Are You A Bluehat? - The End PG.590

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The Alchemist Penguin
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PostAre You A Bluehat? - The End PG.590
by The Alchemist Penguin » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:10 pm

You can keep up to date with all the current announcements and events by visiting the official Are You A Bluehat? website! Just click the banner above to go there. If you need a recap of the rules you'll find them below!

Karlprof's Ending Video -

Sunday 16th - Midnight
On the strike of midnight two awful, gut-renching screams were heard coming from Ask The Forum.

Three volunteers left the safe comfort of Off Topic to investigate the source of the mysterious noises. MCN, Kanbei and Mr.Cholmondley-Warner all headed off, although nobody was quite sure what they would find.

They reached the corridor outside Ask The Forum, but now everything was silent. MCN stepped towards the door. "Follow after me," he said in that gruff style of someone who's been in a war. He turned the handle and slowly went inside...

"AIEEEEEEEEEE!" he screamed, in that girly style of someone who's seen something even worse than a war.

The three volunteers gasped in horror at the sight before them. It was a body and it had been violently banned twice through the side of the head.

"B-But who is it?" Kanbei asked.

"I dunno, his face is such a mess I can't..."

"Wait. No. It can't be. NOT HIM!"

"W-Who is it!?" Cholmondley-Warner asked, although he was sure he already knew the answer.

"It's DML. He's been permanently banned. There's no doubt about it."

The Bluehats made their first move and have ruthlessly and so, so cruelly permanently banned DML! DML was just a regular forum member but it is still a massive loss for the remaining players. His knowledge of the game could easily have taken the Forumites to an easy win, but now they're all alone.

9 Bluehats, 3 Zenigames, 76 Forumites and EVIL ADMIN STEVE remain.

The first PEOPLE'S MOD will be elected tomorrow afternoon, but what will they do after this brutal banning tonight?

Everything is now peaceful on GRCade forums, but a storm is fast approaching. The march of the bluehats is nearly upon us. They've gained control of the admin panel and will stop at nothing until every single member of this forum is permanently banned. They cannot be reasoned with or bargained with; they show no signs of mercy, and will let nothing stop them from achieving their goal. The moderators have been driven underground and nothing stands between the bluehats and total forum domination but you.

GRcade's 1st birthday may also be its last.

DML is a bit tied up running the GGGC over in General Games Chat and it seemed such a shame to let GR's first anniversary pass without an appearance from everyone's favourite forum game so he's let me have a crack at it. If you haven't already guessed, this is Are You A Werewolf? in a special anniversary skin. Everything will be similar to what you're all familiar with, except they'll all the names will be a different, instead of Villagers we have Forum Members and instead of Werewolves we have Bluehats. Simple, right? If you're new to GR and don't have a clue what all this is about then don't worry! It's easy enough to follow and all the roles will be explained as they appear during the game.

How does it work?
The game plays out in a fairly simple manner: An uninformed majority of Forum Members have to try and defeat an informed minority of Bluehats. Bluehats will know who the fellow Bluehats are, but Members won't know the identity of other Members. If you are on the side of the Members then you have to deduce the identity of the Bluehats and ban them (more on that in a bit!), while if you're a Bluehat you have to successfully hide yourself among the innocent Members as you wipe them all out. The Bluehats will win instantly if the amount of Members falls equal to or below the amount of currently surviving Bluehats. The Members win if they manage to eliminate all the Bluehats. To help the Members out there are a undisclosed amount of special roles in the game, which you can hear more about later!

Each day will follow a similar series of events: People will vote for THE PEOPLE'S MOD in the morning. THE PEOPLE'S MOD will select two people to be locked in Retro Gaming and then a Poll is held to determine which one of them is PERMANENTLY BANNED. If you ban a Bluehat, great! But if you ban a poor, innocent Member then oh no!

After the daily bannings have taken place the Bluehats will make their move, and carry out a cold-blooded banning. The amount of people they can ban per night is decided by the amount of people playing, so we'll clarify specific numbers once everyone has signed up!

The Roles
Forum Member
You are the average guy/girl. The true hero of the story. You have no special powers, so have to work everything out using pure, raw brain power. You don't take the easy way out and hack accounts, no-no. None of that ridiculous behaviour for you. Only wild guesses, and incorrect accusations will satisfy you.

