The WWE RAW Report

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report
by KK » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:50 pm

WWE Super SmackDown Live! December 16 2014 Results wrote:Image

Location: Van Andel Arena; Grand Rapids
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Michael Cole, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Hour 1

It's been a while since I did one of these. Super SmackDown Live! (the 800th episode) returned with Fandango in the ring alongside Rosa. Roman Reigns' made his way through the crowd for his first in-ring competition since the month of September.

Match 1: In the opening contest of the night, Roman Reigns' defeated Fandango with a Spear at 5:00 in a surprisingly competitive bout.

The commentators revealed Ryback would face Seth Rollins' later tonight.

The building is noticeably empty, with the entirety of the upper deck blacked out.

They re-aired highlights from Sunday's main event between Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose.

Dean Ambrose walked out. He said that on Sunday he and Bray both put each other through hell, and he enjoyed every second of it. Whether an accident, bad karma, or an act of God, he lost. Ambrose said that he noticed something: Bray's fear of being face-to-face with someone as twisted as him. Tomorrow night at Tribute to the Troops their fight continues in a Boot Camp match. Bray suddenly interrupted humming a tune on the TitanTron. Bray said that Dean just doesn't get that the only reason he is still breathing is because he is enjoying "this little game". Bray said if Dean or anybody else could only see the creature that lives behind his eyes we would know he is disdain and a slave to his calling, and therefore can't stop even if he wanted to. Bray vowed not to stop until all the heroes have fallen and all the cities have crumbled. The hatred for our world fuels him. Bray claimed himself as the battle field, and it can't end until he watches it all burn down. Bray then cackled away as we went to black.

The commentators notified us that on Main Event Miz had secured a Divas championship match for Naomi later tonight.

Match 2: In 6 man tag action, The Uso's and Erik Rowan defeated Luke Harper, The Miz and Damien Mizdow (c) at 12:00 when Erik Rowan went up top and delivered a Big Splash onto Miz for the pin.

Backstage Naomi was shown warming up for her match when her husband Jimmy Uso turned up. He apologised for getting a little hot headed earlier on Main Event & wished her luck, telling her he'd be at ringside for the championship match. Naomi said that she appreciated it but this was something she had to do on her own. Jimmy however said he understood & once again wished her all the best

In the RAW REBOUND, they re-aired highlights of Brock Lesnar's return to RAW last night & demolition of Chris Jericho & John Cena.

Seth Rollins, hobbling, made his way out with J&J Security.

A heads-up that WWE SmackDown will be airing on December 23rd (Tuesday) at 9pm in the UK next week, well in advance of its US airing. The show will be taped on Sunday ahead of RAW.

The replayed the conclusion to the Highlight Reel from last night.

As Ryback was making his entrance he was blindsided by Rusev. Rusev kicked him off the stage, and then once more over some crates & behind the black curtains beside the LEDs. Back in the ring, Seth couldn't believe what was continuing to go on around WWE without The Authority, calling it a complete madhouse. At TLC, he was robbed of one of the biggest victories of his career and on RAW, after orchestrating the beat down of both Chris Jericho and John Cena, he valiantly beat John Cena all by himself. Seth said he was ready to compete against Ryback tonight and now this has happened. Seth then realised that it worked out in his favour as after the last two days he has had, nobody deserves a day off more than Mr. Money in the Bank. The two stooges agreed and Seth told Joey Mercury to go start the limo when Dolph Ziggler interrupted and came out onto the stage.

Hour 2

Ziggler said Rollins' was very good at scamming his ways out of things, just like last night with John Cena and again tonight with Ryback. He reminded Seth that The Authority is no longer in power, and that's because of Sting...and him. Dolph then brought up that he also pinned him at Survivor Series, much to the ire of Rollins'. Ziggler said that as Seth is probably contractually obligated to wrestle tonight we should be able to see 'The Architect' & Standard Bearer, & Mr. Money in the Bank, compete tonight. Ziggler then goaded Rollins into agreeing to a match with him tonight after suggesting Rollins' was afraid of him. Outraged, and in spite of protests from Noble and Mercury, Seth agreed to the match. Rollins said he was going to Curb Stomp Dolph’s face into the mat as a Christmas gift to himself. Ziggler said that sounded like a crappy Christmas, & told Seth he was going to get his gear on, steal the show, and beat Seth because that is simply what is "Best for business". Rollins' complained in the ring as SmackDown went to break.

We got a hype video for The Ascension.

They aired highlights from MizTV earlier tonight on the WWE Network.

Match 3: Nikki Bella (w/Brie) defeated Naomi to retain the WWE Divas Championship in 4:00. The Miz came out during the match to cheer on Naomi, which ended up being too much for Jimmy to take. As Jimmy fought Miz up the ramp and to the back, Nikki packaged up Naomi off the distraction. Following the match, Naomi looked like she was going to burst into tears, Jimmy realising his mistake on the stage.

Match 4: In a rematch from RAW, Kane pinned Adam Rose (w/The Rosebuds and The Bunny in a neckbrace) with a Chokeslam in just over a minute. After the match Kane once again Tombstoned The Bunny. One of the Rosebuds was former IMPACT WRESTLING Knockout Taeler Hendrix (the one some accused of being too fat).

In one of their strange pre-tapes, Goldust and Stardust vowed to make Monday's Christmas RAW the most unhappy time of the year. Goldust's tourettes has returned...

Renee Young interviewed Seth Rollins backstage. Seth told her that he didn't expect Renee to understand the intricacies, but John Cena has the power to bring back The Authority, and until he decides to do just that, everything Cena tries he is going to make sure he is unsuccessful at. And if that means working with Paul Heyman, then so be it. As it pertains to Chris Jericho, he waltzed in thinking that he can come in and run RAW when nobody can replace Triple H and Stephanie. They will be back. But until they are, he will take great pride in making everyone’s lives miserable, starting tonight with Dolph Ziggler.

Cody Rhodes' wife Eden is the new(ish) ring announcer, no doubt putting Lilian on borrowed time...

Main Event: Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler pinned Seth Rollins (w/J&J Security) at 15:00 in a great match when, J&J Security having just been ejected from ringside by the referee, Ziggler nailed the ZigZag on Rollins' for the victory. During the match a fan had a sign which read "No gimmicks allowed" confiscated by a miserable looking member of security. Mercury, Noble and Rollins' freaked out in the ring as Ziggler celebrated on the stage to take Super SmackDown Live off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report
by KK » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:51 pm

WWE RAW Results January 5 2015 wrote:Image

Location: American Bank Center; Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Booker T

Hour 1

Incredibly now heading into our 3rd year of doing this - and boy has it felt like it - the first RAW of 2015 kicked off with the return of the opening intro and ballyhoo. In the arena, the entire roster was in and around the ring. John Cena opened by saying The Authority are back in power and their first order of business was to order the WWE roster to the ring. However before they do, Cena said he wanted to apologise for having to go back on his word last week; he had no choice. The health and welling-being of Edge was ultimately far more important. Cena said 2015 is going to be a very tough year. Before he could finish The Authority, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, came out to the sounds of King of Kings. Crowd booed. Stephanie said kicking off the year all sad wasn't how it was done. She then enthusiastically welcomed everyone to RAW. Hunter noted how it was little over 2 months ago everyone was cheering thinking they had left thanks to Sting, and while we won't admit it, we were begging for them both to come back. WWE was in chaos & a sinking ship without The Authority. The company is back where it should be thanks to one man, and that is Seth Rollins. Rollins' then made his way out and embraced Hunter and Stephanie. Crowd chanted "You sold out". Rollins wished Cena a Happy New Year. HHH said everyone owes Rollins' a debt of gratitude. In a few weeks time John Cena faces Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship...but as of this moment that match is now a Triple Threat match involving Seth Rollins. Crowd audibly groaned. Stephanie then thanked John Cena for this moment, as last week he showed his true integrity when he broke his promises. Deep down John Cena showed everyone what is in fact best for business, therefore as a thank you from them tonight will be John Cena Appreciation Night. And while he can act conflicted, his attendance later will be mandatory. Stephanie said The Authority will deliver. As for the rest of the roster in the ring, it's a whole new era devoid of ulterior motives. Triple H sinisterly told everyone that they will get what they deserve. He then announced Dolph Ziggler would face #BadNewsBarret for the Intercontinental Championship next.

At ringside Michael Cole welcomed Booker T to the announce position, and they all wished Jerry Lawler a speedy recovery.

They revealed Roman Reigns will take on Big Show later tonight, in addition to Seth Rollins vs. Ryback &, for the first time ever on RAW, Dean Ambrose will battle Bray Wyatt in an Ambulance match.

Eden Stiles has replaced Lilian Garcia as ring announcer. Cody Rhodes' sure has hit the jackpot with her...

Match 1: In the opening bout Dolph Ziggler pinned #BadNewsBarrett with a backslide at 2:30 to retain the Intercontinental Championship. After the match, a furious Barrett dismantled Ziggler around ringside, throwing him repeatedly into the barricade and steel steps, before tossing him back into the ring and then shoulder-first into the ring post. Concessions Kane then walked out onto the stage and said that The Authority had forgotten to mention that the match was actually 2 out of 3 Falls.

- 2nd Fall: Barrett quickly pinned Dolph Ziggler off the Wasteland to even it up 1 fall a piece.

WWE doctors came into the ring to check on Ziggler as RAW crashed to commercial.

- 3rd Fall: #BadNewsBarrett pinned Ziggler at 6:00 with the Bullhamer Elbow to capture the Intercontinental Championship after Kane got on the apron and caused the distraction.

John Cena Appreciation Night: John Cena débuts on SmackDown, 2002, facing Kurt Angle.

Renee Young interviewed Roman Reigns' backstage. In a somewhat goofy response, Reigns' said Big Show can expect a man faster than a speeding bullet, who can leap over a tall building in a single bound & an individual more powerful than a locomotive train. In other words Big Show can expect Roman Reigns.

Bray Wyatt cut a promo on the TitanTron. He asked what Dean Ambrose's New Year’s Resolution was going to be: to be a better person or to get to know his criminal father better? Bray said Dean will do his time as he has made his bed & therefore will have to lay in it. Bray ended by saying that when Dean is put in ambulance and the door closed, it will end their journey. He says the devil is real. It is not a man with a tail and horns. He is pain. He will be beside him tonight.

In the ring, The Ascension cut a promo. They said there have been a lot of dominant tag teams in WWE history, such as Demolition and The Road Warriors. Imitating Hawk, in which he used to say "What a rush", one retorted more like "What a joke". JBL on commentary fired back "These guys couldn't carry the Road Warriors' bags"

Match 2: The Ascension defeated 2 jobbers in 1:00.

In a pre-tape backstage, Lana said that in 2 days it will be Russia’s Christmas. Rusev said that America needs to keep its nose out of Russia’s business. America always wants to act like it's the World Police. There is only one man who can lead the world to peace and prosperity and that man is Vladimir Putin. Lana ended by saying that there is only one undefeated man who will rise above the rest. His name is Rusev.

John Cena Appreciation Night: John Cena defeated John Layfield from WrestleMania "Goes Hollywood".

Hour 2

Match 3: In an encounter that did nobody any favours whatsoever, Roman Reigns' defeated Big Show by Disqualification at 5:00 when Big Show waffled Reigns' with the steel steps on the outside. Back in the ring, Show went to hit Reigns' with the stairs once again, but was instead nailed with a Spear...the stairs falling onto Show's head. Those of the crowd that could be bothered to react, booed Reigns'.

The replayed the opening segment.

Match 4: Natalya (w/Paige) rolled up Divas' Champion Nikki Bella (w/Brie) at 1:00 in a non-title rematch from last week after Nikki was distracted by Paige beating up her sister on the outside. After the match Nikki attacked Natalya from behind. Paige made the save by kicking Nikki in the face.

Backstage, Dean Ambrose said he wasn't one for New Years Resolutions...all he cares about is kicking Bray Wyatt's arse and throwing him in the back of the ambulance.

The commentators sent their condolences to the family of ESPN's Stuart Scott, who passed away over the weekend.

Eden announced Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury as the 2 Special Guest Referee's for the next match.

Match 5: Luke Harper pinned Erik Rowan with the Clothesline from Hell in 1:00 after Jamie Noble fast counted the 3. Earlier in the match when Rowan went for the cover J&J Security couldn't agree on which of them should make the count. After the match Rowan was nailed with another Clothesline from Harper. He then put Rowan in the Camel Clutch position and J&J hit a Double Dropkick.

John Cena Appreciation Night: June 6, 2005 - John Cena being drafted to RAW.

The commentators reiterated that the WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble will now be a Triple Threat. They then announced that the WWE Network finally arrives in the UK and Ireland on January 19. They didn't mention the price...

Naomi was getting ready backstage in the mirror when Alicia Fox turned up and said nothing will ever come between them. Fox then brought up that Naomi is no longer on Total Divas...before then going ape gooseberry fool and attacking Naomi, leaving her laying in talcum powder. Some divas' arrived and told AF to leave & checked on Naomi.

We got a hype video for Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt recapping their feud.

The ambulance was shown backing up into the arena.

Eden's great. I approve of this replacement for Lilian.

Match 6: Bray Wyatt defeated Dean Ambrose in the Ambulance match at 19:00 after Ambrose was planted with Sister Abigail into the ambulance doors, and then onto the floor itself, and finally chucked in the back of the ambulance. Highlight of what has otherwise been a thoroughly lacklustre programme.

Hour 3

They replayed the opening segment.

Seth Rollins' appears on MizTV on the final Friday Night SmackDown before it moves back to Thursdays.

Match 7: Miz, Mizdow and Alicia Fox defeated Tag Team Champions The Usos and Naomi in 4:00 when Jimmy Uso stopped himself from running into his wife, who was on the ring apron, and Miz rolled him up with a handful of tights.

Before Ryback and Seth Rollins' could get started, Kane made his way back out. Kane apologised for being so forgetful tonight, but he'd 'forgotten' to mention that the next match was actually going to be a 2 on 1 Handicap match.

Match 8 In a dull match, Seth Rollins and Kane (w/J&J Security) beat Ryback in 12:00 with 2 Curb Stomps.

Paige vs. Nikki Bella was announced for tomorrow night's Main Event.

Main Event: Adam Rose (w/The Rosebuds) vs. Big E (w/The New Day) ended in Disqualification when 2 of the Rosebuds ran in and attacked Big E and the rest of The New Day. They pulled off their lycra suits to reveal that it was none other than Tyson Kidd and Cesaro. They both then celebrated with the Rosebuds.

JBL mentioned Garry Anderson defeated Phil Taylor last night. Michael Cole & Booker T no-sold it completely.

Stephanie, Triple H, Kane and J&J Security were shown talking in the hallway.

With the black carpet rolled out in the ring, Stephanie McMahon and husband Triple H made their way out for the culmination of John Cena Appreciation Night. Stephanie, after botching one of her lines, welcomed John Cena out. Out marched Cena looking miserable. Triple H repeatedly said "John Cena" to moderate pops each time.


They replayed the conclusion to RAW last week. Again. Stephanie said a hero is someone who perseveres despite overwhelming circumstances. Stephanie told Cena that he was her hero. Triple H chimed in that despite their problems he saw something bigger in Cena. He saw that greatness before anyone else & John Cena reached heights nobody thought he would reach. Triple H told Cena he appreciates him, and would now like to bring out some other people that, if they don't appreciate Cena now, they will by the end of the night. Ryback hobbled out, followed by Erik Rowan (I honestly was expecting him to say Eric Bischoff for some strange reason...) & finally Dolph Ziggler. Because of John Cena's actions, it was now time for the three men in the ring to face their consequences for joining Team Cena at Survivor Series. Hunter said Erik Rowan wasn't really a big player in this, and came into Survivor Series at the last minute...and rather sheepishly at that. So 30 days suspension with no pay? Moving their attention to Ryback, Stephanie sugested suspending him for 60 days with no pay. Finally they moved on to Dolph Ziggler, who having just seen how this was playing out, suggested 90. Hunter and Steph left the ring to mull over their decision for a suitable punishment. Upon reaching the top of the ramp, Stephanie then fired all 3 of them, and they can all thank & appreciate John Cena for losing their livelihoods, with him instead opting to reinstate The Authority. Confetti, patriotic parade music, & balloons began falling from the ceiling while Cena just stood there looking like he was going to burst into tears. Stephanie and Hunter smooched on the stage to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: January 12 2015
by KK » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:52 pm

WWE RAW Results 12/1/15 wrote:Image

Location: New Orleans
Commentators: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Booker T

Hour 1

Monday Night RAW kicked off with BALLYHOO & NOISE, which seemed louder than it's been in quite some time. John Cena then came out all excited & jovial. Lilian Garcia has also returned. I don't know why Cena is so overjoyed...Cena said this isn't going to be like last week. Despite Triple H being a 13 time champion and an automatic Hall of Famer he's ended up as a slimy, power hungry sociopath who wakes up every day just to make people's lives miserable. Cena asked if the crowd thought Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, and Erik Rowan deserved to be fired. Crowd said "No". Cena then asked if they wanted to see them all back tonight on RAW. Crowd responded with chants of "Yes!". John continued that as everyone has a voice we all need to get on social networks and use the hashtag #AuthoritySucks. And if they're too death, blind and stupid, which Cena said he knows Steph and Triple H are, then he has a Plan B: win at the Rumble & leave as WWE Champion. Crowd booed. John Cena said once he's won the championship he's going to go straight home until they re-employ those they fired last week. No WWE Championship on RAW. Oh, you mean like Brock Lesnar has been doing for the past 4 months. This then brought out The Authority down to the ring. Cole on commentary told us that those fired last week had received no severance pay from WWE. Steph mocked the hashtag idea. Triple H said he expected more of Cena than just taking his proverbial ball and going home. These opening promos sure do go on for strawberry floating decades, don't they. Hunter announced that they are going to give Cena the chance to be the hero again. HHH asked the crowd if they'd like to see Rollins, Ziggler and Ryback back in WWE. All Cena has to do is win his match tonight against Seth Rollins in a Lumberjack match...and that match is NEXT. The locker room, which included the likes of Big Show, Bad News Barrett, Curtis Axel, Fandango, Kane and Titus O'Neil (all heels basically), then immediately made their way to the ring. Why, that was sure convenient...

Match 1: Seth Rollins defeated John Cena in the Lumberjack match at 14:00 when everyone interfered. In the end Big Show delivered a Knock Out punch on the outside and Cena was lifted and tossed back into the ring for the pin.

Michael Cole revealed John Cena and Seth Rollins would both be back later, alongside WWE Champion Brock Lesnar, to sign the contract for their Triple Threat match at the Royal Rumble. Daniel Bryan also returns, discussing the Rumble match, ahead of his return to the ring on Thursday SmackDown.

Stephanie McMahon was in the RAW office talking to The Uso brothers and Dean Ambrose. She said that she wants to address a few things that were said that apparently took place on SmackDown. Stephanie said that while she knows the Usos have animosity towards The Authority about the firings, everyone knows it was due to John Cena, & not them. The Usos seemed surprised at the lack of a punishment. Stephanie in turn acted surprised at such an insinuation. The Uso's went to leave, Stephanie then announcing that Jimmy's wife Naomi would have to compete later with one hand tied behind her back. Turning her attention to Ambrose, he said as he was acting erratically having checked himself out of the hospital he is therefore deemed a threat to others. A doctor (Corbin/Corbie/Corben - take your pick, for whatever it's worth) walked in. She revealed that if he couldn't pass the examination tonight, he will be out of the Rumble match.

The Miz and Mizdow cut a promo on the Golden Globes. Miz congratulated George Clooney on his award.

Dean Ambrose was receiving his examination with some dodgy doctor. A clock loudly ticked away on a table...Dean was suddenly transfixed by it as we crashed to break. I remember WCW putting their top heels in goofy segments too...

Match 2: Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods (w/Big E) defeated Cesaro and Tyson King (w/The Exotic Express and Natalya) when Kofi pinned Tyson in 4:00.

They announced that Randy Savage is "expected" to be announced as an inductee into the Hall of Fame later tonight. We then got a compilation of various wrestlers including Daniel Bryan, Big Show, Paige and Roman Reigns attempting to say "Oooooh yeah".

Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels & Scott Hall will all be on RAW next week for what is being billed as a "RAW Reunion" special.

Hour 2

Big Show made his way out for a boring promo. Crowd told him he sucked and that he sold out. Show said the first day on the job he beat Hulk Hogan. Crowd chanted "boring" at him. Show told the crowd they're losers. After ranting about something or other that I mentally tuned out of, he moved onto Roman Reigns, who he doesn't see as competition. If we're Roman Reigns' fans, by proxy we're losers too. Reigns then came in through the crowd. Big Show left up the aisle. Roman asked where he was going. Roman said he remembers when Show won the WCW title from Hogan at Halloween Havoc, as he was only 12 years old...maybe. We then got pre-school story time with Roman Reigns. "Once upon a time there was a little boy named Roman Reigns. And Roman Reigns had magic beans. And those magic beans sprouted a gigantic bean stalk. And he found a goose, golden eggs, a magical harp and golden coins. There was a giant protecting the treasure..." This was dying a slow death. Well, until Reigns came out with "Wham! Bam! Thank You Ma'am!" which led to the crowd booing Reigns again. Vince McMahon is MURDERING this guy. Big Show seethed on the ramp, until Luke Harper strolled out. And you thought his promo on Friday was bad...

Match 3: Roman Reigns defeated Luke Harper at 10:00 with the Spear in a match greeted by mass apathy from the crowd. After the match Big Show beat up Reigns & delivered a Knock Out punch. Everyone came out of this looking bad.

Naomi was shown talking to her husband backstage.

The Miz and Mizdow cut another promo on the Golden Globes. Mizdow said that for the last 6 months he has secretly had a camera crew in Miz's home filming his every move. He announced "Manhood" coming to a theatre near you soon. Miz looked appalled.

Match 4: Alicia Fox defeated Naomi (who had one armed tied behind her back) with a horrible looking Scissor Kick to the back in front of a crowd so epically dead not even Naomi's arse hanging out could save it.

As the silliness continued, Dean Ambrose was in a room playing Image Association with the doctor. First up he showed a photo of Triple H. Ambrose responded "Irritable bowel syndrome". "Scumbag" for Seth Rollins. "Brother" for Reigns. The doctor then held up a photo of Kane, to which Ambrose replied "toothpaste" (I wonder how many in the crowd got the reference...). Hacksaw Jim Duggan was greeted with "Ho!". Finally a photo of Stephanie McMahon was...yes, you guessed it, greeted with "Hoe!" as well.

Because we apparently have to see the same people multiple times over on this programme, WWE Champion Brock Lesnar, accompanied by Paul Heyman, made their way out. The pyro exploding from the ring posts is back. Heyman opened by reminding everyone that Undertaker was defeated in this very city last April by airing highlights on the Tron. Heyman then ran through Lesnar's various accolades. Nothing of real note was said & this promo just came across as a way to fill 5 minutes.

More "Oooooh Yeah" attempts from various Superstars. The punch line was Kane simply shaking his head and refusing to do it.

Match 5: The Miz (w/Damien Mizdow) pinned Jey Uso (w/Jimmy Uso) off the Skull Crushing Finale in 2:00.

Hour 3

Daniel Bryan came out to kick off the 3rd & final hour (thank Christ). He began by joking around, saying he couldn't remember what happened last time he was in New Orleans. "Not bad for a lumberjack B plus player". Daniel Bryan said it was only right that he declare his intentions of winning the Rumble match in New Orleans, and this year he's going to do it all over again and main event WrestleMania. This brought out Stephanie McMahon again, as RAW apparently only has a roster of 5. She was clutching her fitness DVD & wanted to give it as a gift...but not before quite blatantly plugging the damn thing first. She reminded Bryan that reality came crashing down for him in 2014. We got highlights of Kane Tombstoning Bryan all over the place from RAW & being stretchered out. Steph claimed an A Plus player stays on top, whereas Bryan has been out 8 months. For some reason the fans believe in him. He represents the average Joe. Stephanie asked Bryan if he really believes in himself & whether he was ready to do this all over again. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" was the obvious reply to that. Bryan quipped that Steph should join in with the chant as it's probably a better work out than her DVD. "Hoe!". Bryan said he wouldn't stop fighting & prove Steph wrong one more time. Stephanie said that as he wants to fight so bad, his first match will be on SmackDown...against KANE. Corporate Kane then strolled on out. Before he could get in the ring, Bryan Dropkicked Kane through the ropes and they got into it around ringside. Kane managed to get the upper hand, sending him into the ring steps. Kane was about to Tombstone Bryan onto the steps but Bryan reversed and sent him into the ring post instead. Bryan regained control before referee's ran down and managed to pull Bryan off Kane, but not before a suicide dive through the ropes back onto Kane on the outside. Kane then managed to retreat up the ramp to the back.

