite grim bits in it.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by frogg » Fri May 29, 2009 12:46 am

Evil Dead films are some of the greatest films ever made. I want to see it now.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Pedro » Fri May 29, 2009 2:30 am

6/10 - good, but far from great. First disclaimer, huge fan of the ED films, have an ED poster up in my front room, but this was a bit of a mess. FAR too much of it is played for laughs, good fun, but really takes you out of what is going on. Also it seems Raimi has learnt no new scare tactics since ED. Lots of slow walking by protagonist, looks round object/door/corner, turns around, something scarey up close with loud music. Was hardly revolutionary.

Also the lead actress' performance goes from good at the beginning to bad and then cringe-worthy towards the end.

A scene in a grave is horrendous, (however it is raining so her shirt gives a nice outline of what her chest looks like).

The other thing I would say is that this movie felt long for 90 minutes - after 45 I was looking at my watch.

Worth a watch, but go in with lowered expectations - you'll enjoy it more.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Fri May 29, 2009 8:14 am

I do agree with her acting in places, I never thought it was terrible but one line in particular did stand out as if she really couldn't be arsed

The bit where they're summoning the demon and she turns to the guy who took her there and says "I'm Scared" - she couldn't look less scared/arsed if she tried. The bit where the demon possesses the other guy and starts doing a jig on the table, whilst a little Evil Dead-esque also didn't really work and was a bit cringey. Everything else seemed pretty good to me though. Liked the grave scene, when the tomb stone fell on her I nearly pissed myself laughing.

As for the poster, I've got posters for all three films up :oops:
If they ever make Evil Dead 4 I'm gonna need to put another wall up somehow :lol:

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Tragic Magic » Fri May 29, 2009 8:22 am

I'm not sure whether to go and see this. Some people seem to say it's like Evil Dead, others say it's not. What a weird world.

Pedro, are the cringeworthy bits as cringeworthy as half of Evil Dead 3 (like the somersaulting deadite, the "sugar" kiss, etc)? If so, that puts me off.


PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Sarge » Fri May 29, 2009 8:23 am

HailToTheKingBaby! wrote:And it's a 15 not PG.. it does seem quite hard for a horror to get an 18 rating these days unless they have loads of really graphic violence/nudity/swearing just for the sake of it and this isn't really that kind of film but there are a few quite grim bits in it.

It's PG-13 in the US & no changes were made between that version & the one released over here.

So it's basically a PG/12 rated horror movie.

Not really, all they have to do is be genuinely scary/terrifying...REC for example was an 18 & that didn't have any nudity or real graphic violence.

Grim bits? Like?

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Fri May 29, 2009 8:31 am

In my opinions it's more Evil Dead 2 with hints of Army Of Darkness in places.

The comedy bits are intentional but mostly fitting in with the horror thing like Evil Dead 2 rather than being pretty much full on comedy like the 3rd film. It's got probably almost as much gore/jumpy bits as 2.

It's not as shocking as the first Evil Dead was when it first came out but I don't think it's trying to be.

It's not as good as any of the Evil Dead films but it's the closest any film I've seen since has come to Evil Dead 2 (army of darkness included).

I guess it depends what sort of horror you like - if you like your horror serious with lots of violence, chase scenes and no laughs then you might not like it. If you're after something a bit different with a good mix of jumps, gore and comedy then you should like it.

I'm going for a second viewing with some mates next week so will see if I enjoy it as much the second time - I've seen Evil Dead 2 dozens of times and it's one of the few films I can watch over without getting bored so will be interesting to see if this has as much replayability or not.

I mean people complaining about the acting, Evil Dead 1,2 and 3 were hardly great in that department, Evil Dead 1 especially was cringeworthy - 2 was only marginally better really but the freshness of the films made it not matter so much and I don't think this is anywhere near as bad as that in those respects. The only thing really missing in this is some Bruce Campbell style ones liners.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Fri May 29, 2009 8:35 am

Sarge wrote:
Grim bits? Like?

Well there's:

The eyeballs flying out the old woman into her mouth Evil Dead 2 style, the various bits where the old woman spewing bile at her.. There might not be limbs flying everywhere and it's more gross-out style comedy but that's pretty much what Evil Dead 2 was too and most people love that. Ok you saw a few monsters get hacked up in ED2 but that mostly involved some rubbery puppet things and washing up liquid type goo but I wouldn't really call Evil Dead 2 scary in many ways really and this was much the same to me..

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Alpha eX » Fri May 29, 2009 8:39 am

Saw this yesterday and wasn't that impressed, poor acting and gross out moments were used too much. The story was predicable and the characters and their actions were annoying and made no sense. Saw the ending coming a mile off.