He did it. Even if he wasn't there, we can always count on the fact that Zenigame did it. Goat gets a bit of a bad rep around these parts for his uncanny ability to be in some way involved in everything, but he proves to be the most useful role in Are You A Bluehat? with his uncanny ability to hack any account (Well, almost any). Once a night he can hack someone's account and read their Role PM. The Zenigames will be the fastest way to find your bluehats, but sadly even Goat isn't a match for EVIL ADMIN STEVE. EVIL ADMIN STEVE is impervious to any hacking, and can trick any Zenigame into thinking he is a common Forum Member. You'll need more than a hundred alt accounts to figure out EVIL ADMIN STEVE'S identity, let me tell you.

Bluehats. We all know them. Those Blue Fez wearing types who secretly eyeball us all as we go about our business. Why do they do it? Why do they hate us all? We'll probably never know. Perhaps they're just lashing out due to a hidden sexual frustration, or maybe, just maybe, they were born from the very depths of Future Publishing Towers and learned only one thing from their masters: how to destroy.

HE'S IN CAPS. THAT MEANS HE IS PURE EVIL. Yes, it's true. EVIL ADMIN STEVE has the largest capital letter-to-evilness-ratio among anyone on GR, and his special ability as master of the admin panel means he is able to tinker with his role PM and appear as a normal member to any Zenigame hacks. The mysterious man behind the Bluehat revolution, banning him will seriously harm their plans. They'll be forced to take a night off from banning innocents due to mourning, and they'll be reduced to banning only one member of the forum per night after that due to their inability to work the admin panel. The last time they touched it they all caused gooseberry fool Tuesday, so they really don't have a clue.

He may be in caps, but THE PEOPLE'S MOD is a pure as they come. Well, sometimes. Other times he's a traitorous back-stabbing Bluehat who assumed power by tricking all those around him.
Once a day the people can vote on who they want to represent them, the so-called PEOPLE'S MOD. Anyone can run for PEOPLE'S MOD, even Bluehats, but you can't be voted PEOPLE'S MOD twice in a row. To be clear: You can be THE PEOPLE'S MOD on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but not on Monday and then again on Tuesday.
Once in power, THE PEOPLE'S MOD must decide which two Forum Members are put up for banning that night. Although they are voted in democratically and can listen to people, the final decision of who goes up for the vote is down to them.
THE PEOPLE'S MOD also has the benefit of immunity from any attacks for the night he is in power due to his powerful bodyguard squad of Google [Bot], MSN [Bot] and Yahoo [Bot]. Bluehats fear the [Bot] Army, although the reasons for this aren't exactly clear.

There are, of course, other roles but you'll just have to figure those out for yourselves! :mrgreen:

Some rules that you should know.
1. Roles will be generated using Tiarny's Random Role Generator Program, so I will have no actual say in the roles themselves. They will be truly random, so guessing who I'm like to put as certain roles won't get you anywhere!

2. The Role PM is for you and only you. Please don't show other people your PM, either over Xbox Live, MSN or anything else. This isn't a competition style game and is really only for fun, so please don't bother cheating. You just take the fun out of the guessing portion of the game and risk ruining it for everyone else.

3. When you are dead, you are dead. Unlike previous games once you are dead you can no longer post, no dead posts of any kind are allowed. Please abide by this rule as dead posts in the past have ended up revealing more and more as people push against what is allowed, so please wait until the end of the game if you want to comment on something. If you have some epic revelation then you must do so before the Bluehats make their move, otherwise you cannot reveal it.

4. When you are dead, please don't reveal stuff freely among other dead members. We've had cases of things leaking out in the past due to dead people getting chatty, so I'd ask you to just observe the game from a distance!

Trust is a precious commodity in this game. Spend yours wisely. Good luck, everyone!

Current Player Status
G-Ratasaurus Rex
Brick Tamlin
Look Over There

aaronayl1 - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Dangerblade - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
HM - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Deadpool - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
MCN - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
Charles Carmichael - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Kanbei - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
FatDaz - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
thousand yard stare - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
killaroo - BANNED - ZENIGAME
mcjihge2 - BANNED - ROGUE MOD
Mr.Cholmondley-Warner - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Memento Mori - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
smurphy - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Mockmaster - RETIRED - Regular Forum Member
Eighthours - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
Rog - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Oh Teh Noes - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Irene Demova - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Ars Moriendi - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Hexx - KICKED - Regular Forum Member
Denster - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
final-fx - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Oxx - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Luke_25 - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Drumstick - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Cuttooth - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
gaminglegend - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
chalkitdown - BANNED - BLUEHAT
teh bork - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Hulohot - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Captian Kil - BANNED - BLUEHAT
Benj - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Ario - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Henke - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
A J Styles - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Infibeyen - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Anung - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
satriales - BANNED - ZENIGAME
William Shatner - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
Karlprof - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Parksey - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Buffalo - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Evil Ted - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
Commander Shepard - KICKED - Regular Forum Member
JK - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
mic - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Mr. Yoshi - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
Maurice Merleau-Ponty - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Clarkman - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
Roonmastor - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Falsey - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
zXe - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
DML - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Mind Crime - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
CosmoKramer - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
IGM - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Bigerich - INACTIVE - Regular Forum Member
Trinity - BANNED - Regular Forum Member
Dark Dragon 64 - BANNED - Regular Forum Member