Seth Rollins was mouthing off about John Cena to J&J Security when Brock Lesnar walked up to him. 'So this is the guy who beat John Cena and weaselled his way into the championship match'. Rollins replied that he is the future of the WWE. Lesnar said the future starts when he says it starts. Paul Heyman stepped in, and told Rollins maybe they can work together instead at the Rumble by eliminating Cena first, leaving just the two of them to fight it out.

Match 6: Brie Bella (Nikki) rolled up Paige (w/Tyson Kidd and Natalya) at 2:00 after Tyson got on the apron and accidentally distracted Paige in a nothing match. Afterwards Paige slapped Tyson and walked off. Natalya smirked.

John Cena was shown sitting in his locker room deep in contemplation.

We got highlights of the Ambulance match between Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt from last week.

Bray Wyatt cut a quick pre-taped promo on the Rumble match.

Michael Cole announced that Randy Savage will be inducted into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame. We got a package on the "Macho Man". Back in the arena, the crowd chanted "Thank you Savage" & "Randy Savage". Hulk Hogan will induct.

The Ascension cut an inset-promo, saying they're better than the Powers of Pain, Road Warriors and Demolition.

Match 7: The Ascension beat a couple of jobbers in 1:00. JBL buried the jobbers asking where the hell they found them, & asked why they were the only ones facing nobodies. Michael Cole and Booker T meanwhile attempted to put them over...kind of.

Dean Ambrose said he thought he had made a lot of the camera panned back to reveal the doctor the one on the patient couch crying & working through his own problems. Ambrose said that he'll make sure the doctor receives the professional help he needs if he signs off on the papers. As he did so, Ambrose then called him a spineless, heap of cow dung. Before leaving, he then stuck the boot in some more by telling the poor guy that yes, it is weird the doc sits down to piss. The doctor continued to cry his eyes out.

In the ring, Lana said Ryback was supposed to face Rusev tonight but he got canned. She thanked The Authority for firing him, and John Cena for failing to get Ryback's job back. Crowd chanted "USA" so she of course told them to shut up. She asked the crowd to think how Ryback must feel sitting at home. Maybe he can get a job at a deli, or somewhere else he mentioned in his stupid story. Rusev called him a spineless man who deserved to be fired. Crowd gave him the "What" treatment. Rusev said Ryback is lucky he isn't in the Rumble match as he would only get thrown over the top rope along with 28 other superstars. Dean Ambrose interrupted & proceeded to beat up Rusev, Dropkicking him right out of the ring. Rusev flipped out at the announce table as RAW headed to commercial.

Main Event: Rusev (w/Lana) defeated Dean Ambrose at 4:00 after the referee called the match off due to excessive arse kicking. This made zero sense. After the match Rusev kicked Ambrose in the head.

Backstage Seth Rollins, alongside J&J Security, were shown heading towards the ring.


In the ring, Stephanie and Hunter were ready for the contract singing. She plugged the Network for 9.99. A black table/red carpet combo was set up in the ring. Rollins came out first, followed by Mr "Hustle, Loyalty and Broken Promises" John Cena. Finally WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was introduced, and out he came accompanied by Paul Heyman. For a 2nd time, Lesnar received pyro. Sure blowing the budget on that with this show. There was a sign in the crowd which humorously read "RAW: Ratings Are Weak".. Heyman said he wasn't happy the match was now a Triple Threat, as Lesnar doesn't have to be the one pinned or tapped out. Rollins said Lesnar has a list of accomplishments, and yet he can't handle a Triple Threat match? While he doesn't have the same list of accomplishments as Brock Lesnar, Lesnar doesn't have his either. There's been more talk on this show than an Eastenders omnibus. Lesnar said he conquered the Undertaker, Triple H and John Cena. Cena stepped in & said that while Lesnar doesn't have to be pinned at the Rumble, he will be. Cena vowed to kick everyone's ass. Cena signed the contract, followed by Lesnar. Rollins reminded Cena how all his prior plans have gone to the wall, just like he is going to fail once again at the Rumble. Rollins went to hit Cena with the briefcase, but Cena saw it coming & countered. Lesnar snuck up from behind and suplexed both men. Quickly recovering, John Cena then grabbed Lesnar and AA'ed hm through the table. Rollins following it up with a Curb Stomp to both John Cena...and Brock Lesnar.

They aired a quick trailer for Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story on the WWE Network.

Back in the arena, Rollins and The Authority were shown standing tall on the stage in celebration to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: January 19 2015
by KK » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:53 pm

WWE RAW Results 1/19/15 wrote:Image

Location: Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Booker T

- An extended video package for Martin Luther King Day aired.

Hour 1

With one week until the Royal Rumble, WWE RAW REUNION crashed onto the air with with BALLYHOO and EXPLOSIONS happening all over the place. In front of a sell-out crowd of 15,519 WWE Champion Brock Lesnar marched on down to the ring alongside Paul Heyman, accompanied by more pyro. Before Paul Heyman could go through his usual spiel Brock Lesnar cut him off & demanded Seth Rollins bring his arse to the ring & said that when he shows up it is "business time, baby" (remember Donald Trump constantly saying "baby" when talking about Bobby Lashley. Much amusement was had by all...). Triple H then interrupted, & told Brock that while he understands why he is upset as Seth embarrassed him last week, he did suplex Seth Rollins first. Triple H then noted that Brock Lesnar would have probably done the same thing if given the opportunity. Hunter said that if they all calmed down then maybe they can go get Brock a nice big juicy steak while he & Paul talk like businessmen. Paul Heyman liked this. Brock, on the other hand, asked HHH if he was here to fix this or to fight? Stephanie McMahon then interjected, flanked by Kane and Big Show. Steph told Brock to think about his intentions, & ordered Paul to fix things with his client. Stephanie said that The Authority wasn't trying to put Brock on the defensive. Seth Rollins then turned up on the TitanTron & proceeded to antagonise Lesnar some more, telling the WWE Champion - who he referred to as a "caveman" - as always being 2 steps behind him. Paul stepped in & told Seth this conversation was between the adults, and then ordered Hunter to put a leash on the puppy before Brock fixes it for him & they end up with a drastically depleted roster. Whoever fixes this, at the end of the Title Match at the Royal Rumble, you will hear "The winner...and STILL Undisputed...". Before Paul could get his words out, John Cena's music hit and out he strolled onto the ramp. Cena told Rollins' to shut up. Cena has yet more new merch. Cena reminded them all that a long time back, The Authority asked him to join them and he had told them "Hell No". Then they concocted this plan to get rid of John Cena, which is why Brock Lesnar is back. Well they can keep him as they lit a fire under him & he will never give up. He will knock the teeth out of their mercenary and the protégé. Cena said that they used politics to get 3 men fired & he will therefore do whatever it takes to get them back. He called Steph and Hunter two big piles of ash...which makes them the world's biggest "Ashholes". As Cena was about to leave feeling all smug about his witty banter, Stephanie cut his music and called him back. Stephanie said this was going to be the turning point in Cena's career, as while John used to overcome the odds, that is something John used to do. John lied to everyone by bringing The Authority back. Cena's used the word "fire", but he is the one single handedly responsible for those three men getting fired and losing their livelihoods. Stephanie said no one wants to cheer or see Cena, let alone see him win at the Royal Rumble. Seth then chimed back in & called John a loser. Last week John failed to get his friends their jobs back & this Sunday, John will fail again. If there is one thing that Brock and he can agree on is that John needs to step away, take himself out of the match at the Royal Rumble, and tuck his legs...tail between his legs. The crowd picked up on Seth's snafu and booed. Cena didn't help by then pointing out Seth's mistake & laughing at his ineptitude. Cena then proposed a stipulation for the Rumble: when he wins the Championship, he also wins Ziggler, Rowan, and Ryback their jobs back. Hunter wasn't having it, however he was willing to do something tonight...on one condition. John Cena puts something on the line, that being his WWE Championship place in the Triple Threat. Lesnar and Heyman smiled. Stephanie asked John if he was willing to lose his opportunity to get them their jobs back. Hunter said he was going to leave it up to the WWE Universe on the WWE App to choose John’s fate. Will John fight and risk it all or will the 3 men remain fired? What does the WWE Universe really think of John Cena? The announcers then told us how to download the App on Android phones.

In surely one of the longest opening segments in RAW history, the show finally went to break 23 minutes in...

Match 1: In the opening contest, and in front of a very lively crowd, Bray Wyatt defeated Daniel Bryan in 16:00 with Sister Abigail after Kane interfered and pulled Bryan off the ring apron, Bryan falling head first. After the match Kane planted Bryan with a Chokeslam & pounded on him with repeated punches. The crowd, unsurprisingly, deflated completely. The announcers bigged up the match between Kane and Bryan for Thursday, in which if Bryan loses he's out of the Royal Rumble.

Triple H was on the phone backstage in the RAW office when Scott Hall and Kevin Nash walked in. Scott Hall sarcastically told Hunter he loved the suit. Shawn Michaels turned up and all 3 of them joked around. He asked HHH to join them on the Legend's Panel later, and also wanted to know what was up with him wearing a suit like Vince. Hunter did the blatant plug for Shawn's Remington T-Shirt and said he doesn’t go around telling Shawn how to kill innocent animals. Nash asked where X-Pac was. Right on cue, X-Pac turned up. Crowd cheered. Another X-Pac then walked in. Much to my genuine surprise, the 1st X-Pac was actually Damien Mizdow in disguise. Amazing. X-Pac and Mizdow then started mimicking each other. X-Pac told him he was hired. Miz then walked in and told them that Mizdow was HIS stunt double. Miz went to do a "too sweet" hand sign but everyone blanked him instead. Nash went to do it but then combed his hair back. As Miz walked off, Nash asked Hunter "What kinda show are you running?" Triple H then put his head in his hands & they all laughed.

They recapped the closing moments of the opening segment.

Hour 2

John Cena was shown talking to Renee Young backstage.

With Byron Saxton in the ring, right at the top of the hour, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels made their respective ways into the ring. Michaels' feigned being worn out from his entrance. Flair said his Rumble victory was the biggest moment of his career. Michaels said it's the epitome of what's in the future. If you win the Rumble, the future is WrestleMania. Hogan said he remembered the competition in the Rumble matches & claimed Hulkamania helped him survive. Michaels predicted a Bray Wyatt victory, Hogan Daniel Bryan and Ric Flair Dean Ambrose, who got the biggest reaction. Big Show eventually interrupted and demanded the 3 geriatrics leave the ring. Ric Flair decided to chop & ineffectually punch away at Big Show instead. Big Show, in return, levelled him with a KO punch. As Hogan and Michaels checked on Flair in the ring, Roman Reigns came out through the crowd to make the save. Big Show and Reigns' went face-to-face in the ring. Show demanded Reigns' get out of his ring. They then got into it, Reigns' clotheslining Show right out of the ring, Big Show landing hard on his shoulder on the floor. The Showster then slinked away up the ramp looking like he was about to burst into tears. Reigns and the legends meanwhile checked on Flair and helped him to the back.

As the incessant talking continued, Renee Young notified John Cena backstage that 85% had voted for John Cena to put his Championship opportunity at the Rumble on the line tonight against a mystery opponent(s).

For those keeping up, in an HOUR AND A HALF there has been a grand total of 16 minutes of in-ring action.

Match 2: Dean Ambrose pinned Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett with Dirty Deeds at 8:00 in a non-title outing.

The Dallas Cowboys were shown in the front row.

We got the yearly tweaked 'all about the numbers' video package hyping the Royal Rumble match. The announcers meanwhile reminded everyone that the WWE Network is now available in the UK and Ireland. A $9.99 graphic was shown on screen while they said this...

The New Day came out preaching to the ring. Hell, they even got blue pyro. Quite frankly you could set off fireworks for the rest of the show for all it matters because this gimmick isn't getting over.

Match 3: Big E & Kofi Kingston (Xavier Woods) defeated Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya & Adam Rose) in 3:00 when Kingston pinned Cesaro. After the match New Day celebrated with the Rosebuds...much to the chagrin of Rose.

Hour 3

The final hour of Nitro kicked off with the arrival of the nWo & yet MORE TALKING. I'm starting to think Kevin Nash himself may be booking this show. No, Nash didn't tear his quad walking down the ramp. "Hey Yo". Hall said everyone knows you can't have a reunion without the nWo. He then did a survey asking the crowd if they were here for the reunion or the reunion with the..."n...W...o". Christ these guys looked strawberry floating old. Nash then took credit for Steve Austin...DX...and the entire Attitude era. Nash then claimed that people say they have egos but the truth is the nWo is responsible for everything that has ever been created. Syxx asked the crowd to make a little noise. The Ascension then made their way out. Crowd booed. A bit. "Welcome to RAW Reunion. It's the nWo. The Wolfpac. All we see is 3 old dogs just waiting to be put out of their misery." "You suck" was the response from the crowd. Nash laughed his tits off at that. Crowd now started chanting "nWo". Hall threw his toothpick at The Ascension. JBL then got up from the table and got in the ring too. He said he had made a little phone call. JBL tore his shirt off to reveal none other than an APA shirt underneath. Ron Simmons then walked on out. He took about 9 hours to get to the ring. Crowd chanted "APA". As if this burial of these Road Warrior knock-offs wasn't enough, Billy Gunn and Road Dogg interrupted. They then all destroyed The Ascension right out of the WWE. The nWo's music played once more to take WCW rebooked to commercial break.

They replayed the closing moments of John Cena's interview with Renee Young from earlier. Triple H and Stephanie were shown playing on their smartphone, the announcers telling us we'd find out who Cena will be wrestling in the main event NEXT.

Triple H revealed, after all the speculation, John Cena will face Seth Rollins. To no reaction. And Big Show. To even less reaction. And Kane. Like a morgue. This was interlaced with comedy involving a drummer who kept stopping at the wrong time or playing the drum roll too loudly. A trumpet then appeared on the right of the screen & he played sad music (Military Taps, I believe).

The Bellas' were out for commentary. Paige and Natalya against the Bella Twins was announced for Sunday.

Match 4: Paige and Natalya defeated Summer Rae and Alicia Fox in 3:00 when somebody tapped out. I was too busy writing this to pay any attention. Some of the crowd attempted a "CM Punk" chant.

R-Truth came out rapping & told Rusev every superstar was coming for him at the Rumble. "Whoop there it is". One hell of a shitty show this has become.

Match 5: In a non-title bout, Rusev dismantled R-Truth in under a minute with the Camel Clutch.

Brock Lesnar confronted Seth Rollins backstage. Lesnar said that he hopes Cena is defeated tonight, as on Sunday he will be paid to take out Rollins. "...and I will take you out.". Rollins pretty much shat himself. Someone in the crowd screamed "SUPER DRAGON".

Match 6: As the never ending variation of this match continues, Jey Uso (w/Jimmy Uso) pinned Miz (w/Damien Mizdow) in 3:00 in a really crappy match. JBL on commentary asked whether Miz was tanned by moonlight. I don't see how this undercard could possibly be any worse or be treated as more of a joke.

The commentators continued to tell us that if we're watching the Royal Rumble on cable and satellite we're strawberry floating idiots. Sky then went and aired a Royal Rumble commercial during the next break.

Hogan was interviewed backstage on John Cena's chances tonight. Cena's going to win everything basically. Cole, channelling Tony Schiavone in his attempt to make the commentators look as stupid as possible, said that if Cena wins it would be "the biggest upset in RAW history!"

The Ascension will take on the New Age Outlaws at the Royal Rumble. Yes, you read that correctly.

The Authority were at ringside. John Cena came out in jovial spirits for some strawberry floating reason and made sure his new merchandise was highly visible to everyone at home.

Main Event: In a 3-on-1 Handicap match refereed by WCW President Charles Robinson, John Cena defeated Big Show, Kane, Seth Rollins (w/J&J Security) & copious amounts of interference at 13:00 when Sting shockingly appeared on the TitanTron. Sting then walked out onto the stage, distracting everyone and allowing John Cena to roll up Seth Rollins in the ring.


With the crowd chanting "Yes!" Triple H then went ape gooseberry fool on the announce table and screamed for Sting. Crowd broke out into a massive "We want Sting" chant. What they got instead was a livid Brock Lesnar accompanied by Paul Heyman. Lesnar got straight in the ring and went straight after Rollins. He then F5'ed Kane, went back to beating the piss out of Seth Rollins, and F5'ed the Big Show too for good measure. Seth Rollins along with J&J Security then high-tailed it right out of the building as Lesnar seethed in the ring, taking RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report
by KK » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:54 pm

WWE RAW Results 01/26/15 wrote:Image

Location: WWE Headquarters; Stamford, Connecticut
In Studio: Michael Cole, Booker T and John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Hour 1

24 hours removed from a Royal Rumble so successful it resulted in #CancelWWENetwork trending worldwide for hours on end, WWE RAW comes to you Live from...erm...WWE Headquarters in Stamford! Michael Cole, alongside Booker T, welcomed us to this unique broadcast. They’re sitting in front of the same TV facility they use for the WWE RAW Pre-Show on the WWE Network. They started by discussing the weather situation and impending blizzard that is about to engulf the North East of the United States. In a move reminiscent of WCW Nitro in July and then again in October of 1998, and a monumental slap in the face to anyone who actually did pay the full £20/$50 for last night, they revealed that they’d be showing the entirety of Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins from last night’s Royal Rumble…in addition to the “controversial” Royal Rumble match, also in full (albeit broken up by commercial breaks). I bet the Pay Per View providers who’ve got encore presentations are really thrilled. If Goldberg vs. DDP from Halloween Havoc is anything to go by though this might prove to be a huge ratings winner for WWE. Cole promoted an exclusive interview with Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman for later tonight.
Cameras then shot to outdoors where JBL was on the roof of WWE Headquarters…drawing on a paper notice board & giving the weather forecast. He then went on a massive rant as to why they’d stuck him on the roof in the freezing cold.

ROYAL RUMBLE REPLAY: Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) defeated John Cena and Seth Rollins in an excellent Triple Threat match to retain the WWE Championship at 23:00 when Brock Lesnar F5’ed Seth Rollins for the pin.

Back Live at WWE HQ, Michael Cole said we’d hear from both Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins tonight in exclusive interviews.

“Rise" by David Guetta (featuring Skylar Grey) is one of the official theme tunes for WrestleMania 31.

Back from commercial, Michael Cole conducted a sit-down interview with Seth Rollins. Rollins said his performance last night spoke volumes about why he deserved to be in that match. For the past month he has put Brock Lesnar down with the Curb Stomp, which is why he fully expected it to put him down again at the Rumble when he hit 2. They continued to discuss the pivotal moments within the match. Rollins said he thought he had Cena when he nailed the Curb Stomp, but instead Lesnar jumped back in. He may have underestimated Lesnar, but Lesnar also underestimated him too. Seth said that while Lesnar may be Champion he doesn’t have the Money in the Bank contract: Plan B. Cole revealed Lesnar would be here for his interview next. Rollins responded by saying that if Lesnar wants the seat he’s sitting in then he’s going to have to come kick him off it. Rollins smirked as RAW went to break.

Back Live Brock Lesnar strolled onto set. Lesnar said Rollins was sitting in his chair. Rollins got up and told Lesnar to take it…but not before pushing the chair down. Rollins then slinked off. Lesnar quipped that somebody seemed a little upset at getting their ass beat last night; he on the other hand feels pretty good. He has suffered from a lot of injuries in his career, but he gets through it. Lesnar confirmed to Michael Cole that he has a broken rib. Cole asked if this was all about being at odds with The Authority. Heyman said this was a mutually exploitative industry. The Authority need a box office attraction, and the answer is Brock Lesnar. WWE have a problem with someone like Cena, then the answer is Lesnar. As long as Authority pays what Lesnar is worth, Lesnar will stick around.

Hours 2 and 3

They replayed the conclusion to Lesnar’s match against Undertaker from last year. Cole asked how Lesnar overcame the mind games & psychological warfare of Undertaker. “Same way I overcame all the odds my entire life: I respects nobody”. Heyman asked why anyone is surprised at these results as Lesnar is a once in a lifetime athlete. Cole then spoiled the Rumble outcome by asking Lesnar what he thought of Reigns’ victory. “I’m happy for him” was Lesnar’s response to that. “I hope he’s up for the challenge”. Cole asked Heyman if he thinks Reigns can beat his client. Heyman simply replied with “No”. Upon finding out Reigns will be here later in the night, Lesnar responded with “Good, maybe I can meet this guy”.

Back in studio they’re referring to it as “The Blizzard of 2015”.

ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH REPLAY: Roman Reigns won the 30 man Royal Rumble after finally eliminating Big Show, Kane, and Rusev to gain a Championship match against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31.

Byron Saxton conducted a sit down interview with Roman Reigns. Amidst technical problems with the audio, Reigns said he isn’t the most experienced wrestler in the locker room but he's always been thrown in at the deep end. We then got a riveting story about how he learnt to swim. Saxton asked Reigns about the crowd reaction to his victory last night. Saxton said some people think the fans treated him unfairly. Reigns said that as a little boy who dreamed about winning the Royal Rumble, he had pictured a warmer response. But life isn't fair & the fans in Philadelphia paid their hard-earned money to cheer and boo who they wanted. Saxton then noted “the critics” who think Reigns has been hand-picked for success by WWE management. Reigns replied by saying that if he was hand-picked, then thanks for the opportunity, but you still have to capitalise on it and deliver – and no matter what happens he has to go in the ring by himself and perform. Reigns said he was thankful for the help from his cousin, The Rock. Reigns said he's never really put it out there in public, but his blood is The Rock, Umaga, Peter Maivia, The Usos and Rikishi. Reigns said he looks forward to returning the favour to his family. He also looks forward to meeting Brock Lesnar in the main event of WrestleMania 31…and meeting him face-to-face tonight.

Back with the announce team, they replayed John Cena’s confrontation with Rusev from the Rumble Post-Show. Cole revealed that The Authority had originally designed this match to take place at WrestleMania, however John Cena will now face Rusev in the main event of Fast Lane next month. Michael Cole also announced that Triple H had challenged Sting to a face-to-face confrontation at Fast Lane.

We got a video package on the latest inductee into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame – none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger. They had various superstars – Ryback, Miz, Paige, Big E, Dean Ambrose, The Outlaws - trying to do his signature catchphrases

Outside, Dean Ambrose was shown walking through the blizzard to enter the building.

Inside WWE HQ Dean Ambrose was shown testing out the thermostat. Byron Saxton turned up and asked Ambrose how he had managed to find his way from Hartford. "I took a nice walk…it's not that far." He said he caught a ride from Philly to Hartford, then woke up and found out that RAW was happening at WWE headquarters today. He said he had hitched a ride on a pick-up truck & sat on a few bales of hay (clearly been watching Ric Flair on Nitro…), got into an altercation with someone at a petrol station which resulted in him nearly losing a finger, bought some hiking boots, and finally made it to RAW. He said it's just like the Road to WrestleMania, which is full of dangerous conditions and twists and turns. He vowed to make it to WrestleMania before walking off asking if there were any posters of him around here that he could look at.

In another sit-down interview (these are being done in much the same manner as Michael Cole and Triple H on, Renee Young welcomed Daniel Bryan. Last year Bryan and the WWE Universe formed the Yes! Movement, riding it all the way into WrestleMania. Bryan said he was never supposed to be in the WrestleMania main event because The Authority doesn't see him at that level. But the fans finally got him there. He said winning at WrestleMania XXX was a win for the fans. However shortly after that he was brutally attacked by Kane and put out of action. Bryan said to have it all taken away so quickly was devastating, and he felt like he had let down the fans as they were the ones who put him there. But you can’t feel sorry for yourself, so he had to change his state of mind: he had to get healthy & win back the WWE Championship one more time. Moving onto last night, Bryan said just like the fans he was disappointed that he was eliminated so quickly, and disappointed that Roman Reigns won – not because he’s Roman Reigns, but because it wasn’t him. Bryan said he thought he’d win the Royal Rumble and go on to face Brock Lesnar, ‘the ultimate goliath vs. the ultimate David’. The perfect story on a silver platter, but quite honestly he failed. Bryan said that was on him; Roman Reigns saw an opportunity and took it. Bryan on the other hand had the opportunity and he didn’t take it. Granted, he didn’t have The Rock helping him out, but if Reigns can make the same sacrifices he and others like Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose has made then he has no doubt Reigns can put on a great match at WrestleMania. Renee revealed that (in a rematch of a rematch of a rematch of a…) Daniel Bryan will face Kane in a Casket match on the Live edition of SmackDown. Bryan said he may have a smile on his face tonight but he is mad as hell & pissed off; he will do anything on Thursday night to put an end to this feud with Kane once and for all.