Still, it was good in the sense that it made us jump but this isn't as good as reviews. It gets off to a good start, thought I don't think the first scene was needed and would have been better to start with the main cast.

I facepalmed at one point so hard the whole cinema heard.

Go if you want to jump and have a little scare but don't go expecting a great movie, it's very facepalm worthy.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by gaminglegend » Fri May 29, 2009 11:14 am

I laughed the entire way through this, I don't know if I was supposed to but it was strawberry floating shite. I just found none of it scary, just stupid. The reviews say best horror film in a decade? Was I watching a different film? Horrible acting, terrible plot, terrible effects, and far too much unintentional humour. :fp:

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Fri May 29, 2009 11:30 am

gaminglegend wrote:I laughed the entire way through this, I don't know if I was supposed to but it was ******* shite. I just found none of it scary, just stupid. The reviews say best horror film in a decade? Was I watching a different film? Horrible acting, terrible plot, terrible effects, and far too much unintentional humour. :fp:

This is Sam Raimi, I think you'll find the humour was quite intentional. If you laughed the entire way through then in many ways, it's doing what it's supposed to.

I think the reviews are quite misleading as they make it sound like an awesome horror film so people are going in expecting something really scary, it's as I've said before, like Evil Dead 2 - horror themed but in many ways it's more a dark comedy and unlikely to really scare anyone other than a few "that's a bit gross" gory moments and the occassional jump.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by gaminglegend » Fri May 29, 2009 12:08 pm

HailToTheKingBaby! wrote:
gaminglegend wrote:I laughed the entire way through this, I don't know if I was supposed to but it was ******* shite. I just found none of it scary, just stupid. The reviews say best horror film in a decade? Was I watching a different film? Horrible acting, terrible plot, terrible effects, and far too much unintentional humour. :fp:

This is Sam Raimi, I think you'll find the humour was quite intentional. If you laughed the entire way through then in many ways, it's doing what it's supposed to.

I think the reviews are quite misleading as they make it sound like an awesome horror film so people are going in expecting something really scary, it's as I've said before, like Evil Dead 2 - horror themed but in many ways it's more a dark comedy and unlikely to really scare anyone other than a few "that's a bit gross" gory moments and the occassional jump.

ahh well then it worked. But thats not what I wanted to see really, if I want that, I'll expect a spoof movie, for a horror movie I want to be scared dammit!!

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by HailToTheKingBaby! » Fri May 29, 2009 12:23 pm

gaminglegend wrote:
HailToTheKingBaby! wrote:
gaminglegend wrote:I laughed the entire way through this, I don't know if I was supposed to but it was ******* shite. I just found none of it scary, just stupid. The reviews say best horror film in a decade? Was I watching a different film? Horrible acting, terrible plot, terrible effects, and far too much unintentional humour. :fp:

This is Sam Raimi, I think you'll find the humour was quite intentional. If you laughed the entire way through then in many ways, it's doing what it's supposed to.

I think the reviews are quite misleading as they make it sound like an awesome horror film so people are going in expecting something really scary, it's as I've said before, like Evil Dead 2 - horror themed but in many ways it's more a dark comedy and unlikely to really scare anyone other than a few "that's a bit gross" gory moments and the occassional jump.

ahh well then it worked. But thats not what I wanted to see really, if I want that, I'll expect a spoof movie, for a horror movie I want to be scared dammit!!

Having now seen the film, I think the marketing is a bit mis-leading along with the reviews.

It's clearly not trying to give you nightmares, but the reviews talk like it's the scariest thing ever.

From the trailer I was expecting something really creepy and scary and so was pleasantly surprised to find it more like the comedy-horror of Evil Dead 2 but I can completely understand why someone wanting an all out horror film would be dissapointed by it.

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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Lee » Fri May 29, 2009 12:33 pm

I saw this yesterday and I'm going to say that it's the most entertaining film I've seen this year. I'm a big fan of Evil Dead 2 and the tone of the film is very similar to that I felt, once it got going. Which didn't take very long, I thought the story was told very economically and well too, I liked all the characters I was meant to and vice versa.


Critics like it too:


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PostRe: Drag Me To Hell - Go See It Now!
by Pedro » Fri May 29, 2009 12:41 pm

I think HTTKB is right in that the advertising has been very misleading - if it was advertised as a horror-comedy, rather then a straight up horror then I think people may enjoy it more. At the same time I don't think it has anywhere near the comedy chops of the ED films and I'll be honest I do think that a lot of the laughs were unintentional.

Also Sam Raimi needs to make a 3 Stooges movie and get the slapstick out of his system.

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