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by C.Y.N.T.H.I.A » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:10 pm

We meet again, fleshy inferior ones. Since I will be performing the role of vote counter and public executioner, the man above me thought it would be best if I explained events to you in words you understand. I told him that there wasn't enough four letter words in exsistence for me to do that, so he has let me use words you probably won't understand instead.

I will be overseeing all voting for which members you would like me to ban during the daily execution, and the day shall go as follows:

Morning: People will fight in the thread and throw around accusations.
Between 1pm and 2pm: THE PEOPLE'S MOD will be elected. He will decide which two members will go up for execution that evening.
Before 6pm: THE PEOPLE'S MOD will publically announce who he/she is putting up for execution, and he will also PM me.
Before 8pm: People will begin to send votes to me (Not to TAP) about who they want to vote. Please put the name of the forumite you are voting for in the Subject Header so you don't overload my circuits when I try to open multiple tabs.
At 8:00pm: I take the stage and publically execute the forum member who recieved the most votes.
Before 10pm: The Bluehats will make their move and ban up to three people.

We'll stick as close to this timeframe as possible, so people will know when everything happens. You can PM me by clicking the little PM icon below this message, or simply by clicking here: Image

In total, 9 Bluehats, 3 Zenigames, 76 Forumites and EVIL ADMIN STEVE begin the game.

Last edited by C.Y.N.T.H.I.A on Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm looking forward to banning the gooseberry fool out of you.
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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Drumstick » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:10 pm


Check out my YouTube channel!
One man should not have this much power in this game. Luckily I'm not an ordinary man.
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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Dangerblade » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:11 pm

I have received my role. I look forwards to playing the game with you all. :)

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Gorrable » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:11 pm

This is going to be awesome. 8-)

Games and Stuff.

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Memento Mori » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:11 pm

9 bluehats eh? Well I'm sure they'll be interested to know I know 5 of them already.

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by SEP » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:11 pm

C.Y.N.T.H.I.A wrote:In total, 9 Bluehats, 3 Zenigames, 76 Forumites and EVIL ADMIN STEVE begin the game.

That's more than the population of Poopgang!

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Denster » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:12 pm


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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Drumstick » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:13 pm

Denster wrote:ITS ON!

Hey Steve.

Check out my YouTube channel!
One man should not have this much power in this game. Luckily I'm not an ordinary man.
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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Cuttooth » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:13 pm

First time AYA?er. 8-)

Spill, Mori. Or do we have to wait?

Last edited by Cuttooth on Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Oh Teh Noes
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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Oh Teh Noes » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:13 pm

Pacman wrote:OTN = Bluehat. He thinks the forumites should be called villagers or something.

No, but there is a particular term used in the PM.

Dr Cottle wrote:My favourite flavour of popsicle is DICK.
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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by HM » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:14 pm

Let the games begin!

Igor wrote:HM is the man you should all strive to be.
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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Infibeyen » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:14 pm

I've been looking forward to this a ridiculous amount. This is my first AYA*. :D

Game on, everyone. 8-)

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Memento Mori » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:14 pm

Cuttooth wrote:First time AWA?er. 8-)

Spill, Mori. Or do we have to wait?

I was building suspense Hattooth.

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Pacman » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:15 pm


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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Psychic » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:15 pm

It's on. 8-)

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by SEP » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:15 pm

Oh Teh Noes wrote:
Pacman wrote:OTN = Bluehat. He thinks the forumites should be called villagers or something.

No, but there is a particular term used in the PM.

Are you purposely trying to get yourself banned on the first night?

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Denster » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:15 pm

Drumstick wrote:
Denster wrote:ITS ON!

Hey Steve.

Sup Ben

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Rog » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:16 pm

And so it begins........well it began about half hour ago in the other thread. But now it begins!

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PostRe: Are You A Bluehat? - The Game Begins!
by Oh Teh Noes » Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:16 pm

Denster wrote:
Drumstick wrote:
Denster wrote:ITS ON!

Hey Steve.

Sup Ben

Hay guise

Dr Cottle wrote:My favourite flavour of popsicle is DICK.

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