Over-run (yes, really)

Michael Cole at the interview position welcomed Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar. Before he could continue Paul Heyman interrupted. Heyman shook Reigns’ hand and said he has always respected him and his accomplishment last night. He then asked Reigns if he could be the one to ask the questions tonight instead of Cole. Reigns shrugged and said “I’ve got nothing to hide”. Heyman quipped that some would say that was his first mistake, & then asked Cole to leave. Heyman said that he has known Reigns’ family longer than Reigns himself. He said that he also knows The Rock, just like Brock Lesnar knows The Rock too. In 2002 he ruled the roost around WWE. He was WWE Champion. And the fantasy was that was going to last forever. But then that fantasy ran up against a rookie, the next big thing, Brock Lesnar. And he took the Championship from him. Heyman then asked Reigns if he remembered the rematch on Pay Per View…which didn’t happen, as The Rock never asked for a rematch because 1 match was all The Rock could handle. Heyman wondered why a family member, his blood, hadn’t told him who and what he is fighting at WrestleMania. He then asked Reigns how he was going to deal with disappointing his family when he inevitably loses. Reigns then turned his chair and said “with all due respect, I’ll answer that to Brock Lesnar”. “I know who you are, and I know what you are, and I know exactly what I’ve signed up for…I don’t think you do. I’m going to beat you at WrestleMania. I’m going to take that title…you know it…I know it…and if I can’t…I’m going to take a piece of you with me.” Lesnar then suddenly got to his feet & went face-to-face with Reigns. Both men shook hands. Lesnar said that unlike Heyman, "I don't respect you," Reigns replied "But you will." Lesnar and Reigns stared at each other to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report
by KK » Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:40 am

WWE SmackDown Live! January 29 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler, and Byron Saxton

Hour 1

There's a Thunder warning in the deep Sou...oh no wait, wrong show. WWE SmackDown Live! kicked off with the lovely Eden Stiles introducing the arrival of CEO Triple H. The commentators revealed Big Show would meet Roman Reigns later tonight. "Welcome to Monday Night RAW!". Hunter said that it's been kind of a crazy week, as they were supposed to be in Connecticut on Monday but there was a snow storm so they were told no. So for the first time that he could remember, WWE RAW emanated from their World Headquarters. Triple H said when you tell the WWE they can't do something, they're going to do it. "Critics" said they wouldn't reach 1 million subscribers to the WWE Network...well this week they did it. Hunter then said he had two words for the crowd..."Thank you". The crowd naturally responded with "suck it" instead. WWE were told they couldn't do a show in Hartford, which is why tonight they "Welcome Hartford to Thursday Night SmackDown Live!" Yes, Triple H is playing the role of a Face for some reason. Triple H mentioned the controversy coming out of Sunday's PPV, however WWE isn't the only one with controversy. The Superbowl is this Sunday and there's controversy swirling all around there too. Apparently the NFL and Roger Goddell have a bit of a problem with their balls. Some players like their balls soft, whereas some like them hard. Tom Brady meanwhile likes old balls. One thing about the WWE is that it has never had a problem with balls. Unlike Roger Goddell, Triple H said that he takes action, so on the WWE Network next month they've got a little PPV happening called Fast Lane, and he's going to deal with a current problem...and that problem is a man called Sting. Back in Heel mode, at Fast Lane he will go face-to-face with the problem and he will resolve it. The other controversy that exists is the Royal Rumble. Not with the event itself, because it was "spectacular". Crowd booed. Triple H going on the defensive said the Triple Threat was one of the best matches he's ever seen in his life, with Seth Rollins proving he is the future of WWE, John Cena proving he is the past - some of the crowd cheered that - Brock Lesnar proving he is The Beast and still WWE World Heavyweight Champion. The problem was with the Royal Rumble match itself. When that match was over the building was rumbling. The roof was hanging. People were going crazy. And the next day things only got worse, as everyone was talking about it. From ESPN to various news outlets. They then aired the conclusion to the Rumble on the TitanTron. Hunter then vowed that this coming Monday on RAW he would put an end to the controversy, and "shake the WWE Universe to its core". Roman Reigns interrupted, making he way through the crowd. When the music stopped the crowd booed. Both men went face-to-face. "You keep talking about controversy, but I don't seen any. I won the Rumble." Crowd booed again. "And that means I'm going to WrestleMania". Triple H responded that indeed Reigns' did win, so lets see if he can win this one. Big Show made his way out as Hunter headed to the back.

They revealed Vince McMahon would be here Live later tonight. This turned out to be a lie.

Match 1: Roman Reigns defeated Big Show at 12:00 with 2 Superman punches while Big Show was teetering on the top turnbuckle, followed by a slam off the top, and finally a Spear for the pin. What started off as a mixed reaction during this match, the more things wore on the more hostile the crowd became to Reigns. The majority did appear to cheer however when he won. Much like Batista last year and The Rock in 1997 they're going to have to turn him heel.

In what appeared to be a pre-tape, Vince McMahon said that WWE is on the Fast Lane, with over a million subscribers currently enjoying the WWE Network. So for those that aren't, all new subscribers will be able to watch in the month of February absolutely free to see what they're missing.

A casket was shown backstage, enshrouded in dry ice and a red hue.

Did You Know? WWE has 5 million subscribers on YouTube, beating out various people...

They re-aired the package from Monday, announcing Arnold Schwarzenegger will be inducted into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame.

Seth Rollins, accompanied by J&J Security, came out and said that he proved on Sunday just how good he really is. He was one second away from pinning John Cena and becoming WWE Champion. Seth said that he stuck a dagger into The Beast incarnate and broke Brock Lesnar's ribs, and how many people can say that. Not John Cena. Not The Undertaker. Seth said that even though he didn't leave as champion, lifting the Money in the Bank briefcase aloft, he still has the future in his reach. In fact he's feeling so good he's going to issue an open challenge to anyone in the entire building to put him to the test. "FEED ME MORE" hit and out marched Ryback. J&J Security immediately jumped The Ryback & all three of them went to work attacking him. Erik Rowan then ran down to make the save, blasting through J&J in the aisle. Seth Rollins knocked him off the apron and continued to put the boots to Ryback when Dolph Ziggler ran down and both of them got into it on the outside, Ziggler getting sent into the announce table. Back in the ring, Ryback went for Shellshocked on Rollins but J&J once again made the save, allowing Rollins to high-tail it. Before J&J could also escape, Rowan went to throw them both back in the ring. Seth Rollins however ran back down & kneed Rowan in the back.

Kane was shown caressing the casket backstage. Kane said that he will write the final chapter in the Daniel Bryan story later tonight, and there will be no happy ending. The only thing Bryan will see is beautiful black darkness when the casket lid slams shut. Daniel Bryan will reach his final destination of eternal hell fire.

John Cena will address Rusev later tonight, Live.

Match 2: Tyson Kidd (w/Cesaro & Natalya) defeated Jey Uso (w/Naomi and Jimmy Uso) in 2:00.

Kane was once again backstage gazing at an open casket.

Hour 2

Right at the top of the hour Rusev was shown marching back and forth in the ring. Rusev said everyone saw what happened at the conclusion of the Rumble. He should have been declared the winner. Lana, equally as frustrated, said something in Russian. Rusev claimed to be the most dominant superstar, therefore should be facing Brock Lesnar. Crowd chanted "USA!". Rusev responded with "No USA. Your USA gives me a man who has no titles and is no challenge. A man from the past...a man who has no hunger, or desire. John Cena is a loser. John Cena does not belong in the ring with me." This brought out John Cena to the ring for some Hogan-esque storyline circa 1991. Cena said that just in case Rusev is new to this, the crowd & him don't always see eye-to-eye, but in this case he's sure everyone is in agreement that Rusev needs to shut his mouth or he will shut it for him. Cena told Rusev that he needs a cold hard lesson in respect. Ever since Rusev has been in WWE he has crushed everything in his path. However he has now made the biggest mistake of his life - he's John Cena, 15 time World Champion, with 10 Mania appearances & 2 Rumble victories. He is the face who runs the place. Before Rusev had pubes and Lana had boobs. Lana can go back to Tinder, while he and Rusev can fight right now. Lana told Rusev not to waste his time and demanded he leave. Rusev backed away from a smirking Cena & right out of the ring. Cena said Rusev may be "69 and Ho" but he's going to be the one beating him at Fast Lane. When did SmackDown suddenly become edgier than RAW...

Paige will face Nikki Bella at Fast Lane 3 weeks from Sunday.

Renee Young interviewed Paige backstage. The Bellas immediately turned up, & started mocking her pale skin tone. 'Looks like The Blizzard has brought us its own little snow angel'. They said she looks like a blood sucking vampire. Paige then elbowed Brie in the face, so The Bellas took her down & Nikki posed with the Divas' belt.

In an inset promo, The Ascension said that they destroyed The New Age Outlaws on Sunday and left them begging. Degenerates? More like The Geriatrics. This reminded me of some of the promos I've been watching on Nitro recently in that it was rather over-the-top...

Match 3: The Ascension defeated Gold and Stardust in 4:30 in front of almost complete silence after using a clotheline/leg sweep combo. There is mild dissension being teased within the 'dusts.

Kane was shown laughing shutting the casket lid backstage. Creepy organ music continued to play in the background.

The bloke from Wizard Wars on SyFy was backstage showing 4 excitable dorks, otherwise known as the WWE roster, a magic trick. The Miz and Mizdow walked in. Miz said he knows how the trick was done. The magic man then said he was thrilled to be meeting an A-lister as he's a huge fan & would love to do a trick with him. He was of course talking about Mizdow. Miz, livid, said Mizdow is a stunt double. We then got a trick with a handkerchief and a plastic egg which then turned out to be real. Miz refused to believe the egg wasn't fake & demanded it be proved to him. So the magician smashed it over Miz's head. "The yolks on you", as R-Truth cracked up at his own joke.

Bray Wyatt appeared on the TitanTron & asked what makes us all smile. Spending time with loved ones? Money? Something nostalgic from our past? He finds enjoyment from the things Mummy and Daddy have shielded us all from. Bray said he fears nothing, living or dead. And after what transpires next, it will be hard for us ever to smile again.

Sky aired for the 3rd time tonight another commercial for the encore presentation of the Royal Rumble. Well you can't fault them for trying...

Main Event: Daniel Brian defeated Kane at 22:00 in a passable Casket match when Bryan hit the Running Knee on Kane & he fell into the coffin.

Bryan led the crowd in a chant of "YES!" atop the casket, as the announcers plugged Triple H's major announcement for RAW from Denver.

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:10 pm

WWE RAW Results February 2 2015 wrote:Image

Location: Pepsi Center, Denver
Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield

- David Otunga resurfaced on the WWE RAW Pre-Show, joining Corey Graves and Scott Stanford.

Hour 1

Monday Night RAW began with ballyhoo & the arrival of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon for their major announcement concerning Roman Reigns and the Royal Rumble last Sunday. Stephanie was waving like The Queen. Meanwhile the entire WWE locker room were shown watching on from backstage. Stephanie welcomed everyone to the show. See said the Superbowl game was incredible last night. Crowd booed. Hunter mockingly said he hopes the NFL can survive all the controversy, what with the #CancelTheNFLNetwork movement on social media...Stephanie said however that she understands the outrage concerning the Royal Rumble, and therefore they are going to do something about it. HHH said Big Show and Kane shouldn't have gotten involved and re-entered the Rumble match - rather like the Sea Hawks it was unsportsmanlike behaviour. The real problem is with The Rock. He has no business in the WWE. Crowd chanted "Rocky". He is one of the biggest superstars ever, transcending the industry, but he is not a WWE superstar any longer therefore had no business getting involved in the Rumble. Triple H said it was time to stop letting people back in WWE just because fans would like to see them. He let Sting get away with it at Survivor Series. He came back and affected the course of the company, therefore it stops at Fast Lane. He wants Sting to look him eye-to-eye, man-to-man. HHH promised it would be resolved once and for all. Crowd chanted "We want Sting". Stephanie unimpressed, said they'd get him on the WWE Network for the low price of $9.99. But that problem brings us back to the original problem...and the winner of the Rumble match. What would have happened had The Rock not interfere; there could have been a different winner. So it makes them question if that outcome should still apply. Roman Reigns will go down in the record books as the Rumble winner, but should he go down to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania? Before she could continue, Roman Reigns stormed through the crowd and into the ring. Crowd booed. 'So you're telling me I won the rumble match and the right to main event WrestleMania and you're going to take that way from me? Hell no.' Hunter and Roman went face to face. Stephanie stepped in between the two and told Reigns to calm down. She said Roman spoke eloquently last week about his family, & nobody else apart from her understands what its like to be apart of a generational legacy. The family he wants to impress is the very reason why he shouldn’t be in the main event of WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan's music then hit and he came out. Crowd chanted "YES!". Bryan told Reigns that he's sorry that they're messing with him too, as he had to deal with that for a long time. But how about the controversy of stripping him of the title and never giving him a rematch? Bryan chimed in that if there's a World title shot on the line at WrestleMania, then he's throwing his name in the hat. Hunter responded by saying that there was nothing out of the ordinary stripping him of the title as he had failed his contractual obligations. Guess we'll just forget Brock Lesnar never defending the title then. Hunter said Bryan would have received a rematch but instead he entered himself into the Rumble even though he should never have been in there in the first place. However Brock did never defeat him, and Bryan never lost. Seth Rollins, accompanied by J&J Security, then strutted out. As he was talking they cut Seth Rollins' microphone off, Stephanie quipping nobody could hear him as RAW headed to commercial at the 18 minute mark.

Back from break, the monumentally long opening segment rolled on. Seth Rollins, who for some reason was only just getting into the ring, joked "Live TV, eh? Hahaha". Seth said this was getting ridiculous. You can say that again. Brock Lesnar would eat Bryan alive; he got himself hurt - welcome to the deep end "where the big boys play". What is this, WCW? Reigns on the other hand wouldn't have even won if it wasn't for The Rock. Rollins continued, saying that if anyone deserves to main event WrestleMania it's the man that stole the show at the Rumble: it's Mr Money in the Bank. Hunter said as everyone is aware they listen to the WWE Universe. Stephanie then whispered something to her husband. Finally Triple H announced a change of plans: Daniel Bryan will take on Seth Rollins later tonight, with the winner going on to Fast Lane to face Roman Reigns. The winner of that match then gets Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. Booker T on commentary said Reigns had just got screwed big time. The Authority said that all Reigns had to do to stop all the booing was simply accept the stipulations. Roman was thoroughly unimpressed. Stephanie said this is Roman's chance to prove to the WWE Universe and his family that he belongs in the main event. Bryan said not to listen to The Authority, as when he wins against Rollins, the two of them can rip each other apart & tear the house down at Fast Lane. Rollins claimed nobody wanted to see Reigns vs. Bryan; if Reigns doesn't accept the offer it's because he's scared of facing him. Hunter & Steph asked if Reigns would accept the challenge. Crowd chanted "YES!". Stephanie claimed this to be the most defining moment in his career. Reigns thought about it for a while before saying 'screw it, lets do it'. Hunter told Roman not to go anywhere. Big Show then made his way out for a rematch from Thursday's SmackDown. After an ungodly long promo, RAW headed back to commercial at 28.

Match 1: Big Show (w/Seth Rollins and J&J Security) defeated Roman Reigns at 2:40 with a Chokeslam after Rollins clipped Reigns in the spine with the briefcase while the referee was contending with J&J Security.

In the RAW office, Stephanie and Hunter were watching what had just transpired in the ring. 'That was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be'. They laughed at how easy it was to manipulate everyone. They noted how they didn't even have to say they would strip Roman of his WrestleMania match, even though that wouldn't have been possible in reality. They both joked around that they knew Daniel Bryan would come out. Big Show took care of Reigns, and Seth will take care of Bryan tonight and Reigns at Fast Lane. Hunter said Stone Cold can ask him anything, as he will simply manipulate Austin just like they did everyone else tonight.

The announcers asked us to tweet questions for the Steve Austin Podcast later using #AskTripleH.

Curtis Axel stormed out and demanded people not to turn the channel as he had something to say. Axel said he was never eliminated from the Rumble match and was therefore demanding justice. JBL said he was "Thinking about changing the channel". Axel climbed onto the turnbuckle and pointed at the WrestleMania sign, & said he wanted Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania for the WWE title. The commentators just laughed their tits off at this seemingly ludicrous prospect. Dean Ambrose then interrupted and beat him up immediately, chucking Axel out of the ring. "Now you're eliminated." Ambrose said that as everyone was out here making demands, he had one of his own. Last week he took a long walk that resulted in him looking around at WWE Headquarters, with its posters and photos of past champions. 2 weeks ago he pinned BadNewsBarrett, therefore he is in line for an Intercontinental championship match. In a mock English accent, "I'm afraid I've got some bad news." Ambrose told us to strap ourselves in for a wild ride on the road to Fast Lane. Curtis Axel then got back in the ring and attacked Ambrose, but was quickly put down with a clothesline and the Dirty Deeds double arm DDT.

In celebration of Black History Month we got a look at Ernie "The Big Cat" Ladd.

Match 2: In another rematch from SmackDown, The Ascension defeated Goldust and Stardust in 2:00. Neither team received an entrance. Cody Rhodes chastised his brother in the ring at the loss & then stormed off up the aisle.

Stardust was shown pacing up and down backstage muttering to himself. Goldust turned up and attempted to grab his attention, before then calling him Cody. Stardust snapped back "Don't ever call me Cody again" and stormed off.

Having got that wrestling gooseberry fool out of the way, John Cena made his way out for yet more incessant talking. There is something noticeably wrong with Cena's right eye. He stated he was half blind and almost broken but there was no way he was missing RAW from Denver. Cena noted how later Triple H will have to sit down with Stone Cold Steve Austin to talk about the state of the WWE. Steve Austin is not afraid of Triple H, so he can't wait to see how Hunter dances around Austin's questioning. On SmackDown Triple H said John Cena is the past.

5 minutes of wrestling in the opening hour...

Hour 2

Crowd chanted "Cena sucks" interspersed with a few boos. He said that Hunter has Seth Rollins in his back pocket, and an NXT roster ready to take his spot. Triple H has a vision for WWE and his vision doesn't have John Cena in it. The crowd tell him he sucks right to his face. Triple H meanwhile will do business with him in the ring, but he's too afraid to fire him as then he'd have to answer to TV affiliates, sponsors & board members. Triple H doesn't care what the people want. The Authority try and test his resolve in lopsided matches. Cena vowed that no matter the mountain, he will never give up. And along the way they all get to witness history making moments. They then aired Sting's arrival on RAW from 2 weeks ago. Cena said he owes Sting a heartfelt thank you for bringing back the following superstars. Ryback, Dolph Ziggler and Erik Rowan all walked out to Ryback's entrance music. Cena said these 3 men are proof The Authority can be beat. Stephanie interrupted on the TitanTron. Ziggler asked if Stephanie ever gets tired having them overcome all these obstacles. Steph replied that none of them have been fighting any battles as everyone has been fighting their battles for them. Stephanie than told Ziggler that as he had decided to mouth off and interrupt her first, he will get to face Bray Wyatt later tonight. Rusev meanwhile will face Erik Rowan and Ryback will be in action next. Crowd chanted "Feed me more". Stephanie said he will be fed until he chokes and gags, against Luke Harper.

Match 3: Ryback pinned Luke Harper off the Meat Hook clothesline followed by Shellshocked in 6:00.

Natalya set up a double date on the App apparently. Tyson was unimpressed by this.

Cesaro can apparently "clean and jerk" according to Booker T on commentary...

Match 4: Cesaro (w/Natalya and Tyson Kidd) defeated Jimmy Uso (w/Jey and Naomi) in 6:00 with an Uppercut as Jimmy was coming off the top rope. After the match Tyson nailed Jey with a dropkick as he was checking on his brother.

They plugged the Network being free for new subscribers in the month of February.

Mizdow was shown getting some food backstage for Miz at catering. A stage hand turned up and asked for an autograph...Mizdow's autograph. After Mizdow happily signed it, Miz tore it up & told the nerd to beat it. An extremely agitated Miz then told Mizdow that he just doesn't get it, & we know how this story ends up playing out: a real star like himself throws a bone to a nobody like Mizdow and it ends up going to their head. That nobody becomes a jerk. Miz said that he made Mizdow relevant and gave him a purpose in life, and now Mizdow was throwing it all away. Miz screamed he was the worst stunt double he had ever seen. "You are fired." Miz stated that as he is big into philanthropy, Mizdow was now going to be his Personal Assistant instead. Later tonight he has a match against Sin Cara, which is apt as in Spanish it means "faceless", which is what Mizdow will become if he defies him. Miz then demanded Mizdow go make a Nutri-bullet protein shake.

John Cena was shown looking all glum in his locker room when Erik Rowan walked in. Rowan said he used to be treated like an animal and an outcast. Nobody has ever stood up for him like that. Erik then thanked Cena. Cena told Rowan that he will have to be at the top of his game, and not take Rusev lightly. Both men shook hands and Cena wished him luck.

Steve Austin was shown preparing with a stage-hand backstage.

Match 5: In a really good match, Bray Wyatt pinned Dolph Ziggler in 15:00 with Sister Abigail.

Hour 3

We got a recap of the opening segment, just in case you fell asleep by the time they actually got to the strawberry floating point.

Back in the RAW office, Stephanie and Hunter were looking at her fitness DVD box. Seth Rollins walked in and said it was a "phenomenal DVD", and almost as good as their plan tonight. Steph and HHH said they had to appease the crowd a little bit with Daniel Bryan, but they wouldn't for a moment consider Bryan going to Fast Lane, let alone WrestleMania. It's simply a sign of their confidence in Seth Rollins. They thought Randy Orton was the face of the WWE, but he didn't get it. He turned into a complainer. Rollins said tonight he will punch his ticket to Fast Lane and stomp out the YES! Movement once and for all.

Brie and Nikki were out for commentary. Paige faces Nikki for the Divas' Championship on PPV.

Match 6: Paige vs. Alicia Fox. During the match WWE completely lost their International feeds in the UK and Canada for about 3 minute & therefore missed the finish and aftermath.

We got a video package on Miz guest staring on Sirens tomorrow on USA Network. It included a load of insincere fawning over how funny Miz apparently is.

They replayed Miz chastising Mizdow from earlier.

Match 6: Sin Cara defeated Miz (w/Mizdow) in 5:00 when Miz was too busy chastising Mizdow on the ring apron & Sin Cara rolled him up.

Bray Wyatt cut a promo on the TitanTron. He said he's been watching someone for a long time, and how people used to fear this individual. Bray claimed to be the new face of fear, and then said he couldn't wait to see this person again. Bray asked this unknown to find him.

Before any match could take place United States Champion Rusev demolished Erik Rowan & put him in the Camel Clutch. Some of the camera work tonight has been unusually appalling. Lana said now they had everyone's attention they would like to welcome everyone to a very special movie première. This film will show the future of John Cena or any man that attempts to oppose Rusev. A short propaganda video aired of Rusev dismantling various people. John Cena, the horribly booked coward that he is, was nowhere to be seen. Some friend he is. Either intentionally or by accident, the Russian flag then failed to descend from the ceiling. Rusev lost it in the ring and grabbed the Russian flag that was on the outside and waved that around instead.

Roman Reigns was shown sitting in his locker room looking miserable when Daniel Bryan walked in. Reigns claimed he doesn't get mad, "I get even". Bryan told Reigns that he hoped he wasn't thinking of getting it at Fast Lane against Rollins. Reigns asked if that was a threat, and proclaimed he didn't care who he faces. Heeling it up, he then told Bryan to get the hell out of his locker room.

Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins or Daniel Bryan will be on MizTV Thursday on SmackDown.

Main Event: Daniel Bryan beat Seth Rollins (w/J&J Security and Big Show) at 17:00. Roman Reigns came out and Speared Big Show and Joey Mercury on the outside. With the referee distracted with Jamie Noble, Reigns' delivered a Superman punch to Rollins, allowing Bryan to nail a Running Knee for the pin.


Renee Young attempted to get a word with Triple H backstage on what he'd just seen. Hunter said whatever he had to say he'd say to Austin next on the podcast.

Back in the ring, Michael Cole 'interviewed' Daniel Bryan. Bryan said it was the fans who had got him here, and he would now go on to Fast Lane, defeat Roman Reigns (which garnered a considerable amount of boos oddly enough) & main event WrestleMania. As the commentators recapped the night, Bryan celebrated to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: WWE RAW Results February 9 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:11 pm

WWE RAW Results Feb 9th 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Hour 1

With 2 weeks until Fast Lane, WWE rolls through Columbus, Ohio as Monday Night RAW comes to us Live! from the Schottenstein Center. Roman Reigns made his way through the crowd. Crowd booed right out of the gate. Reigns' said that this time last week he stood as the winner of the Royal Rumble match, with a guaranteed spot in the main event of WrestleMania. The Authority made it clear however that he's not the guy they want in the spot, therefore he will prove himself when he "breats" Bryan at Fast Lane, and he doesn't care who gets in his way. This brought out Daniel Bryan to the ring, chants of "YES!" ringing out from the masses. Bryan sarcastically told Reigns' "Easy there big dog". Bryan said that he came out to thank Reigns' for the Spear he gave the Big Show last week, which was amazing, and without that Spear Seth Rollins might have beaten him. But now Roman has an opportunity of his own at Fast Lane. Bryan told Reigns that he gets it: Reigns is bigger, stronger - though when it comes to looks they're both about even - but the reality is when it comes to wrestling he is the better wrestler than Reigns. Some in the crowd booed this. This then brought out The Authority (Triple H, Stephanie, Kane and Big Show) to the stage. Stephanie began by plugging the WWE Network. Triple H then plugged going face-to-face with Sting. He then demanded an answer from Sting by the end of the night, unless he is the coward that he thinks it is. Stephanie told Bryan that what he did to Kane by chucking him in that casket on SmackDown was horrible. Bryan retorted that considering what Triple H has done in caskets, he thought Hunter would appreciate it. She announced that Kane and Big Show will face Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns...NEXT!

Match 1: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. Big Show and Kane ended in a poxy Disqualification at 12:00 when Big Show pulled Daniel Bryan, who had Kane in the Yes! Lock, out of the ring. With all 4 men brawling on the outside, Big Show then went to work on Reigns with a steel chair. Back in the ring, Reigns mounted a comeback and then nailed the Showster with repeated chair shots of his own, the final blow sending Show over the top rope to the floor. As Kane was about to plant Roman with a Chokeslam, he reversed. Kane managed to sidestep an oncoming Bryan however, & instead Reigns was floored with a Running Knee in the corner. Crowd chanted "YES!" once more. Upon coming to his feet, Roman Reigns shoved Daniel Bryan on his arse. Triple H grabbed the microphone & quipped 'you seem to be getting on great!'. Therefore they're both going to have another shot at teaming Bryan and Reigns' will face Kane, Big Show, J&J security and Seth Rollins in the main event. Oh good. Reigns and Bryan continued to argue in the ring as RAW crashed to break.

Match 2: Ryback and Seth Rollins ended in another Disqualification when Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury ran in and attacked Ryback at 3:00. Ryback was then levelled with a Superkick and Curb Stomp from Rollins.

Rusev pays tribute to John Cena later tonight.

We got a short package on a returning Sheamus.

Match 3: Paige pinned Brie Bella (w/Divas' champion Nikki) off the Rampage in 3:00 after Brie crashed into her sister on the apron. Prior to the match they aired the concluding moments from last week's match that we in the UK and Canada missed.

Tonight Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman will address the Fast Lane situation.

Rusev and Lana were shown backstage heading towards the ring.

WWE and We Give Books WrestleMania Reading Challenge promo.

Rusev, accompanied by Lana, made their way out. Crowd chanted "USA!". Lana said that regardless what the ignorant masses think, they are proud to face John Cena at Fast Lane, just as Cena should be honoured to face the super athlete. Cena has accomplished great things, and his never give up attitude has made him one of the greatest champions in WWE history. We then got a package on how amazing John Cena is...which then quickly pixelated into John Cena getting destroyed by various opponents. Back in the arena Lana said that "13 years is a long time". You're telling me. Lana continued that Cena is at his limits awaiting annihilation. Rusev said Cena is no longer the man he once was.

Hour 2

Crowd gave him the "What" treatment. Cena is no longer the young tough man full of "ruthless aggression". Rather he is just weak and nothing. "WHAT?". John Cena turned up, sporting a black eye. He said that Lana and Rusev are both full of themselves, and both full of crap. Every single time he gets knocked down he gets back up, and Rusev in turn needs a lesson in respect. "At Fast Lane this old man is going to whip your ass". Rusev grabbed the mic and said Cena can't see him with his one eye. Cena retorted that Rusev has got the jokes, it's just a shame Lana is the one with the balls. Rusev, not standing for it, then left the ring & both men got into it in the aisle way and up the ramp. Rusev poked Cena in the eye and then ran him into the LED lights. Before he could apply the Camel Clutch numerous referees ran out to warn Rusev off.

Match 4: In a rematch from last Monday, Bray Wyatt once again defeated Dolph Ziggler with Sister Abigail in 12:00. After the match, Bray lifted up the ring mats to expose the concrete. Referees ran down to stop it leading to anything.

In celebration of Black History Month in the United States and Canada, we got a video package on Junkyard Dog.

WWE Champion Brock Lesnar, accompanied by his advocate Paul Heyman, marched on down to the ring. What a bizarre placement on the show this is. Heyman said this society no longer places value on credible information. Brian Williams from NBC is not the number 1 liar in the land, rather that honour is held jointly by Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan. If Daniel or Roman say they have a chance against Brock Lesnar, then they are lying to their families, each other, each and every one of us, and to themselves. Roman is the most dangerous man from the most famous tribe in Samoa, yet the yellow stream running down his leg when he stood face-to-face with Brock Lesnar wasn't pineapple juice. Daniel Bryan meanwhile has lied to himself in believing he actually has a chance at beating Brock Lesnar. It doesn't matter who wins at Fast Lane, as whoever is victorious they may as well jump into a helicopter with Brian Williams and face enemy fire because it will be an F5 that takes it down.

Match 5: The enthusiastically hopeless gimmick of New Day (w/Xavier Woods) defeated Gold and Stardust when Stardust immediately walked out on the match. A number of fans in the crowd chanted "Cody". Kofi Kingston then rolled up Goldust in 1:30.

Renee Young interviewed Daniel Bryan backstage. Bryan said what happened in the ring was an accident and he doesn't blame Roman Reigns for his reaction, and they will coexist later. Reigns himself turned up and replied that damn right they can. That will leave room for them to handle their business at Fast Lane. After watching the energetic, free-flowing promos & interviews from WCW on the Network (not to mention the fantastic interplay with Mean Gene) boy do WWE ones absolutely suck in comparison. I mean it's actually ridiculous.

Backstage, Goldust approached his brother and asked what he was up to. Stardust then shoved Goldust onto the floor and screamed "Cody is dead" before storming off.

Back in the arena, Triple H was in the ring. He said that for 20 years he has lived WWE. His life work, all of it almost taken away because of Sting: the face of WCW. WCW, the company that Hunter helped destroy. 14 years later Sting finally mustered the courage to enter the WWE. For 14 years he stayed away because he knew if he came to WWE he would be personally exposed. If Sting agrees to never show his face again then he will allow Sting to leave Fast Lane with his dignity intact.

Hour 3

Triple H then demanded Sting give him an answer right now. With the exception of the ring, the lights in the building suddenly went off. Every time the crow sounded Sting would appear in various parts of the crowd. On the Tron parts of Hunter's interviews with Michael Cole played with Sting's face paint superimposed on Triple H's face. Suddenly all the lights went off and upon coming back up a fake Sting was in the ring. Triple H turned around and fell to the floor in surprise. The lights went back out and on the Tron the words "I accept" appeared.

The announcers told us John Cena has suffered more eye damage at the hands of Rusev's attack. However he has vowed to be at Fast Lane.

We got a recap of The Uso/Tyson Kidd double date disaster from SmackDown.

Match 6: Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (w/Natalya) defeated Tag Team Champions The Uso brothers (w/Naomi) in a non-title outing after Cesaro pushed Jimmy off the top rope and Kidd got the pin.

Rikishi was revealed as the 3rd inductee into the Hall of Fame class of 2015. The Usos were shown celebrating in the ring.

The Miz with his personal assistant Mizdow were shown backstage heading towards the ring.

NXT Take-Over is exclusively Live this Wednesday at 1am on the WWE Network.

Match 7: Sin Cara defeated Damien Mizdow (w/The Miz) when The Miz took offence to Mizdow going for the Figure Four - the move Miz made famous - and was then pinned with an inside cradle off the distraction.

Bray Wyatt cut a promo on the TitanTron. Mankind has struggled to answer one simple question: where do we go when we die. "This world is our hell." Bray said his eyes are wide open and now he doesn't fear this individual any more. It's time for this person to go home.... "Find me" Now wouldn't it be funny if he's actually talking about Kane...

Dean Ambrose was shown heading towards the ring, as they once again re-aired the Sheamus video from earlier.

Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan will once again go face-to-face on SmackDown.

Curtis Axel in the ring, pointing at the WrestleMania sign, said this is his spotlight, & not even Kanye West is going to take it. Axel told us to all keep doing our thing & continue with the #AxelMania movement.

Match 8: Dean Ambrose pinned Curtis Axel in 2:30 with the Dirty Deeds DDT.

After the match Wade Barrett turned up on the Titan Tron with BNT TV (think a spin on the TMZ logo). He said that just as Kim Kardashian wearing a golden robe at the Grammys doesn't make her as prestigious as Ric Flair, saying you deserve a title match does not mean that you are getting one.

Main Event: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns defeated Big Show, Kane, Seth Rollins, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury in a 5 on 2 Handicap match at 8:00. With Bryan and Reigns looking down & out, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, and Eric Rowan came out to make the save. As they brawled with Kane and Rollins on and around the stage, Daniel Bryan was about to hit the Running Knee on Joey Mercury in the ring. Instead Reigns' tagged himself in & hit the Spear for the pin.


Bryan and Reigns argued in the ring, much to the delight of Stephanie and Hunter watching on backstage. Bryan shouted that he had done all the work throughout the match while Roman was down on the outside. Bryan then lost it and shoved Reigns...who then bounced off the ropes and Speared Bryan.

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: Results 16th February 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:12 pm

WWE RAW Results February 16 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Booker T

Hour 1

In front of a huge sell-out crowd of 15,101 at the Airways Center in Orlando, Florida Monday Night RAW kicked off with the arrival of John Cena. They announced Roman Reigns will face Kane and Big Show will go one-on-one with Daniel Bryan later tonight. John Cena opened by saying that Rusev may be a super athlete and undefeated, but to say he is undefeatable is crap. Cena vowed victory by taking the fight to Rusev on Sunday. He then said he loves when the crowd boo, and when they cheer, as that's what RAW is about - fun and excitement (could have fooled me). A lot of people have asked when John Cena will change; he has always believed that he could win a match with a smile on his face. Then Rusev came along and told him that he lacks the aggression. Well this Sunday there will be no smiles, just reckless abandon. Cena said he will fight for respect and become the first person to defeat Rusev, becoming United States Champion in the process. This brought out Rusev along with Lana to the stage. Rusev waved the Russian flag. Lana said that this was typical John Cena, with his same old tired rhetoric. Crowd broke out into a thunderous "USA" chant. Cena lives in a delusional world where his cup is always half full, whereas Rusev lives in reality, where he is superior to every WWE Superstar. Rusev took the microphone and told Cena that he will be destroyed, alongside everything he stands for at Fast Lane. Cena said if Rusev makes one more move he's going to get his ass kicked. Rusev mocked Cena with a 'you can't see me'. This caused an enraged Cena to run up the ramp and both men got into it on the stage. 2 referees ran out but Cena warned them of. He then ran Rusev into the LED wall twice, payback from last week. Cena mounted Rusev and repeatedly punched away, the crowd chanting along to the count of 10. Standing tall over Rusev, Cena screamed "Every man can be beat" to take us to commercial break.

In an apparent spoof of the NBC Weekend Update, Dean Ambrose was shown backstage wearing a suit and sitting at a desk reading the news. Ambrose said that he will force Barrett to sign the contract to face him at Fast Lane for the Intercontinental Championship.

Match 1: Dean Ambrose (w/the contract) defeated Luke Harper in the opening bout with Dirty Deeds at 11:00. The fact we got to in-ring action considerably faster than the last couple weeks made a pleasant change.

Dusty Rhodes will attempt to settle a family feud, and Triple H responds to Sting later tonight.

Kid Ink's "Faster" is the official theme tune for Fast Lane.

In the RAW office, Kane was backstage talking to Triple H when Big Show walked in. Both men immediately got into an argument over what transpired on Thursday's SmackDown. Triple H asked Show how bad he and Kane were making him look with their childish bickering. Show quipped "as bad as Sting made you look last week?"...and instantly regretted it. Hunter told them that he is looking for solutions tonight, not excuses.

Bray Wyatt cut a promo on the screen. Bray said that what happened to "you" was a tragedy, and stirs a rage inside of him which makes him want to do horrible things. Any fear he once had of this individual now turning to hateful pity. "It's coming."

Goldust was talking to Stardust in their locker room when Dusty Rhodes (looking very old it must be said) walked in & said he was here to fix things. Turning to Cody, he said that all the stars and galaxies he looks up to means nothing without family. Goldust asked his brother if he could do this. Both men shook hands & Dusty told them to stand together out in the ring.

Match 2: The New Day (w/Big E) defeated Gold and Stardust after a miscommunication between the brothers led to Goldust getting a Trouble in Paradise at 3:00. After the match Stardust helped up his groggy brother...only to deliver Cross Roads from behind.

Byron Saxton interviewed Roman Reigns in his locker room. Reigns said that Bryan had an opportunity and he took it. He has a ton of respect for Bryan, but if he was the one who had got eliminated from the Rumble match he would have taken it like a man...unfortunately he can't say the same of Daniel Bryan. Reigns then said that he gave Bryan the opportunity, but he will now be the man to take it away at Fast Lane.

Daniel Bryan made his way out to watch the following match on commentary

They showed what had occurred moments ago on the WWE App, between Stardust and Dusty Rhodes. He informed his Dad that Cody was gone; Cody Rhodes has always lived in the shadow of his poker-dotted freak of a father and embarrassment of a brother. "Cody Rhodes is dead...and so is his father."

Hour 2

Match 3: Roman Reigns defeated Kane via Count-Out at 6:00 following a Spear on the outside. During the match Daniel Bryan attempted to distract Roman by leading the crowd in chants of "YES!". As the mind games continued post-match, Roman Reigns looked far from impressed in the ring.

Renee Young asked Daniel Bryan backstage if these mind games will continue on Sunday. Bryan said that if Reigns had a hard time dealing with the chants tonight then he'd better get used to it as there will be a whole lot more at Fast Lane.

Bray Wyatt cut another quick promo on the Titan Tron. "His hands may have created this world, but my words will destroy it. I'm waiting for you."

Byron Saxton was attempting to get an interview with Paige outside her dressing room when those evil Bella twins walked out...clutching Paige's clothes. Paige then walked out in a towel asking what had happened to her wrestling gear. After getting blown off by Cameron, Paige snatched a Rosebud. The rest of the motley crew just danced around.

Match 4: Paige, sporting crazy gear, defeated Summer Rae with the Paige Tap Out submission at 3:00. After the match The Bellas walked out onto the stage and mocked her outfit. Paige responded by saying she doesn't need an outfit to look good, just the Divas' Championship.

Seth Rollins was shown having an animated conversation with J&J Security.

We were treated to another of those Sheamus hype videos.

In the ring, Seth Rollins said today is Presidents Day. A day to honour the men of the past, which feels like a gigantic waste of time when the future is standing right in front of us. The term "future" is starting to become passe, as he is the most talented performer in the world right now. In fact right now he is the most valuable asset in WWE. Before Rollins could go off on a tirade on Dolph Ziggler out he walked. Right out of the gate Ziggler asked Rollins' if he was so angry because he'd had a bad Valentine's Day. The crowd went "OH!" at that one. Or maybe J&J got him the wrong chocolate? Or did Hunter sit Seth down and give him the talk on the birds and the bees? Rollins retored by saying Ziggler's jokes were as bad as his career. Ziggler then called him a "whiny, protected, sell-out douche." Before Rollins could get his latex top off, Ziggler attacked him. Rollins regrouped on the outside as RAW headed to break.

Match 5: Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler ended in Disqualification at 5:00 when, after the referee had initially ejected J&J Security from ringside - the crowd singing "NaNaNaNa Goodbye" on their way out - they ran back out and attacked Dolph Ziggler following a ZigZag on Rollins. Ryback and Erik Rowan came down to make the save, demolishing the stooges in the process.

Triple H was shown looking on disapprovingly backstage.

"BEHOLD THE KING..." hit as Triple H walked out, now sporting a smirk on his face. We got a video package recapping the prior 4 months. Back in the arena the crowd chanted "We want Sting". Triple H began by saying that the word on the street is that he is afraid of Sting, which he finds laughable. It takes more than mind games and parlour tricks to get under his skin. At Fast Lane WCW is going to stand in the ring with WWE. "The franchise" Sting will go face to face and eye to eye with the Cerebral Assassin. "Woooooooo" bellowed over the sound system, Ric Flair strutting on out, and a huge smile now appearing on Hunter's face.

Hour 3

They both embraced. Flair said before Hunter starts cussing him out, he came out because he respects and loves him. Hunter cut Flair off and said that if he is simply here to expound the virtues of Sting he has already heard it. Hunter said he already knows how good Sting is, as he saw a young bleach blonde kid take Flair 60 minutes at WCW's Clash of the Champions. He saw Sting become the Franchise and icon of the WCW. "Sting was and is WCW". When the final bell sounded Sting went down with the ship and disappeared. If he had come to the WWE, he would have run Sting out of the company. Triple H said Sting now wants to make this personal by taking away what he has. While Sting is WCW, he is WWE. Sting’s legacy was built on Ric Flair’s reputation and that always pissed him off. Flair tells Hunter to take a deep breath as this is what he was talking about: Sting is already getting to him. Flair said that whenever he is asked who the best wrestler is today, he says Triple H...when he was wrestling full time. People asked if Daniel Bryan could beat Triple H at WrestleMania and he said "Hell no". The problem is Hunter isn’t wrestling full time, he is running a company. He doesn’t want Sting to sneak up on him. Hunter replied that while he respects Ric and he knows that Flair has been in the ring with Sting a million times, he is no Ric Flair. And when it comes to kicking Sting’s arse, Flair is no Triple H. Ric responded by asking if Hunter could do him a favour when he watches Fast Lane - don’t be sitting on his ass like he was last Monday. Triple H then shoved Flair on his arse, and told Flair that there is nothing outside of his wife and kids that are more important than WWE. If someone stands between him and the company, he will kick their arse. Hunted vowed that whether Sting goes on his own or he has to beat it out of him, he will make sure that Sting never shows his face in WWE again.

John Cena appears on Parks and Recreation tomorrow night on NBC.

Darren Young & John Doe were about to take on the The Ascension, however Young and Doe were attacked prior to the bell and the match never officially got started. Titus O'Neil ran down to make the save. Young and O'Neil dispatched The Ascension to the outside. The commentators wondered if the Prime Time Players were now back together. The crowd meanwhile didn't give a gooseberry fool either way.

The Miz backstage was talking with Bad News Barrett. Miz said that if Barrett can knock Mizdow down a few pegs or two he will keep a look out for Dean Ambrose.

Paul Heyman appears on MizTV on the Fast Lane Pre-Show.

Match 6: Bad News Barrett pinned Mizdow (w/The Miz) in a non-title affair with the Bull Hamer elbow after Mizdow was distracted by Miz. During the match Miz had Mizdow perform various tasks such as buffing his shoe. After the match Ambrose ran in and zip tied Barrett's hands around the ring post & then forced him to sign the contract. The commentators meanwhile pondered how on earth this was binding.

Bray Wyatt was shown hammering a nail into a piece of wood. "Find me or I'll find you"

Cesaro and Tyson Kidd faces The Usos for the Tag Team Championship at Fast Lane.

Match 7: In a Husband and Wife match - which I'm sure isn't the first in wrestling history - Naomi and Jimmy Uso (w/Jey) defeated Natalya and Tyson Kidd in 3:00. After the match Tyson Kidd chastised his wife for losing the match & getting pinned.

Daniel Bryan was shown making his way to the ring, while in the arena Roman Reigns made his way out to ringside.

In a rematch from earlier, Dolph Ziggler faces Seth Rollins on SmackDown, with J&J Security barred from ringside.

Main Event: Big Show defeated Daniel Bryan by Disqualification at 15:00 in a thoroughly boring match when Roman Reigns, who had got Speared by Big Show on the outside minutes earlier, ran in and nailed Show with a Superman punch. During the match Reigns spent it signing autographs and throwing out free merchandise.


Upon turning around, Roman Reigns walked right into a Daniel Bryan drop kick off the top rope sending him to the outside. Reigns then re-entered the ring and both men got into it until cooler heads appeared to prevail between the two, referees managing to separate them. What looked like a truce between the two then erupted into yet another brawl, this time through the crowd and around the ringside area. Bryan and Roman then sent each other right over the announce table. Multiple referees and agents ran down to try and put an end to the chaos, finally separating the two to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW Results 23rd February 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:14 pm

WWE RAW Results 23rd February 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Booker T

Hour 1

Less than 24 hours removed from Fast Lane, the Road To WrestleMania rolls through Nashville, Tennessee as RAW emanates Live from the Bridgestone Arena. The show opened with Randy Orton making his way out to a big ovation. "Randy, Randy, Randy". Orton said that he isn't one to come out & kick off RAW with some overly long 20 minute promo or monologue, but there is still something he needs to get off his chest. He has been out of action for 4 months because of Seth Rollins. They replayed Orton getting Curb Stomped from last November. Orton said he is just getting fact he is done talking. He then ordered Rollins to bring his arse to the ring. Instead Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, Big Show, and Kane all walked on down to the ring. As the camera shot back to the announce table, Booker T for some reason was shown wearing a scarf. Stephanie welcomed Orton back to WWE. Even if it was at the expense of The Authority, that was the Randy Orton that blew up social media and that is the person she wants in WWE and The Authority. Orton however wasn't having any of it, and said the only thing he was going to do is bash Rollins' face in. Stephanie replied that there was no reason the two of them couldn't co-exist and move forward, re-joining The Authority. Stephanie extended her hand to Orton. Orton looked at her hand and said he would rather kick some ass rather than kiss some ass. Big Show interjected and said he understood, before being interrupted by the crowd booing. Show claimed he understood his anger, however joining The Authority was the best personal decision he ever made. "You sold out" filled the Bridgestone. Show claimed that would be the best decision Randy could make too. Stephanie asked Orton to look into her eyes, as she told him that he has never been a good guy. Crowd chanted "RKO". Stephanie said some of his most brutal and vile acts have been against her and her family...things so bad they can't even show it any more. Stephanie claimed that she was not trying to force his hand, rather she just wants a business conference so they can discuss this as professionals and have Orton to come back home. So much for the lack of a 20 minute promo...Hunter meanwhile just stood there stewing. Finally all of them just...well, left. Orton stopped them mid way up the ramp, and said he'd see them all in the back for a "business meeting".

They posed the question What's next for John Cena? Also tonight Roman Reigns will appear Live later. In a sign that "plans change", as little as an hour ago was advertising Brock Lesnar for this show.

Bad News Barrett made his way out, clearly livid that Ambrose had stolen the Intercontinental Championship last night. Barrett said Ambrose was nothing but a common thief. R-Truth for some reason was on commentary, apparently having defeated Barrett on Thursday.

Match 1: Dolph Ziggler pinned Bad News Barrett with the ZigZag in 11:00. Dean Ambrose then came out clutching the Intercontinental Championship. After jaw jacking with Barrett in the corner, Ambrose and Ziggler then looked at each other, Ambrose shoulder barging past him & walking off. Looks like we could be heading for a Fatal Four Way.

They showed photos of the confrontation between Triple H and Sting from Fast Lane. JBL said "This isn't WCW, this is the major leagues." They just can't let it go can they...

In the RAW office, The Authority, Seth Rollins, and Randy Orton were having a conversation. Seth Rollins wasn't impressed in the slightest. Stephanie snapped back that Rollins needed to show her some respect. Kane said they should reconsider with a more direct approach. Stephanie then told Kane to see the bigger picture. Rollins asked how the hell they were supposed to trust Orton. Stephanie responded by saying that if Orton can forgive, then so can they. Triple H just stood there in a world of his own. Orton extended his hand to Rollins and they both shook hands. Stephanie announced that to celebrate this momentous occasion, Randy Orton and Seth Rollins will team in the main event to face Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns, the crowd booing the latter. Stephanie thanked them all for an excellent meeting. Big Show grinned like a loon in the background as RAW headed to commercial. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to see where this is going...

Another Sheamus HYPE package aired.

The Ascension cut an inset promo. They said the Bushwackers are going into the 2015 Hall of Fame. More like the Hall of Shame. They then claimed the Prime Time Players wouldn't last 4 seconds with them.

Match 2: Prime Time Players defeated The Ascension in 3:00 when Viktor was caught with an inside cradle in an abysmal affair. They then all had a piss poor brawl afterwards, The Ascension quickly getting the upper hand & leaving Darren Young laying in the ring. Crowd booed, with one or two shouting "you can't wrestle".

Roman Reigns made his way out through the crowd. Can't wait for this. Cole said Reigns "proved the critics wrong" last night. Mixed reaction. Reigns said it's been one hell of a month, beginning with the Rumble & then last night with Fast Lane. Reigns claimed that he could now stand here and say he is finally going to WrestleMania. He knows a lot of us were rooting for the other guy, but for all the doubters...before he could finish, Daniel Bryan walked out with a face like a smacked arse. Less of an enthusiastic reaction for Bryan. He said he didn't mean to interrupt...actually yes he did....but he couldn't help but hear Reigns mention the doubters.

Hour 2

Bryan said he saw Roman win the Rumble match, and therefore knew he deserved to main event 'Mania, but somehow he felt like all of the people. On the inside he just booed. While a lot of people see potential, the biggest doubter in Roman Reigns is standing in front of him in Daniel Bryan. When "they" talk about potential, what they're really talking about is size and athletic ability. Bryan said he has seen lots of people walk down the aisle that didn't have half the heart he does, and that was also why the crowd likes him and they don't like Roman Reigns. Crowd now chanted "Yes!". And that is why he didn't like him either. Bryan said that last night he had an opportunity to main event WrestleMania and win back the title he never lost; he gave it every single thing he could but it still wasn't good enough. And he can honestly say he doesn't regret a thing as he gave it everything. Bryan said Reigns proved he had more heart than he ever thought he would. He doesn't care how many people are booing right now because " beat me". Bryan extended his hand & congratulated Reigns, before telling Reigns that if there was one Superstar he wants to team with it's him. Bryan then asked Roman to do him a favour and beat the crap out of Brock Lesnar. Before Bryan could make his way up the ramp & to the back, Paul Heyman walked out. He let Bryan pass before making his way down to the ring. Heyman said he knows we all expect him to cause trouble this evening, however he was simply there tonight to also congratulate Reigns. Both men shook hands, as Heyman told Reigns that was a hell of a match last night. Heyman said he wasn't surprised as his money was always on Roman Reigns, as only a fool would say he isn't "the one". Roman is head and shoulders above the rest. Whether it be Roman Reigns vs. Bruno Sammartino in the 70s, Roman Reigns vs. Hulk Hogan or Andre the Giant in the 80s, Reigns vs. Steve Austin in 1998, Reigns vs. The Rock in 1999, Reigns vs. Triple H in 2000, or vs. John Cena any time in the past 13 years, his money would always be on Roman Reigns. Needless to say the crowd were not impressed. Heyman continued that at the Rumble his money was on Roman Reigns, and his money was once again on Reigns at Fast Lane. Reigns is the guy. Heyman said the problem was Reigns isn't just fighting a man at WrestleMania, he is fighting a Beast. And Reigns' can't slay or conquer the conqueror. Any other time his money would be on Reigns, but at WrestleMania Brock Lesnar will still be Champion. Reigns asked Heyman to stand right in front of him and tell him he can't do it; to give him more motivation. Reigns vowed to beat Brock at Mania. It's not about respect, and it is not about beating him, it is the way he will beat him. Crowd were now giving him the "What" treatment. "Believe that."

On and the WWE App following RAW, for the next 24 hours the WWE Network will be available for all to sample. I'm starting to wonder if anyone is actually paying for this thing.

Match 3: In a rematch from Fast Lane, The Usos (w/Naomi) defeated Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (w/Natalya) by Disqualification in 10:00 when Natalya intentionally crotched Jimmy on the top turnbuckle right in front of the referee.

Backstage Miz was complaining to Mizdow about the lint on his jacket. Mizdow apologised but said he had some big news. Before he could say what it was, Miz cut him off. He told Mizdow that he has won every WWE title there is to win, but one thing he has not achieved is winning The Andre Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania. Mizdow then revealed to Miz that he has been contacted for a commercial deal. Mizdow thanked Miz for allowing him to stand out of his shadow. An unimpressed Miz demanded Mizdow get rolling and remove his lint.

They replayed 'Undertaker' returning at Fast Lane. Back Live, Bray was talking to an empty open casket. Rather amusingly Bray's body appeared to be emitting smoke. This was just like those Undertaker/Paul Bearer promos from Superstars in the early 90s. Bray then closed the casket lid and asked Undertaker to find him.

Dusty Hill from ZZ Top was shown in the crowd.

Match 4: Jack Swagger (no seriously, just what on earth is this bloke cutting his hair with, a hedge trimmer? A blender? Lawn mower? Has Stevie Wonder opened a hair dressers I don't know about?) tapped out Stardust with the Patriot Lock in 2:00 when Goldust came out on the stage and distracted Stardust. The crowd are now chanting "Cody" at him.

John Cena came out. He said last night was filled with defining moments.

Hour 3

Hats off to Rusev, he took him to his limit. Last night was a true championship contest. Cena said last night he was stuck in "the Acolyte", but he knew he could break it and defeat the mighty Rusev. But that never happened as Rusev kicked him in the goolies. But that's fine. He has no problem with losing, but he does have a problem with Rusev who parades around like he is some sort of hero. Yet all he proved last night is that he is a coward. This of course brought out Rusev and Lana. She said that they told him this would happen. She said that while John is standing in the ring looking for words, the truth is he failed. He let America down, and just like Americans he gave up. He was humiliated by the superior human being Rusev, who has been receiving messages from their fearless leader Putin. Rusev said that he broke him last night & it was his time. Rusev demanded Cena admit Rusev and Russia is better than Cena and America. Cena told them never to run down the United States. Cena said it was time to take the trash out and bring the US Championship back home to America. Erm, it is in America, John. Cena challenged Rusev to a rematch at WrestleMania. Rusev questioned what makes Cena think he deserves a rematch. Rusev said Cena doesn't deserve it so his answer is no.

Rollins and Orton were shown talking in the locker room. Rollins said he knows Orton hates him. Orton cut him off and said as its best for business he can consider them on the same page. Orton said he won't forget about what happened, but he does want to show Reigns and Bryan they were lucky he wasn't in the Royal Rumble match. Both men shook hands. Seth told Orton that they should show Daniel and Roman what the face and future are all about. Orton said "by any means necessary"

It's taken a while but they finally aired a great video profile package on Sting chronicling his WCW career, with various talking heads including John Cena, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, DDP and Tony Schiavone.

Match 5: The Bellas defeated Paige and Emma in 0:30 when Brie nailed Emma with the X-Factor. If only the women's wrestling on NXT was of this high calibre.

We got a video package on the next Hall of Fame inductees, The Bushwackers. Well, their theme music was good I'll give 'em that...

Back in the ring, Curtis Axel was pointing at the WrestleMania sign & told us all not to turn the channel. Axel said he's now been in the Rumble match for 29 days and 37 minutes. The Axel-Mania movement is still alive and well. He then revealed he is entering himself into the Andre Memorial Battle Royal. Ryback came out & also entered himself into the Battle Royal. Ryback said RybAxel was one of the great tag teams in WWE history...before knowingly turning to the crowd and shaking his head.

Match 6: Ryback pinned the delusional Curtis Axel in a 1 minute squash using the Shellshocked.

In another rematch from Fast Lane, Ryback, Erik Rowan and Ziggler will face The Giant, Kane, and Seth Rollins on SmackDown.

Those poor quality cameras in the ring posts that are almost as stupid as the refereye cam from WCW and TNA are still present and correct.

Seth Rollins introduced the undisputed face of WWE, and a man he is proud to call his family, Randy Orton.

Main Event: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns defeated Seth Rollins and Randy Orton (w/Big Show, Kane and J&J Security) in 16:00.


Randy Orton was going for the draping DDP but Seth Rollins tagged himself in, leading Orton to flip out on the outside. With J&J Security, Kane, and Big Show trying to calm him down, Daniel Bryan hit the Running Knee on Seth Rollins for the pin. The picture then went dark for about 30 seconds. Upon coming back Michael Cole said they were having technical difficulties. Orton went to confront Rollins in the ring but was stopped from doing so by Jamie Noble, who received an RKO for his efforts. As it looked like Orton was going to go after Rollins in the corner, Orton simply picked him up, patted him on the back and walked off. The announcers plugged the WWE Network Birthday Celebrations, while a somewhat confused Authority regrouped in the ring to take RAW off the air! In terms of the crowd about a 60/40 split in favour of Roman Reigns tonight.

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW Results March 2 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:15 pm

WWE RAW Results March 2nd 2015 wrote:Image

Commentary: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Booker T.

Hour 1

With 27 days until WrestleMania 31, Monday Night RAW kicked off with Seth Rollins, accompanied by J&J Security, making his way out. They replayed Rollins invading The Daily Show on Thursday night. Seth said Jon Stewart is on is way to RAW right now to confront him. Unlike The Daily Show which gives away their tickets for free, everyone on RAW tonight paid to see Seth Rollins. Roman Reigns' music then hit and he marched his way on down through the crowd. He said he just wanted to come out and hear everyone tell Rollins he sucked Live. Seth Rollins said that, before being rudely interrupted by Reigns, he was going to say that he is worth more than Michael Jordan, can out rap Wiz Kalifa, and out-eat Mark Henry. And since Reigns is out in the ring, he can out-wrestle him too. And unlike Reigns, he is going to he the next World Heavyweight Champion, as Reigns can't beat Brock Lesnar. Reigns reminded Rollins he failed at the Royal Rumble. Crowd, losing interest, chanted "CM Punk" of all people. Completely out of the blue Reigns then challenged Rollins to a Triple Threat at WrestleMania with Brock Lesnar. Rollins replied by saying he could do that, or wait until after the match and cash in his Money in the Bank contract. Or wait for when the entire world is watching RAW the following night...or even simply cash in when the champion least expects it. Reigns responded with "or I could just punch you in the mouth"...and so he did. J&J Security then jumped in & attacked Reigns. Reigns overpowered them both, dropping Jamie Noble with a Superman Punch, followed by a Spear to Joey Mercury. Seth meanwhile headed up the ramp.

They announced The Daily Show will air Live tonight with special guest Seth Rollins.

Paige will face Nikka Bella for the Divas Championship later.

Dean Ambrose was shown backstage heading to the ring holding the Intercontinental Championship.

Seth Rollins chastised J&J backstage when Randy Orton turned up. He told Rollins' "that was embarrassing". Orton then asked where his 'crack' security team were. Orton said he believes in Rollins, therefore he should march on over to The Authority's office and demand a match with Reigns tonight. Rollins said he appreciated the advice but he could handle this on his own. Orton said he was just trying to help.

R-Truth was on commentary, as they recapped all the shenanigans from SmackDown involving the Intercontinental Championship. They revealed R-Truth will be part of the Ladder match at WrestleMania 31.

Match 1: In a non-title match, Dean Ambrose defeated Bad News Barrett at 9:00. During the match R-Truth stole the Intercontinental Championship. Luke Harper then turned up behind him at the announce table and demanded he hand over the title. As Barrett was distracted in the ring watching him leave with it, Ambrose nailed Dirty Deeds for the pin. Harper meanwhile walked on to the back with the belt. Ambrose asked Truth where 'his' belt had gone.

They replayed Miz replacing Mizdow in his commercial shoot from SmackDown.

In what appeared to be the RAW office, Miz had brought the jabroni roster together for the exclusive screening of his commercial. Mizdow tried to intervene and tell Miz he may want to privately screen it first. Miz ignored him and played the tape anyway. It turned out to be a commercial for erectile dysfunction pill "Niagra", edited to look like Miz can't get his "Money maker" up. The jobbers pissed themselves in amusement. A furious Miz said his General has lots of bullets in its arsenal. Miz almost in tears said Mizdow had set him up on purpose and slapped him in the face. Both men then went nose-to-nose, Miz reminding Mizdow that whatever he was thinking of doing to remember where he was before he met Miz. Mizdow backed-down & said "sorry", seething as we headed to break.

Back in the arena, the "face of fear" Bray Wyatt made his way out. There was an old school wooden casket set up on the stage. Crowd chanted "Undertaker". Bray asked Taker to "come out, come out wherever you are". With WrestleMania approaching, Bray said he had built the casket especially for him, and yet still Undertaker mocks him with his silence. Channelling 1998, Bray picked up a gasoline can and poured it over the casket. And just like Paul Bearer did to Undertaker's parents, set the casket on fire. Bray vowed at Mania Undertaker will burn too. JBL wondered whether Undertaker was in the casket. WWE meanwhile really overplayed the "fire sound effect", making it come across somewhat ridiculous for what wasn't a very big fire.

WWE is Number 1 on YouTube for sports video...apparently. Not sure about now but at one point you could get about 40 minutes worth of RAW highlights every Tuesday.

Match 2: In mixed tag team action, The Usos and Naomi defeated Tyson Kidd, Cesaro and Natalya at 3:00 when Naomi rolled up Natalya who had an injured ankle. Kidd and Natalya argued after the match and then made up when Natalya burst into tears.

Roman Reigns will face Seth Rollins in the main event...sponsored by Twix.

John Cena addresses his plans for WrestleMania...NEXT.


You know the format for this show by now. Right before the top of the hour John Cena made his way to the ring, as the crowd sang "John Cena suuuucks" along to the music.

Hour 2

They replayed Rusev refusing a rematch with John Cena from last week. Back in the ring the crowd booed Cena. "An audience divided". Nope John, they're definitely all booing you tonight...Cena said for those of us not in his corner we got to see Rusev beat him at Fast Lane. Cena then said don't stay too happy for too long as he was going to adapt and overcome. Crowd continued to boo Cena's stale rhetoric. Cena noted Rusev is a marked man, but his focus is on WrestleMania - revealing he is entering the Andre The Giant Battle Royal. Stephanie McMahon then interjected. "Doesn't Stephanie look beautiful tonight" noted JBL...literally 2 seconds into her coming out. Stephanie asked when superstars were suddenly able to declare what match they're going to be in. Cena said that's what everyone has done. Stephanie said it sounded to her like he was trying to disparage one of the biggest legends in this business, Andre The Giant. We got a photo of a young 8 year old Stephanie sitting on Andre's lap. Stephanie then refused Cena entry into the match. Cena retorted that looking at the photo you could tell all those years ago Stephanie wasn't the bitch she is now. Steph said Cena's actions haven't exactly been a friend of The Authority. John told her that it is not about Rusev, The Authority, Sting... it is about WrestleMania, and the day he isn't in WrestleMania is...before he could finish Stephanie interjected and said that many people have said that without the likes of Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock or Bret Hart that the WWE would not survive, but instead it has thrived. So what if John Cena did not wrestle at WrestleMania? Crowd chanted "YES!". Stephanie quipped that for once she actually likes this chant. She told Cena that he is not special or unique, and it's not where WWE would be without John Cena, rather where John Cena would be without WWE. Curtis Axel of ALL PEOPLE then interrupted on the stage. Axel said not to change the channel as AxelMania is running wild. Crowd chanted "AxelMania". Stephanie announced that if Cena wants to prove himself, he will have to face The Axe Man right now. She then revealed the only way Cena is going to face Rusev at WrestleMania is if he can make Rusev change his mind. Axel asked a thoroughly unimpressed Cena "Watcha gonna do when Axel Mania runs wild on you?" Axel then ripped his shirt Hogan style. Cena said that if this match starts Curtis Axel will not be walking out of the ring. As RAW headed to break the crowd chanted "CENA SUCKS".

Match 3: John Cena destroyed Curtis Axel in a nothing bout with the AA and STF in a 10 second match dragged out over 2 minutes.

Rusev & Lana walked out. Rusev pondered whether to face Cena at WrestleMania. Crowd now doing a complete about face chanted "Yes!". Rusev snapped that it wasn't up to the ignorant Americans. Rusev said his answer was still no. The Russian flag fell from the rafters as Cena looked glum in the ring. Cole on commentary noted that it looked like Cena wouldn't be part of WrestleMania this year. Yeah, right.

They replayed a bit of Dox Hendrix and Arn Anderson's interview from discussing Sting.

David Guetta's "Rise" is one of the theme songs for WrestleMania.

Triple H came out. Hunter said that in 1995 he looked Vince McMahon in the eye and simply asked for an opportunity. 20 years later, 13 World Championships, and now the COO of WWE, it looks like he took advantage of his opportunity. In contrast at Fast Lane he gave Sting the opportunity to be bigger than he has ever been before & instead Sting opted for a fleeting chance to have a moment on the grandest stage of them all. Hunter says that Sting chose to do it with the wrong guy. HHH said that everyone has a theory as to why Sting didn't come to WWE years earlier. One of those guys that has a theory is Booker T. Hunter invited Booker into the ring. Booker told Hunter that he knows Sting as he has gone down the road with him many times. He also knows knows Triple H, and he knows that Hunter is not afraid to use his influence and power to get what he wants. Booker said that if he was in Triple H's position he probably would have blocked Sting from coming into the WWE too. Triple H said Booker was just like all those kids on the internet who believe the conspiracy theories & think they know the ins and outs of the industry. Booker replied that Sting is a stand up guy, and loyal. He was the last man standing in WCW. You cannot control Sting. No one can. Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, the nWo, and even Eric Bischoff could not control Sting. Triple H said control is a funny thing because you have power over people, and when you don’t have control, it is a scary thing. Hunter then thanked Booker T for joining him in the ring before then suddenly firing him. Crowd once again chanted for "CM Punk". After the shock, Booker T grabbed his notes at the table & was about to head to the back. Hunter then told Booker to stop and revealed he was just messing with him, as that was just an example of control and to show who has it. Triple H said he has been handed a opportunity on a silver plater - to end the last vestige of what was and is WCW. At WrestleMania he will take advantage of that situation and he will put an end to Sting.

Match 4: With the commentary team giving this the hard sell (subtle this company, eh) Paige defeated Nikki (w/Brie) by disqualification in a Divas Championship match at 6:00 when Brie ran in and attacked Paige. With both Bella twins assaulting Paige, AJ Lee returned and put the beating on the twins. Lee and Paige then dispatched them to the outside. The crowd chanted for "CM Punk" yet again.

Wiz Kalifa guests on RAW next week. Never heard of him.

Renee Young interviewed AJ Lee and Paige backstage. Paige asked who invited her. AJ replied that she is not good at doing what she is told. AJ said that she saw what the Bellas have done and she wanted to "give the Divas a chance".

In the ring they had a budget version of The Daily Show set in the ring, presented by Seth Rollins. Rollins crapped on Newark. They once again aired Rollins invading The Daily Show last week.

Hour 3

Where is Jon Stewart? was the first subject. Rollins said much like the audience when Stewart presented the Oscars last year, he is dead silent. And just like all of America didn't show up to the movie he directed last year, he hasn't shown up to RAW tonight. Jon Stewart then walked on out, not taking this entirely seriously. He said Rollins was dressed like a SWAT team stripper with lady Gaga's hair. Jon informed Seth that the people of New Jersey aren’t afraid of the Curb Stomp because that is the way they greet each other in the morning...and for brunch. Jon said he remembers the wrestlers who, unlike Seth, earned their place. The likes of Bruno Sammartino and Gorilla Monsoon. He said Seth never fought his way up like Mick Foley, never went against the establishment like Stone Cold & never fought through injury after injury to become a true great like The Undertaker. Jon noted how Seth thought he could take a short cut by cheating and becoming the poster boy for The Authority, but after time posters get taken down when people get tired of them. Stewart then reminded Seth that he did not earn the briefcase, as had Kane not...before he could continue Seth got up and grabbed Jon Stewart, & was about to hit him when Randy Orton's music hit and he walked out. With Rollins and J&J momentarily distracted, Stewart kicked Rollins in the 'nads. On the outside Orton asked what Seth was doing.

Renee Young interviewed Jon Stewart backstage.

Match 5: Daniel Bryan defeated Luke Harper (who came out clutching the Intercontinental Championship) in 6:00 with the Yes! Lock. After the match Bad News Barrett walked out and reclaimed his title. Dean Ambrose met him in the aisleway and tossed Barrett into the ring. After dispatching Barrett, Ambrose was laid out by Harper. While Harper was in the corner R-Truth 'sneaked' up and retook the belt. By the time he had made his way to the other side of the ring he was confronted by Harper. A kid in the crowd screamed "MY SISTER WRESTLES BETTER THAN YOU!" at Luke Harper. R-Truth was then taken out. As Harper headed to the back the crowd chanted for Ziggler. And they got what they wanted as out of the corner of the screen Harper was levelled with a Superkick. Bryan led the crowd in chants of "Yes!" atop the announce table as Dolph Ziggler symbolically climbed the ladder on the stage.

They revealed that the next inductee into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame will be Monster Truck driver Alundra Blayze, better known as Madusa in the AWA & WCW...probably just so they can have her apologise for throwing the WWF woman's championship into the bin back in 1995.

In the RAW office, Randy Orton demanded a thank you from Seth Rollins for saving his job, as had Rollins punched Stewart he would have been sued for all the money he doesn't have. Orton told Rollins however that if he needed any help in his match all he needed to do was ask. Kane and Big Show turned up and said they'd have Rollins back. Jamie Noble told Orton that it looked like they wouldn't need everyone out there. Orton replied by simply telling them to suit themselves and walked off.

Paul Heyman cut a promo in the ring. "Yes, it's true...Brock Lesnar will be at WrestleMania. Believe that. Brock Lesnar will be anywhere he damn well pleases before WrestleMania. He will be anywhere he damn well pleases after WrestleMania. Brock Lesnar will be WWE Champion for as long as he damn well pleases." Heyman said we had our fantasises on Daniel Bryan winning at Fast Lane, but had that happened he would have been crushed by Lesnar at WrestleMania. Heyman was having problems with the microphone cutting out so Lilian Garcia handed Heyman a new one. "It's about time you did something right." Heyman said WWE have ordered all the the confetti and pyro for WrestleMania ready for a Roman Reigns victory but Roman Reigns can't beat Brock Lesnar. He either gets sadistically taken apart or Brock Lesnar simply Ronda Rousey's his ass.

Booker T: Sentenced to Greatness follows on the WWE Network following RAW.

The cameras in the ring posts are present and correct...but haven't been used all night.

Main Event: Seth Rollins (w/Big Show, J&J Security, and Kane) defeated Roman Reigns at 15:00 when Randy Orton on the outside grabbed Reigns' leg and Rollins rolled him up.


Orton, looking conflicted at his actions, made his way backstage...leaving a furious Reigns to demolish every single one of The Authority, ending with a Spear on Rollins as he was about to come off the top rope with a drop kick. Reigns also performed a Plancha over the top rope onto all of them ala Undertaker at In Your House: Ground Zero.

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW Results 9th March 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:16 pm

WWE RAW Results March 9 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Hour 1

As the road to WrestleMania continues, RAW rolls on through the CONSOL Energy Center in Pittsburgh. On tap tonight, musical excellence from Wiz Khalifa.

Randy Orton made his way out. Seth Rollins, Kane, Big Show & J&J Security were already in the ring clapping. They announced that Randy Orton and Seth Rollins will team later tonight to take on Roman Reigns in a 2-1 Handicap match. Kane said they could have done this earlier in private but they wanted to welcome Randy Orton back into The Authority in public to rub it in everyone's faces. Orton and Kane then shook hands. Big Show said the two of them go back a long way, & when he looks at Randy he sees the most ruthless, aggressive & sadistic superstar who would RKO his own grandfather if he stood in his way. Jamie Noble was about to suck-up to Orton but couldn't go through with it, and said Orton was nothing but a no good snake who could not be trusted. Seth Rollins, in a Cartoon Network-esque character voice, mocked Jamie for being over sensitive, before telling Orton they were all thrilled to have him back within the group. J&J Security were clearly not buying into it. Rollins said everyone thinks Orton was just biding his time to get his revenge on him, and that the WWE Universe must now all feel like complete idiots...and not just because they live in Pittsburgh. Crowd chanted "RKO". Rollins continued that they all had doubts...even Big Show, but nobody really cares what Big Show thinks anyway. Show was not amused by this, but Rollins said he was just joking & everyone just needs to stop being so stressed out. Rollins extended his hand and welcomed Orton home, and then asked the crowd to stand and give it up for The Viper. Crowd cheered. Orton said those words were very kind and touching, but it left him thinking something - what the hell happened to The Authority? Orton asked when the hell they became such kiss arses; when did Kane go from the Devil’s Favourite Demon to Devil’s Favourite Dumbass, who instead of kicking ass and taking names is kissing ass and making coffee. Big Show has gone from the most dominate superstar to the most pathetic. Orton then moved to Jamie Noble and questioned whether Noble was just angry because he can get on all the rides at Disneyland & Noble can't. Orton said his daughter feels the same way, but she is 6 years old. Orton then completely no sold Joey Mercury & moved his attention back to Rollins. Orton asked if Rollins had been blinded by his ego, as he plans on making him his bitch. Orton promised to make Rollins feel every stomp & every punch until there was no future for Seth Rollins left. Crowd chanted "RKO" again. Orton then just said he was screwing with them all. Kane was not amused. Rollins said Orton had them all so good that maybe he should be the one taking over from John Stewart. If they think they're having fun out here now, wait until the main event when they dismantle Roman Reigns. They then all huddled round and said "Because that is what is best for business." Kane didn't look very convinced at all.

The announcers plugged the musical concert, and the "rumours" circulating around Brock Lesnar, who will be here later tonight.

R-Truth was on commentary once again, this time making numerous references that were going way over my head. He also had a burlap bag on the table.

Match 1: In the opening bout, Daniel Bryan defeated Intercontinental Champion Bad New Barrett in a non-title match with the Running Knee at 7:00. After the match Bryan led the crowd in chants of "YES!". As Bryan was coming off the turnbuckle Barrett waffled him with the Bullhammer Elbow and laid him out. Dean Ambrose then ran out and knocked out Barrett in the entranceway.

R-Truth was still on commentary talking about potatoes. JBL then inexplicably started talking about Garry Anderson and the darts. Cole quipped that Booker T best not get his notes wet or he may not be able to talk for the next 2 hours. Where's Steve McMichael when you need him...

Match 2: Dean Ambrose pinned Stardust (who stole the Intercontinental Championship on SmackDown) with Dirty Deeds at 7:00. After the match Ambrose retook the belt...until Barrett ran back down and attacked Ambrose. Bryan then re-entered the ring and went to work on Barrett. Luke Harper and Dolph Ziggler also ran down & everyone got into a huge brawl. R-Truth meanwhile 'sneaked' over & put the title in the sack and sat back down at the table. Back in the ring, Barrett struck with the Bullhammer once more on Daniel Bryan. Barrett then went over to the announce table and demanded Truth hand over his belt. Truth begrudgingly went under the table and passed him the bag. Barrett gleefully headed into the crowd. He then went into the bag to reveal it was actually a cheap replica of the Intercontinental Championship. On the stage Truth pulled out the real deal. Barrett was irate.

Christ, the amount of NOTES on the announce table...

WWE announced that the first inductee for the inaugural "Warrior Award" at the 2015 Hall of Fame will recognise Connor Michalek. Nice video.

Paul Heyman was in the ring. He said that all day WWE have been attempting to get him to preview the following video. Instead he decided to watch it along with everyone else. A package on Reigns aired chronicling his career, interspersed with an interview with Byron Saxton.

Hour 2

Back in the arena, Heyman said he made some interesting points, and he will retort those points alongside Brock Lesnar. The WWE Champion then marched on out. Heyman said to his client that video was propaganda. The truth about Roman Reigns is that when he was 9 years old his father, who is one generation removed from cannibals, would take Roman and his family to bars to fight with football players. Then his Uncle would take Roman and his family to the beach and tell him the same thing about beach bum muscle-heads. The same will apply at WrestleMania, except one problem remains: he will not beat Brock Lesnar. So if The Authority want Reigns to win so Seth Rollins can cash in on Roman Reigns because Rollins will be cheaper & doesn't have the guts to face Lesnar, then if anyone within The Authority thinks of pulling a Montreal scenario Brock has told him that nobody will leave that stadium alive. Before Heyman could continue his microphone was temporarily cut off. If Brock wants to spend his summer unifying the WWE and UFC titles, then that is what he is going to do. The microphone was once again shut off. If Brock decides to go to Las Vegas and try to slap around Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, then that is what he is going to do too. The WWE title no longer belongs to WWE, rather it belongs to Brock Lesnar. In 2002 they put a rookie in the ring with The Rock, and that rookie sent him off to Hollywood. In 2014 they fed him to Undertaker to the point Bray Wyatt has to resurrect him. The answers to all the questions are: Brock Lesnar.

On the Tron, Bray Wyatt said 'Mania is almost here, and The Reaper awaits The Deadman. "Tonight...find me."

The new Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal Trophy was shown at ringside.

Match 3: Ryback & Erik Rowan defeated Kane and Big Show at 3:00 when Show accidentally KO'ed Kane with the Knock Out Punch.

As Kane and Big Show argued in the ring Stephanie McMahon stormed out and demanded they both behave like adults, and then told Show to shut up. Maybe Orton was right earlier. Orton may have been kidding, but she isn't. Crowd gave her the "What?" treatment. Stephanie then ordered them both out of her ring, to pack their bags, and leave the arena.

They replayed the Erectile Dysfunction commercial from last week. Miz said his background was in musical theatre, telling Wiz that they should collaborate on an album. "The Miz and Wiz". Wiz said after seeing that commercial he wasn't so sure. Plus, while he likes Miz, he has already found an A Lister. In walked "Wizdow" wearing a baseball cap and a dreadlocks wig. Sandow rapped and Miz stormed off.

Another Sheamus Returns video.

Wiz Khalifa performed a medley of his hits. "We making noise" was one of his lyrics. They managed to find about 5 people dancing in the whole fact it was so bad they had to show the same woman twice. At one point a little boy covered his ears. No doubt many people decided to take a Wiz themselves during this musical interlude...

Amongst what was a very mixed reception for the hometown boy, Wizdow then came out and posed. Paige and AJ Lee were shown backstage heading towards the ring.

Byron Saxton interviewed the Bellas backstage on featuring in the Flintstones movie. We then got some horribly acted and shoehorned references to the cartoon.

Match 4: AJ Lee (w/Paige) defeated Summer Rae (w/Cameron and the red headed one) with the Black Widow to near silence from the crowd.

In an absolutely horrible pre-tape, interspersed with archive footage from WCW, Sting cut a promo. For some unbeknownst reason they drastically deepened his voice to the point he sounded like the strawberry floating Shockmaster. To be honest I'm not even 100% sure it was Sting at all. 'Sting' said that he has been called a vigilante, but he is more than that - he is the face of retribution. Sting said he knows how power and ego - like that of the nWo - can corrupt and destroy lives. When WCW perished, it fell on a broken authority. He tried to save WCW, but he failed. He knows pain and loss, and after WrestleMania, Triple H will too. Sting said that Hunter talks about control, but you cannot control vengeance. Sting said his loyalty to WCW has never changed. Triple H needs to be taken down, & he has been waiting 14 years to do it. Game Over. I actually felt genuinely insulted watching this.

Backstage Rusev told Cena that he still isn't getting his match. Cena said he doesn't give a damn what Rusev thinks. Cena said he knows that performing at WrestleMania is not a right, but a privilege. Rusev has also been given the privilege to come to the USA to support his family, so he needs to be a proud hero of the Russian Federation. Cena said that it does not give you the right to go to the ring every week and denigrate the USA. Cena vowed that should Rusev say one word against the United States tonight then there won’t need to be a match at WrestleMania.

Randy Orton returns to SmackDown this Thursday.

Hour 3

Rusev and Lana made their way out at the top of the hour. Does Rusev ever defend that United States Championship?

Match 5: Lana defeated Curtis Axel in under a minute.

After the match Rusev said back in the Hulkamania days America was strong, but now all they do is live in the past. All they want to do is negotiate. If America had a soul then God would look down and spit on it. John Cena walked out to boos. Both men got into a brawl & Cena quickly applied the STF to Rusev. Crowd chanted "USA!". Rusev then passed out in no time at all, as referees ran down to check on Rusev. Cena poured water on Rusev to wake him back up...only to apply it to him again, this time with Rusev tapping out. Lana begged Cena to let Rusev go. She then caved in and gave Cena the match with Rusev at WrestleMania for the US title. This made Rusev look weak as gooseberry fool.

Bray Wyatt said tonight he raises the dead, presumably talking about the Undertaker and not the viewers at home.

Rusev chastised Lana in Russian in the trainers room, and ordered her to leave.

Match 6: Big E and Xavier Woods defeated Tyson Kidd and Cesaro in 4:00 when Xavier Woods pinned Tyson Kidd. This was also death with the crowd.

The Usos's then came out.

Match 7: Naomi defeated Natalya with her arse at 2:00. The Uso's and Kidd and Cesaro ended up getting into it on the outside. Natalya told her husband that the Tag belt was hers.

Match 8: Los Matadores (w/El Torito) rolled up The Uso's after one of them crashed into El Torito. They accidentally played Miz's music for a split second. The crowd weren't particularly interested in this match either.

They replayed the opening segment.

Backstage in the RAW office, Rollins told J&J Security to cut the crap with Orton. Noble said they just had a bad feeling about this. Rollins claimed Orton was family, and instead they need to focus on Roman Reigns.

Aside from Heyman's promo, highlight of the night so far is a Sky Arts commercial of various people playing Voodoo Chile on the guitar.

Back from commercial, Bray Wyatt was in the ring. Bray said he never sleeps, but is always dreaming. In the darkness of these dreams, he starts to see the world not for what is is but for what it should be. Bray said he sees cities burning and governments crumbling, and there is such beauty in chaos. It was always about Undertaker. It was all about pride that led him to Undertaker. Bray said he doesn't want to stand by his side, rather walk over his broken bones to his throne. He is the new face of fear. Everyone used to fear Undertaker but not any more. Undertaker always knew The Streak would end, and at Wrestlemania 31 Undertaker's resurrection will also be his requiem & final resting place. Bray asked Undertaker to accept his challenge. In the ring was an urn. Bray asked when the urn could bring back the dead? Bray took the lid off and laughed at it. "Surprise, surprise it is empty." The urn then started to smoke, and the sounds of thunder filled the arena. Repeated dongs sounded. The urn and table in the ring suddenly vanished . Undertaker's voice bellowed over the sound system, "You in peace". A lightning bolt then struck the rocking chair and it dramatically burst into flames, as Undertaker's theme music played in the background. Bray just laughed on his hands and knees.

They replayed John Cena taking out Rusev from earlier.

John Cena will be exclusively interviewed on the WWE Network following RAW.


They replayed the concluding moments of Paul Heyman's promo on Roman Reigns.

Main Event: Roman Reigns defeated Randy Orton and Seth Rollins in 4:00 when Orton backed away from a tag from Rollins & flipped him off (the camera for a brief second went to black and then carefully filmed just below Orton's hand gesture). Reigns then hit the Spear for the pin.

After the match Orton demolished Rollins around ringside, and nailed him with repeated chair shots in the crowd. After being dropped with a draping DDT off the barricade, Orton destroyed Rollins with an RKO through the announce table to take RAW off the air! This went on for such a long time (almost 10 minutes) that it begs the question why they even need a match at WrestleMania for Orton to get his revenge.

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW Results March 16 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:18 pm

WWE RAW Results March 16 2015 wrote:Image

Location: Wells Fargo Arena; Des Moines, IA
Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield

Hour 1

WWE RAW kicked off with a recap of Randy Orton's interview with Michael Cole on SmackDown. Live in the arena, Seth Rollins, Big Show, Kane and J&J Security were already in the ring. Rollins said while some of the crowd may chant his name tonight, they all loved what happened to him last week. He said Orton betrayed & screwed him over. Crowd chanted "RKO". Orton stalked him like an animal. Rollins said he trusted and vouched for Orton and he betrayed him. And unlike The Shield, which was a sound business decision, what Orton did was in cold blood and without the tiniest peace of empathy or decency. Orton conned himself into The Authority and made fools out of them all. Big Show told Seth that he owed him an apology. What Orton did was just cruel, but he is just a slimy snake in the grass. Show vowed to crush the snake. Kane also said he was sorry, and despite not being as gullible as Big Show, he was still sucked in and Orton will pay. Noble said he was the secret weapon of the Authority, & he didn't see a snake but a rat. Noble said Rollins is his friend and it hurt him too. God, what a bunch of dorks. Mercury, holding back tears, was unable to speak as he was so overcome. Rollins said the thing that will hurt the most is Randy Orton's ego. For years Orton has thought he could get away with anything with no consequences, but he has never messed with somebody like him. Seth Rollins then accepted the match for WrestleMania against Randy Orton...on one condition: Orton has to agree to face him tonight on RAW. Orton's music struck and out he walked on stage. Orton said he isn't the face of the WWE but just a guy; a guy who last week made Seth look like "a little bitch". And he is also the guy that is going to beat Seth's ass tonight in the main event. Orton said he knows it will be 5 on 1, but Seth will need all the help he can get. Orton said he had enough venom for all The Authority, & vowed to end the future of the WWE at WrestleMania. Orton's music then immediately cut in...funny how they know when a promo ends, isn't it...

Rusev vs. John Cena contract signing to come later tonight, and we hear from Brock Lesnar in a a pre-taped interview.

Paige and AJ Lee were shown backstage heading to the ring.

Michael Cole said WrestleMania has a special time of 8pm...and then corrected himself to 7 eastern. Vince McMahon JBL then went ape gooseberry fool on him for getting it wrong. 6 hours if you include the Kick-Off show. Yes, SIX.

The Bellas cut an inset promo about nothing.

Match 1: WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella (w/Brie) defeated AJ Lee (w/Paige) in a non-title outing with the Rack Attack at 11:00 (!) in a match that went through a commercial break. Brie Bella posted Paige on the outside.

Season 1 of Tough Enough is on WWE Network.

Turd Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler & Dean Ambrose face Stardust, Luke Harper & Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett later.

They recapped Roman Reigns Spearing a returning Mark Henry through the barricade on SmackDown.

Renee Young interviewed Kane and Big Show backstage. Kane said Big Show will be in Seth's corner tonight. Show then complained that he is never consulted about these things & they got into an argument about it. Rollins stepped in and said they represent The Authority and they were both being stupid. An angered Kane said Stephanie can address he and Show how she wishes...Rollins however, can not. Kane added that they kinda enjoyed what happened to Rollins after all, as he has being acting like an entitled spoiled little brat since Kane enabled him to win the Money in the Bank contract. Kane revealed he would not be at ringside later, and extended that offer to Big Show too. Show then just looked at Rollins and stormed off.

Sky caught a promo with Miz and Mizdow mid flow. Miz revealed that should he lose the Andre The Giant Battle Royal at WrestleMania, Mizdow will be fired. In a Thunder Blunder moment they then replayed the entire thing again moments later as an inset promo.

Match 2: In a rematch from this past Thursday, Ryback demolished The Miz (w/Mizdow) with Shellshocked in 2:00. After the match, Mizdow went to help Miz up...only to be put down with a Skull Crushing Finale.

We got a package on Cena vs. Rusev recapping last week.

Celtic Warrior SHY MOOSE video.

Hour 2

Right at the top of the hour, Michael Cole was in the ring & introduced "15 time World Champion" John Cena to mass boos. Why does this show have to feel so rigid & formulaic. They had USA and Russia flags on the posts. Cole asked Cena to sign the contract. Crowd did the dualing Cena Sucks/Lets go Cena chant. "Lot of enthusiasm for WrestleMania in this building tonight". Hateful man. Cena said this contract was the most important of his career. Rusev is the champion of the United States, which means Rusev represents the people. Which is why this match is important. Crowd chanted "USA". I can't believe this 80s era cynical 'storytelling' still gets over. Cena said he believes the USA is the greatest country on earth, and you can only push the USA so far before they come back and kick your ass. Rusev, in a suit, then came out accompanied by some goon. Lana was absent. Some of the crowd chanted "We want Lana". The goon revealed himself to the be attorney, and said Rusev will not be competing against American John Cena at WrestleMania. Rusev didn't agree to the match. Exhibit A and B went up on the Tron, which was Lana accepting the match on behalf of Rusev. The commentators said they saw this 'attorney' parking cars earlier & is a phoney from Texas. The attorney then said if Rusev was allowed a prepared statement ripping on America undeterred he would sign. Crowd just 'whated' the whole thing. Cena got mad. Rusev said America is a cancer to the world & a country that will die. "USA" chant again. Rusev then signed the contract & flipped the table onto John Cena & ran away up the ramp. The Russian flag then fell from the ceiling, as Cena clutched the contract and seethed in the ring. No, I don't really know why Rusev signed the contract either.

Tyson Kidd and Cesaro cut an inset promo and said they could even clap better than the New Day. Los Matadores with El Bollocko then made their way out.

Match 3: In a really lousy match that went under 2 minutes, Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya, who looked amazing it has to be noted) defeated Contender for Least Over Gimmick Of 2015 The New Day (w/Xavier Woods) in a non-title match when Cesaro pinned Kofi off a punch to the back of the head. After the match Los Matadores beat up New Day on the outside and Cesaro planted Kofi with the Neutraliser in the ring. Cesaro was then sent out of the ring by El Torito, leaving them standing tall. Seriously.

Jey Uso suffered a shoulder injury on SmackDown and will be re-evaluated later in the week.

They played Triple H vs Sting on the 2K Video game. It was slow.

In the RAW office, Seth Rollins was shown telling J&J Security to listen to him and not leave him high and dry tonight. Noble noted that it was Rollins who told them to leave last week. Noble said that if Rollins had listened to him then none of this would be happening. Rollins told Jamie Noble that if he didn't shut up he'd be fired. Noble said he can't be fired as he quits. Joey Mercury then walked out on Rollins too.

In a pre-taped interview, WWE Champion Brock Lesnar gave his thoughts on Roman Reigns. Lesnar said he was put on this earth to seek and destroy and to hurt people. That may be sadistic to some, but not to him. It's why he's here. WrestleMania means a day that he gets to show up, kick someone's ass, and be paid to do it. Undertaker didn't stand a chance last year. To those who were disappointed he beat the Undertaker, he doesn't care. Brock said in regards to his contract with WWE, stay or go, he will be WWE Champion. Reigns will not stand in the way of that. At WrestleMania, he is going to strawberry float up Roman Reigns. The End.

Big Show dismantled Erik Rowan in about a minute, & the match never officially got started. The Showster delivered a terrible elbow drop off the buckles.

They announced Larry Zbyszko will be inducted into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame.

Kane was in the ring with a load of jobbers. He said forget AxelMania as there was only one person who is going to win the 'Mania Battle Royal, & that's him. Mark Henry then walked out, and said WrestleMania is going to have its own March Madness and that's the Andre The Giant Battle Royal, so he's going to throw his hat in there too. All of them (Jack Swagger, Titus O'Neil...erm...) got into it in the ring as Curtis Axel just watched from the outside. In an impromptu Battle Royal that went all of a minute, Mark Henry was the last man left standing after eliminating Curtis Axel, who had attempted to throw out Mark Henry as he was getting Kane over the top rope.

Hour 3

In a 6 being interspecies match, El Torito and Los Matadores will face Cesaro, Tyson Kidd and Natalya on SmackDown.

As this enthralling RAW rolls on, Paul Heyman was in the ring for a promo. Brock Lesnar views the concept of boundaries and regulations as something that was written by a pacifist. Lesnar is not coming to WrestleMania to make love, he is coming to make war. Heyman asked what happens when Brock decides to violate the parameters and boundaries that are imposed upon him? Are WWE going to shut off the lights, cut off the feed of the pay per view or the WWE Network? Are they going to give everyone their money back? We're stuck with Brock Lesnar as WWE Champion. WWE then cut his microphone off again. Heyman asked what WWE is going to do when Brock Lesnar does 'what he's not supposed to do'. Reigns was the stand-out in NXT, he won the Rumble, he defeated Daniel Bryan, and he was the bad ass of The Shield, but what is going to happen when reality bitch slaps him in the face. Roman Reigns then interrupted through the crowd & confronted Heyman in the ring. Crowd booed. Reigns said he has a lot of respect for Heyman, and his issue is not with him, rather with his client. Reigns said that if Lesnar was here right now he'd tell him to his face. Crowd started chanting "Daniel Bryan" right over his promo. Reigns said he isn't going into this because he expects a fairy tale, rather he too is looking for a fight and hoping for a war. Reigns said he has had a lot of people saying he can't, but he will beat Lesnar's ass at WrestleMania. No because he wants or needs to, but because he can & he will. Believe that. Cole questioned if Reigns can do it, or whether Reigns is just spitting words out.

They replayed the opening segment...because why not. And then everyone quitting on Rollins later in the night.

Renee Young interviewed Paul Heyman in the hallway. Reigns won't have to wait till WrestleMania to come face to face with Brock Lesnar, as he will give him Lesnar next week on RAW. Reigns may want to think about it, not that he can do anything about it.

Star of NCIS:LA LL Cool J will be appearing Live at WrestleMania 31.

R-Truth came out for more 'hilarious' commentary. He had the Intercontinental Championship clipped to his back.

Yes, there really has been less than 15 minutes of wrestling in 2 hours and 20 minutes, meaning there is probably now more wrestling on an Eastenders omnibus than RAW.

Match 4: Finally returning to in-ring action...oh no wait sorry, they've gone to commercial. Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose def...another commercial...eated Stardust, Luke Harper and Bad News Barrett in 17:00 when Dean Ambrose planted Bad News Barrett with the Dirty Deeds DDT.

After the match Harper attacked Ambrose & sent him flying over the announce table. Ambrose quickly recovered and floored Harper, which allowed Stardust to escape through the crowd with the Intercontinental strap. He was then cut off by Dean Ambrose. They fought in the crowd and the title ended up landing back at ringside. Truth picked up the title but was stopped by Luke Harper. Truth threw the belt into the ring, & Ambrose took out Harper. Ziggler and Bryan fought over the title in the ring. After all the chaos, Barrett was left standing tall with the belt back in his possession after Bullhammering everyone in the ring. On the outside, Barrett confronted R-Truth...and then dropped him with the Bullhammer Elbow as well. Barrett celebrated atop the ladder on the stage.

Backstage, Seth Rollins confronted Triple H and Stephanie in the RAW Office. Rollins asked what they were going to do to fix the situation tonight. Stephanie said he made his own bed and will need to lie in it. Rollins said if they hadn't sent Big Show and Kane home last week then this wouldn't have happened. Hunter questioned who Rollins thought he was speaking to. Rollins snapped back that was rich coming from the guy playing hide and seek with Sting. Stephanie stepped in again & asked Rollins to man up...if he can. Triple H then told Rollins to run along before his situation goes from bad to worse.

They replayed highlights of Bray Wyatt's promo from last week & Undertaker accepting the match.

Bray Wyatt cut a promo on the Tron about Abigail, and all the lies this rotten world has been feeding him. She also told him about The Undertaker. Last week Undertaker tried to burn fear into his heart. All he succeeded in doing was turning the chair to dust. Everyone is asking what is left of Undertaker. Agony, fear...last year we saw a broken Streak. Now Undertaker is afraid to show his face. Bray continued that Undertaker's destiny is taken, and now he is out of time; his fate sealed. Wrestlemania 31 will be his final resting place. Bray vowed to make Abigail proud, as he takes his rightful place amongst the Gods.

They confirmed Roman Reigns will go face-to-face with Brock Lensar next week Live from Hollywood. Snoop Dog and Bill Simmons will be the Special Guests next week on RAW. JBL asked who the hell booked Simmons.


Seth Rollins came out on the stage and told Orton that it took him 3 weeks of scheming to make The Authority look like fools. Seth then broke into laughter, revealing that it's only taken him 3 hours to make a fool out of Randy Orton. BEHOLD THE KING then struck, as the entire Authority walked out onto the stage. Orton rolled out of the ring and grabbed a chair. The Authority surrounded the ring as the crowd chanted "We want Sting". Well that's exactly what they got as the lights then suddenly went out. Upon coming back up, Sting was in the ring clutching a baseball bat beside Orton. Both men then went to work dispatching everyone. Sting delivered a Stinger Splash on J&J Security in the corner, followed up with a Scorpion Death Drop on Noble. Orton then nailed a Diamond Cutter on Mercury. With the crowd chanting "STING! STING! STING", Randy Orton and Sting stood side by side in the ring to take RAW off the air in explosive fashion!


Following RAW, Michael Cole was in the ring to interview Sting and Randy Orton. Orton said he knows Sting isn't used to how things work around here, but he doesn't need anyone to watch his back...however even he's got to admit that was pretty damn cool. The both men then shook hands. Sting, cutting his first Live promo in WWE to a huge ovation, said that it took him 14 years to get in this ring right here, and it feels smoking good. Sting said he meant what he said, & vowed to take down Triple H at WrestleMania.

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW Results March 23 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:19 pm

WWE RAW Results March 23rd 2015 wrote:Image

Location: Staples Center, Los Angeles
Commentary: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Booker T

In front of a huge sell-out crowd of 17,540 fans, the final RAW before WrestleMania kicked off with the arrival of Sting. "So this is what it feels like to kick of Monday Night RAW. I'm not here to fight for WCW, as that would be ridiculous at this point." Sting said that he was in WWE for one specific reason, and that's to take Triple H down. This brought out Stephanie McMahon down to the ring. "So this is what it feels like to be in the ring with the Stinger." She smugly quipped that now Sting knows what it's like to be in the big leagues, and to soak it all in. Sting replied that Stephanie is that spoiled little brat who's had everything handed to her and yet somehow thinks she earned it, and then sarcastically said "It's nice to meet you, Steph". Stephanie said Sting was a big fish in a very small pond in the WCW, whereas now he is a "minnow in the ocean". Stephanie continued that she is the daughter of the man who eviscerated Sting's career in the Monday Night War. She noted that he never once called about signing with WWE. She then compared Sting's loyalty to that of a dog...but then while dogs are kind of stupid, she didn't want to insult dogs. WCW lost, so he lost. Steph said Sting is going to lose any ounce of respect the people still had for him when her husband pins him in the middle of the ring. Steph then called him a "face-painted freak". Sting responded with a "Wooooo" to the crowd and a wink to Steph. She then went to slap Sting, but he blocked and grabbed her by the wrist. Out marched Triple H down to ringside to check on his wife, now on the outside. Before Hunter could step into the ring however to confront Sting, Steph told him to she grabbed the trusty sledgehammer from under the ring. In return Sting then pulled out his trademark baseball bat from his jacket. After much teasing, Hunter retreated back up the aisle. Sting then put the bat down, took his jacket off, and dared Hunter to get in the ring. Stephanie told Hunter to save it until WrestleMania.

Snoop Doog and Bill Simmons will be on the show later.

The LED ring apron that has been used on NXT for the past few months is now present here on RAW for the very first time.

They revealed fans get to choose Randy Orton's opponent later tonight on the WWE App, with the choices being Big Show, Kane or Seth Rollins and J&J Security.

AJ Lee and Paige were shown talking backstage.

Bad News Barrett inserted himself onto commentary.

Match 1: In the opening contest, and what turned out to be a very enjoyable tag match, Dean Ambrose and R-Truth defeated Luke Harper and Stardust in 10:00 when R-Truth pinned Stardust. After the match Dean Ambrose did a little dancing with R-Truth.

WWE are once again sponsoring the Special Olympic World Games. On the stage Renee Young welcomed the President and CEO, along with the athletes, of the Special Olympics. The crowd polity applauded.

Incorporating a sit down interview with Byron Saxton, we got a video package looking at Number 1 contender Roman Reigns.

They showed various tweets of JBL and Bill Simmons going back and forth on Twitter.

You can check out an amusing interview of Miz and Mizdow interviewing Kevin Hart and Will Farrell over on right now.

Following the commercial, Simmons (who hadn't even bothered to get dressed up for his appearance) joined the gang on commentary. Apart from some mild joshing, they got on just fine.

Match 2: Ryback, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Erik Rowan and Zack Ryder defeated The Miz, Mizdow, Adam Rose and The Ascension (remember them?) in 6:00 when Miz was planted with a Shellshock and pinned by Ryback.

Hour 2

In the biggest shocker of the night, the 2nd hour kicked off with A MATCH. Booker T revealed over on the App 77% of fans had voted for Seth Rollins and company.

Match 3: In a 3-1 Handicap match, Randy Orton defeated Seth Rollins, Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble after nailing Noble with an RKO for the pin at 3:00. Rollins high tailed it at every opportunity.

JBL has repeatedly been telling us all night that anyone who pays full price for WrestleMania on cable and satellite is a dip gooseberry fool.

Michael Cole interviewed John Cena in an interview you can watch on Cena wants to be a good ambassador for the United States by holding the title.

Paige was applying her eyeliner backstage when AJ Lee turned up questioning whether Nikki is really going to give either of them a championship later tonight. Paige called the Bella twins "insufferable slags".

Match 4: Nikki Bella (w/Brie Bella) retained the WWE Divas Championship against Paige (w/AJ Lee) in 10:00. AJ Lee seemingly elbowed Paige by accident on the outside thinking it was Nikki, leading Nikki to hit the Rack Attack in the ring for the pin. After the match Paige blew a gasket and attacked Lee, both girls getting into a brawl before being separated by the referee. The crowd meanwhile chanted for "CM Punk".

They aired the conclusion to Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan from SmackDown last Thursday.

The announcers once again asked us to head to the WWE App to decide what special guest referee we would like to see in Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler later, the options being the other participants in the Intercontinental Ladder match for WrestleMania.

Snoop Dog, wearing what can only be described as lavish pyjamas, danced his way out onto the stage with a load of the Divas. They flogged his new song "Bush". I presume he's not talking about his garden hedge. Thin bloke, ain't he. Snoop Mania is in the building apparently. Before he could say anything of note Curtis Axel interrupted & asked us not to change the channel. He said Axel Mania is a world wide thing, and he isn't going to watch Snoop Mania when Axel Mania is running wild in Los Angeles. He mocked Snoop by doing Konnan/Disco Inferno's old "Bow Wow" routine. Snoop told Axel that there was one "Mania" he had forgotten about. And with that out walked HULKAMANIA...BROTHA. As Snoop posed around with Hogan, the commentators incredibly tried to state Snoop had been working out. "Well let me tell you something brother". Hogan said that when he slammed Andre in front of 94,000 people (it's grown an extra thousand fans in the intervening years) he knew Hulkamania would live forever. And when he heard Snoop's first "LP" he knew SnoopMania would be dropping it like it's hot too. Curtis Axel tore his shirt off and went to punch Hogan, but Hogan blocked and floored him with a punch of his own. In a laughable moment Snoop then tossed Curtis Axel over the top rope. The commentators said Snoop has "6 inch pythons". Cole then just gave up the pretence completely and joked he may have found someone who even he has bigger arms than.

They replayed Brock Lesnar's great interview from last week's RAW.

The Usos were on commentary, accompanied by Naomi. They revealed a Fatal Four Way Tag Team Championship match for WrestleMania, bringing the match count to 9.

Match 5: In an interspecies rematch, El Torito and The Matadores defeated Natalya, Tyson Kidd and Cesaro when the bull pinned Natayla in 5:00.

Barrett was buffing his title in the locker room when Kane walked in, and sarcastically congratulated Barrett for managing to keep hold of the title for all of 72 hours. Kane said he has to relieve Barrett of his title so it can be hung above the ring tonight. Kane said if Barrett does not comply he will be stripped of the belt, before then smugly telling Barrett that he didn't know why he was so angry, as all he has to do is beat 6 other superstars to keep it. Kane left, leaving Barrett to bemoan that it was "his bloody title".

Hour 3

John Cena, Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry will face Kane, Big Show, Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt on SmackDown in a big 8 man tag.

Match 6: Yes, it's this blasted match again...Rusev tapped out Jack Swagger in a surprisingly competitive non title outing. The crowd chanted "We want Lana".

After the match Rusev refused to break the Accolade. John Cena ran down to make the save and tackled Rusev to the mat. Rusev quickly managed to get the upper hand and sent Cena into the barricades, back-first into the ring post, and then FLYING over the announce table and into Cole's chair. Rusev raised the Russian flag, as Cena crawled on the floor. Rusev however wasn't done and levelled Cena with a kick to the face, before then tearing the announce table apart, throwing monitors everywhere. With Cena on the table, Rusev applied the Acolade. 5 referees ran down to finally pull Rusev off, leaving Cena completely unconscious on the table.

Bray Wyatt with his smoking lantern made his way out to the ring. Crowd chanted "UN-DER-TAKER". Bray questioned why people hide from the truth. Is it because we're embarrassed or scared to show people who we really are? Reality can be a very difficult pill to swallow, but every one of us is guilty, as deep down we hate the person we have become, along with our jobs. Bray continued that we don't like the person staring back at us, thus we wear make up, but it doesn't change the fact that we're all liars. Bray said that he is different as he is not a liar, as his tongue is the sword of truth. The crowd chanted "We want Taker". Bray said Undertaker is just like us: a liar. He tries to hide the fact he is lost, and wants so desperately for his soul to be set free. Bray said the angel has been sent to take Undertaker back to the other side. Thunder then started to fill the arena. Bray asked if we could feel it. Bray vowed that at WrestleMania there will be no redemption or shield to be carried out on for Undertaker. At WrestleMania Undertaker can finally "Rest. In. Piece." What sounded like an abundance of Pyro went off in the background...not that we could see it. Bray sank to one knee and mocked the Undertaker to end this rambling segment.

Michaelle Beedle, Rick Rubin, and Kid Ink were shown in the crowd.

We got a video for what is the final inductee for the 2015 Hall of Fame, Kevin Nash.

In some of the most blatant product placement I've ever seen, Natalya was shown applying make up when Tyson Kidd walked in with a Burger King meal. Tyson started dishing out compliments to his food. "You smell amazing", "I've missed you so much", "There is no stopping true love". Natalya, who was standing behind a modesty board, thought Tyson was talking about her. She then confronted Tyson, who responded with "chicken fries are back at Burger King!". She went to try one and before Tyson could ask whether it was as good for her as it was for him, she replied that she "needed a moment" with the food.

Booker T announced the special referee for the main event will be Dean Ambrose, having garnered 57% of the vote on the App.

Main Event: Dolph Ziggler pinned Daniel Bryan with the ZigZag at 11:00. After the match Ambrose put down Ziggler with Dirty Deeds. He then pulled out a ladder from under the ring and set it up. Before he could symbolically grab the title hanging from the ceiling, all the participants in the ladder match ran down and the 7 men got into a mass brawl, which finally culminated with everyone down and out, bodies strewn in - and out - of the ring.

WWE Network coming to the Middle East via the OSN group this week.

Backstage, Paul Heyman knocked on the door of Brock Lesnar and simply said "it's time".


Paul Heyman and WWE Champion Brock Lesnar walked out right at the top of the hour. An unshaven Lesnar just paced around looking like he was ready to kick everyone's backside. "Yack, yack, yack, yack"...Heyman said if he hasn't sold people on Roman Reigns getting a beating at the hands of Lesnar then there is nothing he can say tonight to make us subscribe to the WWE Network. However if you're ready to see a fight, and impose his will - mangling Roman Reigns - then we're going to get our monies worth. One man will be successful, and the other a failure. Heyman said that everyone is saying Brock is a mercenary only in it for the money, but Brock is an intense competitor who loves being the WWE Champion as much as he likes to sadistically destroy everyone who tries to take it from him. Heyman stated that Reigns will need to break into Brock’s house, take food off his table, and name Lesnar's children Reigns if he wants to be champion. Lesnar is the conqueror who will go to Reigns' home, take his wife, and name his children Lesnar. Roman Reigns finally made his way through the stands to confront Lesnar in the ring. Both men went face-to-face, the crowd booing Reigns. Lesnar held up the title right in Reigns' face and laughed. Reigns then suddenly snatched it from Lesnar, to huge boos from the crowd, and held it up in Lesnar's face. Both men then got into a rather amusing tug of war with the belt, to take RAW to black!


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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW March 30 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:23 pm

WWE RAW Results March 30 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T, and John “Bradshaw” Layfield; Byron Saxton; Bryon Saxton and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Hour 1

24 hours removed from what many are calling ‘one of the best WrestleMania’s ever’, Monday Night RAW comes to us Live from the sold out SAP Center in San Jose, California. Battered and bruised Brock Lesnar stormed on out alongside Paul Heyman to kick things off. Heyman opened by saying he is the advocate for the most un-PG ass kicker of the PG era. Last night Lesnar did nothing but suplex ad-infinitum. Crowd chanted "Suplex City" and Lesnar just burst out laughing. "Or as his client said, suplex city bitch". Paul continued that as Lesnar was bitch-slapping Roman Reigns all over the ring & was eating the pain to the point Brock Lesnar almost respected him, he's still got a long way to go. However Brock then got bored & hungry, so as he wanted to go out for dinner he decided to end it with an F5 on Reigns...but out came a "slimy, disgusting little Seth Rollins", who cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase, & therefore ended up the least deserving WWE Champion of anybody’s lifetime. Heyman noted that his father was a prominent New York attorney and he has advised his client that he can go to court, get the WrestleMania result reversed, and ultimately have the WWE title held up for months. But as Brock Lesnar thinks all lawyers are scum bags (a Vince McMahon line if ever there was one) that won't be happening. Instead Brock will be invoking his rematch clause - not at SummerSlam, next year’s WrestleMania, Extreme Rules, Payback, but right now, tonight. Stephanie McMahon walked out on the stage. Crowd chanted "Ronda Rousey" at her. Stephanie told the crowd that if they wanted to see a championship rematch later tonight then they'd best not make her angry otherwise they wouldn't get an answer. Stephanie said that as Seth Rollins had to go to New York and appear on the Today show, which was originally scheduled for Brock, he is still in a plane on the way to the building. Stephanie said that when Seth Rollins touches down, she has no doubt he will be up for the challenge. Heyman said that the first time in over a decade, Brock Lesnar will wrestle on RAW, deliver a beating to Seth Rollins, and after that beating we will hear an announcement from him that Brock Lesnar is once again WWE Champion.

They revealed John Cena will defend the United States Championship tonight in an open challenge, and in addition to that Daniel Bryan will face Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental!

The International announce table is at ringside, incorporating the German & Italian commentators.

Bad News Barrett was on commentary, who said it really stings to hear himself introduced as "former Intercontinental Champion".

Match 1: In the opening contest, Daniel Bryan retained the Intercontinental Championship against Zolph Ziggler in a great match using the Running Knee in 12:00. After the match Wade Barrett attacked Bryan from behind. Sheamus, sporting a Mohawk and a brand new look, ran down to make the save, running off Barrett to the outside. Out of nowhere Sheamus then Brogue Kicked Bryan & went to work assaulting Dolph Ziggler as well, finally planting him with White Noise. Crowd chanted "you look stupid". Sheamus then floored Ziggler again with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus motioned for the crowd to chant it louder, before simply stating "I'm back".

They announced Sting will address his loss last night exclusively on the WWE Network following RAW.

We got a video package highlighting Saturday night's Hall of Fame 2015 ceremony.

Match 2: In a brilliant 8 man tag, the débuting Lucha Dragons and The New Day defeated The Ascension and WWE Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya) at 10:00 when Kalisto pinned Viktor with the Salida del Sol. Crowd chanted for "NXT", "Cesaro", "Super Dragon" & "New Day Sucks", the last of which the commentators thought was hilarious.

Backstage, Paul Heyman told Lesnar "You're not going to believe this, he's here". Both men then left as we headed to a trailer for Neville from WWE NXT.

As opening hour's go, this was a complete home run.

Hour 2

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman marched back on out, as the WWE Championship rematch is apparently right now. Seth Rollins, smiling from ear-to-ear & flanked by J&J Security, walked out. The WWE Championship belt looks enormous on the waist of Rollins. Just as the match was about to start Rollins dropped to the outside. Seth said he had just spoken with Stephanie McMahon, & he is actually feeling kind of jet lagged. Rollins then also claimed that his foot "kind of hurts" from Curb Stomping both Lesnar & Roman Reigns last night. Therefore, as he is a fighting champion, Lesnar will get his championship rematch...just not tonight. Rollins then went to leave but Brock wasn't having any of it, immediately leaving the ring & flooring Seth with a clothesline & tossing him back into the ring. Brock went for a German Suplex on Rollins, but Seth landed on his feet & hit Lesnar with an Enzuigiri kick...which had little to no affect on Lesnar. Rollins once again tried to escape through the crowd but was grabbed by Lesnar and lifted up for the F5, but was stopped by J&J, who were floored with a clothesline, finally allowing Seth Rollins to high tail it through the crowd and right out of the building. Lesnar completely flipped out, and tipped the entire announce table onto Booker T and JBL, and then chucked Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury over the International table. Brock Lesnar then grabbed Michael Cole and gave him the F5 in the ring. Lesnar however still wasn't through, grabbing the cameraman off the ring apron. Stephanie McMahon stormed out and demanded Lesnar put the cameraman down and rethink his actions. Lesnar, smiling, F5'ed the cameraman anyway. Stephanie told Brock that there must be consequences for his actions, therefore effective immediately Brock is suspended indefinitely. Brock then picked up the cameraman & gave him another F5 for the hell of it. Stephanie screamed at Lesnar to get out of her ring, & stormed off to the back. This was an incredibly great segment.

Back from commercial break, Michael Cole was shown being strapped to a board on the outside. In the ring, EMTs were also attending to the cameraman. JBL and Booker T were still out beside the tipped over table. Backstage, Stephanie McMahon was stopped by Renee Young. She said Brock endangered everyone tonight. He will get his title rematch but only when she says it's time. Stephanie then changed her mind and said a suspension wasn't good enough, rather Brock needed to be fined a large sum of money too. Stephanie noted that should Brock think he can return to MMA, he announced on ESPN's SportsCenter that he has already re-signed with WWE, which effectively means "I own that son of a bitch". Steph stormed off.

Amongst a scene of destruction, Bryon Saxton came out for commentary on his own.

Match 3: Damien Mizdow defeated Stardust in 2:00 with the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz, in street clothes, ran out & attacked Mizdow, planting Damien with his own Skull Crushing Finale. Crowd chanted "asshole". Miz chastised Mizdow for ruining his big night, and that he & the crowd are nothing without him.

They recapped Ronda Rousey and The Rock confronting Stephanie McMahon and her husband from WrestleMania 31, and then aired a video package going over the week's WrestleMania festivities on TV and around the city.

In the ring, AxelMania told us not to change the channel. He said it took 29 other men to eliminate him from the Andre Memorial Battle Royal, therefore the Road to "Axel-treme Rules" begins now. Axel was cut off by the arrival of NXT's [Adrian] Neville, who was sporting a rather silly purple cape, though they did give him the pyro treatment.

Match 4: Neville defeated Curtis Axel with the Red Arrow in 1:00 in front of what has been a constantly hot & excited crowd.

New United States Champion John Cena made his way out in a jubilant mood. He has another new shirt; this one has an arrow pointing to the US Title. Cena said the crowd appear to be budding musicians. Cue another few verses of "John Cena suuuuuuuucks". John Cena said he may be dressed like Johnny Cash (strawberry floating well isn't...) but his name is still John Cena, & he wanted the US belt because the people deserve a title match tonight. Cena told whoever was behind the LED wall to come out and get some. Dean Ambrose walked out. Saxton on commentary said we were all expecting Rusev.

Hour 3

Jerry Lawler joined Byron Saxton on commentary.

Match 5: John Cena defeated Dean Ambrose at 14:00 with the AA to retain the United States Championship.

Renee Young interviewed Seth Rollins backstage. Seth said Lesnar is an out of control animal who got what he deserved. Seth asked how a man like that is supposed to present the WWE from a corporate stand point. Seth said that he earned the right to cash in the briefcase whenever he wanted, & did it at the perfect time when everyone least expected it. Seth vowed to keep the title for a long time. This brought Randy Orton into shot, reminding Seth that before he cashed in last night he damn near ripped his head off with an RKO. Orton said that Seth has another problem staring him right in the face and that is him. Kane & Big Show turned up. Rollins said he may have a problem, but Randy now has 3. Seth then revealed that Orton has until the end of the night to find 2 partners to take on him, Show, and Kane. Rollins quipped that as Randy has a ton of friends that should be easy...

Match 6: AJ Lee, Paige, and Naomi defeated Natayla, Brie and Nikki Bella in a decent 6 Diva tag when Nikki accidentally waffled her sister and Naomi hit her with the Rear View for the pin.

Randy Orton was warming up in his locker room when Ryback walked in and said if he was looking for a partner tonight, then "feed me more".

They announced Dolph Ziggler & Daniel Bryan will battle Bad News Barrett and Sheamus on SmackDown. In addition to that, John Cena, Randy Orton and Roman Reigns will all be in attendance.

Match 7: Rusev destroyed Goldust at 2:00 in a one-sided affair with the Accolade submission.


Main Event: In what was greeted by the crowd with a Mexican Wave, chants of "Same old gooseberry fool", "Please retire", & vociferous boos for Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Ryback and Roman Reigns defeated WWE Champion Seth Rollins, Kane and Big Show at 13:00 when Kane was RKO'd and then Speared & pinned by Reigns. Team Orton celebrated in the ring as Reigns stared down Rollins on the stage. We then shot backstage to see Sting just standing there in preparation of his upcoming comments, exclusively on the WWE Network.

WWE Network Exclusive

Back in the ring, Ryback and Roman Reigns were shown leaving the ring. Orton's music then played and he celebrated on the stage. Renee Young was standing by in the ring to welcome out Sting to a big ovation. Renee asked Sting what it felt like to have his first WWE match last night at WrestleMania 31. Sting took the mic, as the crowd broke out into "Thank You, Sting". Sting said he may have come up short against Triple H, but at least he can finally say he was there. Renee asked Sting what the future holds for him. Sting said he's not sure. The crowd chanted "Undertaker". Sting said he really doesn't know what the future holds, & whatever opportunities the WWE throws his way, he will reach out and grab it. But if nothing gets thrown his way, then it's a crying shame. Bo Dallas then made his surprise return. Bo called Sting "Steeeeeeeve", and told Steve was such an idol of his as a little kid. He painted his face just like Sting. Dallas said Sting waited his entire life to make it to WrestleMania...unfortunately he lost his entire legacy in front of a record-breaking crowd at Levi's Stadium. Bo then entered the ring and told Sting that if he wants to succeed in WWE, all he has to do is Bo-Lieve. Sting promptly grabbed Bo around the kneck & dropped him with a Scorpion Death Drop. Steve celebrated to take RAW off the air! Well at least they didn't turn him into an estate agent like TNA...

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW Results April 6 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:24 pm

RAW Results April 6 2015 wrote:Image

Location: Erwin Center; Austin, Texas
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Booker T, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield
Rating: 2.8

Hour 1

Byron Saxton welcomed us to RAW in the least exciting manner possible. With Triple H and Stephanie McMahon both on vacation this week, Bryon noted who knows what will happen tonight. As it turned out absolutely nothing. Big Show was shown standing next to his Andre trophy; Seth Rollins, Kane, Jamie Noble, & Joey Mercury already in the ring. Seth Rollins attempted to speak but was booed out of the building. Big Show asked the crowd to show the champion some respect. Rollins said that the biggest takeaway from WrestleMania wasn't that they broke the attendance record for Levi’s Stadium, or that they trended for 142 hours during WrestleMania. The biggest takeaway was in fact that The Authority always wins. Their leader and his role model, Triple H, nailed the final nail into the coffin of WCW when he single handedly beat Sting. And Big Show cemented his place as the greatest Giant of all time by winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. And then there was Kane. " were there!" Humour. Show then claimed he is no longer under Andre the Giant’s shadow; he never was because he is the greatest Giant of all time. Now instead everyone is under his shadow. Show continued that we should all thank Seth because Seth Rollins gave us an epic memory, and one that will go down as something that will live forever on the WWE Network. "And speaking of WrestleMania, there was...Kane". Once again failing to think of anything, Seth chimed in "Dammit. Tell them Kane." Before Kane could get anything of worth out, Randy Orton interupted on the stage. Orton said while Seth may have cashed in, it didn't take away from the fact he hit him with the greatest RKO of his entire career & then beat him. Seth told Orton that his problem was that he sees things as ‘glass half empty’. Seth said he couldn't stand whiny complainers like Randy Orton. Randy said he was simply calling it like it is, & therefore deserves the chance to face Seth for the title...though Seth may need to check with Mummy and Daddy first. Kane said that as he is still the Director of Operations and in a position of power, he ordered Orton to show him some respect. Randy Orton may have made it clear that he wants to challenge for the WWE Championship, but there are also others who are worthy. Kane then announced that later tonight Roman Reigns, Ryback & Randy Orton will battle in a triple threat to determine the new Number 1 Contender to face Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules. "That is what is best for business." Rollins looked less than thrilled. Kane then revealed that all 3 men will compete in singles matches before the main event, with Randy Orton facing

Match 1: Randy Orton vs. Kane ended in Disqualification at 7:00 when Kane struck Orton with a chair on the outside. After the match, Kane went for a Chokeslam but Orton reversed and attempted an RKO, however Kane escaped to the floor.

In the RAW office, a returning Brad Maddox was being shouted at by Kane who wanted to know just who the hell he thinks he is. Seth Rollins then walked in & told Kane he isn't pulling his weight. The Authority’s first priority is to protect Seth. Kane pointed out that if it wasn't for him he wouldn't have had a Money in the Bank briefcase to cash-in in the first place. It is best for business to give Seth a top opponent. Kane questioned whether maybe Randy was right and Seth is scared. Seth said he isn't afraid of anyone, & that it might be best for business if Kane steps down as Director of Operations. Kane said that as Triple H and Stephanie are on vacation in the "South Pacific" where cell phone reception doesn't exist, he is in charge tonight. Seth said that when they get back Kane will have a lot to answer to. Kane responded that Seth’s behaviour was bordering on being disrespectful, therefore what is best for business is to put Seth in a

In the ring, Seth Rollins had a jolly good laugh at his opponent, NXT's Gary Neville. He asked everyone to give a warm WWE Universe welcome to Neville. Seth then asked Neville to tell everyone about himself, but took the mic away before he could say anything. He said that Neville is probably nervous being on Live TV in front of everyone, and then told "the pipsqueak" to sit this out. Neville in response waffled him with a back heel kick.

Match 2: Seth Rollins (w/J&J Security) defeated Neville in a non-title outing with the Curb Stomp at 12:00 after J&J interfered and crotched Neville on the top turnbuckle. After the match Rollins hit Neville with another Curb Stomp.

Hour 2

Match 3: John Cena defeated Stardust with the AA in a competitive affair to retain the United States Championship at 13:00.

The Bellas were shown backstage heading towards the ring.

On commentary they once again talked about AJ Lee's apparent retirement from the promotion. Booker T said she went out on top.

Match 4: Paige and Naomi defeated The Bella Twins when Naomi got the pin.

We got a horrible pre-taped promo from the Prime Time Players that appeared to die on its arse. Titus O'Neil said it was a bad day for the New Day. They had a really crappy knock-off of the Road Warriors spike get-up on, as they ran-down The Ascension. Darren called them "The Detention". Hilarious.

Match 5: Ryback demolished Luke Harper in 3:00 with the Shellshock.

Renee Young interviewed New Day backstage.

Match 6: The thoroughly entertaining Lucha Dragons defeated Big E and Xavier Woods (w/Kofi Kingston) in 3:00 when Sin Cara then nailed a top-rope Swanton Bomb on Xavier for the pin. The Tag Champions, Cesaro and Tyson Kidd, were shown watching on from backstage.

Hour 3

Match 7: Roman Reigns once again battled the Big Show in another snooze fest. Roman Reigns got the pin in 11:00 after nailing 3 Superman punches and a Spear.

In the RAW office, Kane was on the phone when various Divas interrupted and proceeded to suck up to him. They suggested that he should "give Divas a chance" by having a Battle Royal to determine a new number one contender for the strap. Kane agreed and booked a Battle Royal for London.

Match 8: Sheamus pinned Mark Henry with a Brogue Kick in 2:30.

We got some photos of Stephanie McMahon slapping The Rock from WrestleMania.

For the second week running they announced Daniel Bryan & Dolph Ziggler will battle Sheamus & Bad News Barrett on SmackDown.

Bray Wyatt appeared amongst the smoke on the TitanTron. He said 'you know who you are'. Bray said this mystery individual has had a life which has revolved around dedication, but it doesn't matter how dedicated he is as you cannot compete with the forces of nature or the greatest power of them all...fear. This gimmick feels like a never ending case of deja vu.

Backstage, Renee Young interviewed Ryback. Ryback said everything is bigger in Texas & tonight Orton and Reigns will find out why he is hungry for the WWE title. "Feed me more."

Match 9: The Miz pinned Damien Mizdow at 5:00 when he rolled up Mizdow with a handful of pantaloons.

Renee Young interviewed Randy Orton backstage, who said nothing of note.


Main Event: Randy Orton defeated Roman Reigns and Ryback in 5:00 in a Number 1 Contenders Triple Threat match. J&J Security ran in and attacked Orton. Ryback then cleared the ring of the two stooges, which allowed Orton to nail him with an RKO outta nowhere for the pin. After the match Seth Rollins planted Orton with a Curb Stomp. Rollins stood tall over Orton and held up the WWE Championship to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW UK April 13 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:25 pm

WWE RAW UK 13th April 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfied, and Booker T

  • In quick results from WWE RAW, held before a sell-out crowd at London's O2...

Hour 1

John Cena came out & sucked up to the London crowd by saying England deserves a WrestleMania.

Match 1: John Cena defeated Bad News Barrett in 10.00 with the AA to retain the United States Championship.

After the match Rusev attacked Cena and laid him out with a steel chain. Their match at Extreme Rules will now be a "Russian Chain Match".

They announced Cesaro vs. Randy Orton and Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins for later tonight.

Match 2: Paige won a Divas #1 Contenders Battle Royal. She will challenge Nikki Bella at Extreme Rules.

Byron Saxton interviewed Paige in the ring. Naomi then turned heel and took her out to mass boos.

Bray Wyatt cut a promo on the Tron.

Match 3: The Lucha Dragons defeated The Ascension in 3:00.

Hour 2

Booker T interviewed Roman Reigns in the ring. He was greeted with cheers, which quickly dissipated into chants of "Suplex City". He was then interrupted by Big Show, which resulted in Reigns getting chokeslammed onto a black taxi. He was then stretched to the back.

Match 4: Randy Orton vs. Cesaro ended in Disqualification after just 2 minutes when Tyson Kidd interefered. Kane then came out and made it a Handicap match.

Match 5: Randy Orton defeated Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya) after Orton hit the RKO outta knowhere on Kidd.

Match 6: Dean Ambrose made quick work of Adam Rose with Dirty Deeds.

Rio Ferdinand is in attendance tonight.

Match 7: Stardust pinned Fandango in another nothing outing. The Live crowd were very pro Fandango.

Hour 3

Match 8: Seth Rollins defeated Kane when, after delivering a choke slam to Rollins, Kane did a Kevin Nash and laid down.

Match 9: In a rematch from last Monday, Damien Mizdow defeated The Miz with a roll-up.

Prime Time Players pre-tape aired.

Security are currently dealing with an idiotic fan in the crowd who is making a nuisance of himself.

Match 10: Ryback beat Luke Harper by Disqualification in yet another crappy encounter. Dean Ambrose ran out and Luke Harper headed through the crowd.

Main Event: Dolph Ziggler pinned Neville with the ZigZag in the first good match of the night since the opener. Sheamus then ran out and demolished Ziggler & Neville.

Seth Rollins is back out, sat in a lazy boy recliner in the ring. He revealed the main event at Extreme Rules will be a steel cage, however the RKO is banned and will result in a DQ if used. Randy Orton ended up RKO'ing Joey Mercury.

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW Results April 20 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:26 pm

WWE RAW Results April 20 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, and Booker T

Hour 1

We're back! Hold your applause. The final edition of Monday Night RAW before Uncensored Extreme Rules kicked off with a steel cage lowering from the ceiling, signalling the arrival of Randy Orton. Orton started by calling Seth "one dumb bastard". Despite Rollins claims to the contrary, Orton said the RKO isn't his greatest weapon, rather it's his ability to lay unspeakable punishment on people he deems fit. Orton vowed to break Rollins' jaw so we don't all have to listen to him flapping his gums every week. Orton said he will pick Rollins up by his stupid blonde streak in his hair & run him into the cold steel until every inch of his body is aching; when the misery ends and the beating is over, so will Seth's reign as WWE Champion. This then brought out WWE Champion Seth Rollins, flanked by J&J Security. He told Orton he has an anger problem. Orton replied he doesn't have an anger problem, rather he has a Seth Rollins problem, and this Sunday he will do everything in his power to make sure it goes away. Rollins said he wasn't really listening to what Orton had to say as he was too busy checking his emails, but it was something along the lines of 'Seth is a jerk, Randy is going to beat him up, & the losers in the crowd with nothing in their lives loved it'. Crowd tried to get a "you sold out" chant together but couldn't manage it. Rollins said Orton can make all the little threats he wants, but at Extreme Rules he will not be walking out new WWE Champion. Orton vowed as soon as this programme goes to commercial he's going to head backstage & RKO "every son of a bitch he sees", and before RAW goes off the air he's going to RKO Rollins too...and that's a promise.

Triple H will have a "significant announcement" regarding Tough Enough later tonight.

Luke Harper came out and said he doesn't know why Dean Ambrose isn't afraid of him, but after tonight he will be.

Match 1: Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper just...ended in an apparent No Contest at 2:00 after they fought into the crowd and Luke Harper headed to the back.

J&J Security and Seth Rolllins were carefully walking around backstage when the Prime Time Players appeared and made them all jump out of their skin. Titus said they'd both better leave before he ends up hurting Jamie Noble. Rollins and company continued walking until they saw a stage hand laughing, which angered Rollins no end. Rollins said he was going to wipe the floor with the next person he sees. That next person ended up being Triple H. Hunter noted that Rollins looked a little nervous, like there is an RKO round every corner or something. Rollins brought up Kane, however Hunter said he's been busy & they haven't had a chance to talk. HHH told Rollins that when Kane gets to the building, they'll discuss matters. Rollins requested more security, to which Hunter replied "it's one guy" before walking off.

Match 2: In a Number One Contenders match for the WWE Tag Team Championship, Big E and Kofi Kingston (w/Xavier Woods) defeated The Lucha Dragons at 9:30 when Xavier Woods appeared from under the ring & held the legs of Kalisto, stopping him from re-entering the ring. Crowd loudly chanted "New Day Sucks!". The Tag Champions were also shown watching on a TV backstage. After the match was over, Stone Cold Randy Orton then ran out and RKO'ed The New Day, apart from Big E who backed off up the ramp. The New Day will challenge for the belts on Sunday.

In a video package, they recapped Big Show's comments from SmackDown, and then of him Chokeslamming Roman Reigns onto the roof of the taxi. Show battles Reigns on PPV in a Last Man Standing Match.

Match 3: Fandango (sans Rosa and with his original theme music) pinned Curtis Axel with the Last Dance Leg Drop off the top rope at 1:00.

Triple H was shown backstage heading towards the ring.

C.O.O Triple H, grinning like an idiot, made his way out to the ring to kick off the second hour. The first thing Michael Cole brought up on commentary was Sting losing at WrestleMania.

Hour 2

A year ago The Authority was at a cross roads. They found a man that could be the face of the WWE, and if you look a few weeks after "the greatest WrestleMania in history", Seth Rollins is indeed that man. Now it's that time to find the next Seth Rollins, and that starts June 23rd Live on the USA Network with the return of Tough Enough - the reality show that allows us fans to live out our dream. Crowd didn't seem particularly interested, interestingly enough. Hunter asked who hasn't dreamed of standing in the ring at WrestleMania in front of 76,000 people. To feel the fame and glory. Nope, this crowd doesn't give two gooseberry fools. Triple H said all we have to do is send in our videos to, and maybe we'll be part of the 10 men and 5 women chosen to star in the returning reality show. The next winner of Tough Enough, Kane, then made his way out. Hunter quipped that Kane is a little bit "seasoned" to be applying for Tough Enough. Kane said he's tried contacting Hunter all week to no avail. HHH said he was allowing him to cool off. Kane told HHH that as he could no longer deal with the disrespect from Rollins, he's giving The Authority his two weeks notice. Hunter told him not to do something he would regret. Seth Rollins then stormed on out, angered that Kane had said he wasn't "worth the investment". Rollins said that if he wants to quit, let him; they don't need a loser like Kane in the group anyway. Hunter said this wasn't the time or the place. Kane then lost it & told Rollins that he was a spoiled little punk who has been given everything and yet still thinks he earned it. Kane said that if they wanted to they could have made El Torito champion. Crowd chanted "YES!". Hunter told Rollins this isn't how they do business, and Kane did what was right and best for business last week. There has been nobody more loyal to the Authority than Kane. Which is why he has decided that in the steel cage match on Sunday Kane will be the "Guardian of the Gate". Anybody who wants to get in or out of the cage will need to get through Kane first. Kane thanked HHH and said he won't let him down. Rollins was indignant. Triple H said Rollins had better get on the same page as Kane really fast. Kane extended his hand to Rollins and the both of them begrudgingly shook hands. Rollins & J&J stormed back up the ramp.

They replayed 'highlights' from the Divas Battle Royal & aftermath from last Monday. Naomi was shown backstage heading towards the ring.

Kane and Rollins were still arguing backstage when Triple H stepped in. HHH said he has known Kane for 20 years, and while Kane is the tough corporate man with corporate responsibility, he is no longer hell fire and brimstone. Kane replied that he still is and will prove it, before walking off. Hunter told Rollins it took a lot of people to make him champion including the person who has just walked off, so he had better start remembering that. Having the belt doesn't make you the man, going out there & proving it makes you the man. HHH said Rollins had better start showing the world what he already knows. Rollins vowed to destroy Ziggler tonight.

In an inset promo, Naomi asked how many times she has to beat a Bella, yet she is told to be a good girl and wait her turn. Naomi said she was done waiting.

The Bellas are on the cover of Muscle and Fitness Hers. Divas Champion Nikki Bella inserted herself onto commentary. Paige is out of action indefinitely (in reality she's making a film apparently).

Match 4: Naomi defeated Brie Bella in 9:00 with the Rear View.

Extreme Rules is available for £14.95 through Sky Box Office should you live in the sticks.

In catering, Heath Slater was shown telling Erick Rowan he was accepting John Cena's Open Challenge later tonight and becoming new United States Champion. Erick Rowan just got up from his salad and walked off. Slater got up and asked where Rowan was going...he was then RKO'd through his salad, and the table, courtesy of Steve Au...Randy Orton.

Roman Reigns made his way out through the crowd, looking absolutely fine & not selling any ill-effects of the London taxi. They replayed said footage again. Reigns said he didn't feel like talking and demanded Show bring his ass to the ring. Instead perennial jobber Bo Dallas walked out on the stage. Dallas said, to quote, Yoda, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering, and we all know Reigns has suffered. He has definitely suffered after failing at WresatleMania. 'Lets be honest, you're kinda a bust'. Dallas said Reigns is the Tim Tebow of WWE - he fails every single time. Despite what millions of people think, he can be WWE Champion if he works hard and BO-LIEVES. Reigns then walloped him with the Superman Punch and the Spear....which was greeted with boos. Reigns said if Big Show had the guts he'd be out tonight, but at Extreme Rules he will be Last Man Standing..."and you can...BO-LIEVE that."

Dolph Ziggler was shown taping up in his locker room.

"My House" from WWE favourite Flo Rida is the official theme for Extreme Rules

Match 5: Sheamus immediately destroyed Zack Ryder with a Brogue Kick. "Well that was easy" Sheamus quipped on the microphone. Sheamus said Zack deserved more than a 5 second match, so he continued to beat him up. Sheamus continued that Ryder was just like the fans, in that he wouldn't last 2 seconds in the ring with him. "You don't belong in my ring". Sheamus then threw him over the rope like a piece of rubbish. He then Brogue Kicked him again on the outside. Back in the ring, Sheamus was about to hit another Brogue Kick but Ziggler ran in and attacked Sheamus causing the Disqualification.

Stephanie McMahon will be on the Chris Jericho podcast on the WWE Network on April 30 2015.

Mr Jollities John Cena made his way out to the continuing tunage of "John Cena suuuuuuucks" and asked the crowd if they had anything left in the tank. The crowd chanted "Cena sucks" in response to that. Cena said he handed Rusev his first loss at WrestleMania. Just like Rusev he knows a few of the crowd cringe when he says "The Champ Is Here!". In a Russian Chain match all 4 corners of the ring have to be touched to win.

Hour 3

"My name is John Cena...and for 10 years, night after night, if you knock me down I get back up". Cena said Rusev has the opportunity on Sunday to have a Russian chain shoved up his ass. Kane then walked out to accept the US challenge in this brand new match-up.

Match 6: John Cena pinned Kane to retain the United States Championship with the AA in 7 minutes of mediocrity. J&J and Seth Rollins were shown laughing in the RAW office. Not sure if they were laughing that we all had to watch Kane vs John Cena for the 9000th time, or the fact Kane lost.

Backstage, Triple H just looked at Kane. Kane stormed off.

Renee Young interviewed The Miz at the interview location. Miz said he is the sole reason that ingrate Sandow even has a job in WWE. Marine 4 is his movie. He did his own stunts. Tomorrow he will wake up victorious and celebrate the launch of his latest film. Renee Young interrupted and said Byron Saxton was standing by for an interview with John Cena. Miz stormed off in disgust. Cena said the great thing about RAW is you can always expect the unexpected. Rusev then attacked Cena with a chain & wrapped it around Cena's head and pulled back as we crashed to commercial.

Match 7: With the rights to "The Miz Brand" on the line, The Miz defeated Damien Mizdow (w/Summer Rae) in a sloppy match at 3:00 when Summer Rae turned on Mizdow and raked him in the eyes, allowing Miz to hit the Skull Crushing Finale. After the match as Miz was celebrating The Texas Rattlesnake Randy Orton came out and gave him the RKO.

I love how WWE Studios went to the effort of making The Marine 4 and it's treated as a complete joke, and only a total idiot would buy the damn thing.

They ran down the card for Extreme Rules. Dean Ambrose will face Luke Harper in a Chicago Street Fight, while the Tag titles will be decided on the pre-show.

Bray Wyatt cut a promo on the Tron. This mystery man can lift all the weights in the world, but not the weight of his own personal failings. Worn this gimmick out as far as I'm concerned.

Match 8: Ryback pinned Adam Rose off the ShellShocked in quick order. Ryback then beat up the hotdog and the banana with a Double Shellshocked. Ryback screamed "it's funny because it's food", "What did the banana say to the hotdog? Nothing, because their asses just got Shellshocked." Rosa went to check on Adam Rose.

Renee Yong stopped Kane in the corridor & said J&J Security had just tweeted "Boss just said "After I beat @HEELZiggler, let's get Kane a gift. Maybe some denture cream or a big box of Depends." Good one Seth." A livid Kane stormed into the RAW Office & confronted the rest of The Authority. Noble sheepishly hid behind Triple H. Seth Rollins told Kane he was sorry, and this whole Orton thing has him on edge. Rollins said he knows Kane helped him, and he's going to dedicate his match tonight with Ziggler to him. Rollins headed out of the office and up the corridor to the ring. Orton was watching.

Ryback battles Rusev on SmackDown. On commentary, Booker T said "SmackDown is going down". Yes it is Booker, yes it is...

Main Event: WWE Champion Seth Rollins defeated Dolph Ziggler at 11:00 in a decent non-title outing when Sheamus came out & distracted Ziggler, allowing Rollins to hit a variation on a Double Armed DDT for the pin.


After the match, Seth Rollins took the microphone & said at Extreme Rules, Orton's little RKO won’t save him. Before he could finish, Triple H's music hit and he made his way down the ramp. Hunter announces Seth Rollins as the man who will go on to defeat Randy Orton on Sunday at Extreme Rules. Before he could then finish Seth snatched the mic back. Seth continues that he just proved he is the man by dismantling Dolph Ziggler, & he will prove it is his WWE when he pins Randy Orton’s shoulders to the mat, rendering Kane as the Gatekeeper totally useless & obsolete. This brought out an angered Kane. Noble and Mercury head him off at the pass, followed by Triple H. A scared Rollins orders the cage to be lowered. Just before the cage dropped into place, Randy Orton turned up right behind him. With Rollins frantically trying to escape, Orton yanked Rollins off the top rope straight into an RKO outta nowhere! The announcers plugged Rock'N'Wrestling on the WWE Network to take RAW off the air!

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PostRe: The WWE RAW Report: RAW Results April 27 2015
by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:28 pm

WWE RAW Live April 27 2015 wrote:Image

Hour 1

WWE Champion Seth Rollins made his way out to kick off Monday Night RAW, accompanied as usual by J&J Security & Kane. "The Viper learned what the entire Universe has known for a very long time: you can not outsmart Seth Rollins." Seth said that he single-handedly built The Shield & destroyed it. He then cashed in the Money in the Bank in the main event of WrestleMania, and has proved that he is a fighting champion. Rollins claimed he beat Orton all by himself with an "SKO out of nowhere". Crowd told him that he sucked. He then thanked Kane but couldn't resist getting a few jibes in first, calling him the "Crypt Keeper" instead of Gate Keeper. Kane responded by saying that if it wasn't for his actions as Gatekeeper and Seth's illegal use of an RKO he wouldn't even be champion right now. Kane said he would much rather be WWE's version of the "crypt keeper" instead of Seth Rollins, who is WWE's version of Justin Bieber. This led the crowd to start chanting "Justin Bieber". Seth shouted that Kane is just jealous. Orton’s music hit and he walked out onto the stage. Orton said that since a member of The Authority thinks Rollins cheated at Extreme Rules, that he should therefore get a rematch. Roman Reigns then made his way to ringside through the crowd. Speaking atop the announce table, Reigns told Rollins to shut up. As he took out the Big Show last night, & Orton has already had his shot, he now wants a shot at Rollins and the title. Kane said they both make compelling arguments, therefore tonight Kane and Seth Rollins will face Randy Orton and Roman Reigns. And by the end of the night, the WWE Universe will decide who Rollins will face at Payback.

Dolph Ziggler cut an inset promo. He said what happened last night was one of the most humiliating moments of his career, but vowed Payback.

Wade Barrett also cut an inset promo of his own. "Only 1 man fit to be a king; King Barrett - I will be the rule"

1st Round King of the Ring - Match 1: Bad News Barrett defeated Dolph Ziggler in 8:00 with the Bull Hammer Elbow when Sheamus came out on the stage and distracted Diggler by putting photos of him kissing his arse from last night up on the Titan Tron.

New Tag Team Champions New Day were shown getting some stage-hand to clap backstage on the way to the ring.

In the ring, Xavier Woods grabbed a microphone to thank all of the “Clappers” who helped them win the gold. Xavier said they had a new chant for the crowd to clap along to: “New Day Rocks”. Instead the crowd continued to chant “New Day Sucks”. The commentators meanwhile channelled Keith Lemon and asked each other if they wanted "The Clap".

Match 2: Big E (w/Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) defeated Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya and Cesaro) in a complete waste of time when Xavier Woods held Tyson Kidd's ankle from the outside in 1:00.

Bo Dallas came out and said Ryback's action's last night were reprehensible. He then gave Ryback an opportunity to walk away. Needless to say that didn't happen...

Match 3: Ryback pinned Bo Dallas in 3:00 with the Shellshocked. After the match Bray Wyatt showed up and planted Ryback with Sister Abigail.

John Cena came out to what has become the norm of the crowd singing "John Cena sucks" along to the music. John Cena went through the same old spiel & pro-American rhetoric we've now come to expect over the course of the last few months. Crowd chanted "USA".

Hour 2

Cena promised Payback will be the final chapter in his story with Rusev. He then promised that if he says "I Quit" he has disgraced the Unites States and US Championship, therefore wouldn't deserve a rematch. Cena said if he loses then Rusev will never see him again. Heath Slater came out to accept the US Title Challenge & buried NFL player Aaron Rodgers in the process. Rusev then came out and nailed Slater from behind, kicking him right off the stage. Lana followed on out to cheers, which angered Rusev so much he ordered her to leave the stage. "We want Lana" erupted from the crowd. Rusev told Cena that the people in the arena are quitters who have given up on their dreams and themselves. And at Payback, just like all these stupid Americans, they will be saying "I quit". The Russian flag them fell from the ceiling to end the segment.

Kane was in the RAW office when Seth Rollins walked in and said he wasn't mad, but simply needed clarification on what Kane meant when he said the WWE Universe will decide the main event of Payback. On the WWE App, fans will choose whether Rollins faces Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, or - as Rollins had barged in and was being so disrespectful - the both of them in a Triple Threat match. Seth lost his mind.

1st Round King of the Ring - Match 4: R-Truth defeated Stardust in 4:00 with the Lie Detector.

Match 5: Adam Rose pinned Fandango with the Party Fowl in 2:00. The commentators practically lost the plot when JBL said Rosa Mendes has hit "skid row". After the match Roa said she couldn't believe Fandango chose the crowd over her. Rosa and Adam Rose then made out in the ring. God, she's strawberry floating useless.

Renee Young interviewed Brie Bella backstage about her husband Daniel Bryan. Brie said it's been a heart wrenching time for Daniel. She thanked the WWE Universe...until she was then taken out by Naomi who said nobody cares about either of them.

Match 6: Naomi pinned Brie Bella (w/Nikki) with a horrible inside cradle at 3:00.

Dean Ambrose cut an inset promo in which he said he wanted to ban pop-country. Sheamus then had an inset promo and promised that everyone would kiss his arse.

1st Round King of the Ring - Match 7: Sheamus defeated Dean Ambrose by Disqualification in 12:00 when, after hitting the Brogue Kick on the outside, Dolph Ziggler assaulted him. Sheamus managed to escape through the crowd. After the match when Ambrose finally realised what had happened he was livid.

Hour 3

In bog standard jeans and a black shirt, Damien Sandow cut a promo in the ring. He said he went on a quest to entertain. From Bret the Hitman Sandhart to Mr McMahon, and finally Damien Mizdow. Mizdow caused himself to lose a lot of respect from his peers, but he gained something from the WWE Universe. Sandow said without them he wouldn't be in the WWE right now. Sandow said he wasn't really sure where he goes from here...before he could continue AxelMania interrupted. Axel said if it's one thing he can't stand it's somebody who tries to be somebody else and doesn't know who he is. Sandow then mocked his mannerisms. I thought this came off incredibly childish but the Live crowd seemed to enjoy it. Axel asked what he was doing. Crowd chanted "Yes". "Get out of the Axe Man's ring". Sandow and Axel ended up getting into a fight that resulted in Sandow hitting the big boot and, rather than the Leg Drop, an elbow.

Tyson Kidd and Cesaro will face New Day for the Tag Championship in an Extreme Rules rematch on SmackDown.

Bray Wyatt cut another one of his rambling promos saying he can see right through Ryback.

We got a selection of videos being sent into Tough Enough, which featured the theme music to Insurextion on Sky Box Office (Burning Tree). Hearing that music has been the highlight of the night. Make of that what you will...

Neville said some stuff in an inset promo. I'm sure 90% of the US audience had no idea what he was saying...

In another inset promo, Luke Harper said he would sit on a thrown made of barbed wire, and his reign of terror is coming to WWE.

1st Round King of the Ring - Match 7: Neville pinned Luke Harper with the Red Arrow at 10:00 in the match of the night.

Main Event: Roman Reigns and Randy Orton defeated Kane and Seth Rollins (w/J&J Security) in 19:00 when The Authority imploded after Kane had had enough of accidentally getting struck by Rollins. Kane flipped his lid and tossed Noble and Mercury over the announce table, and then punched Rollins & threw him back into the ring, in which he was greeted with a Superman Punch and an RKO for the pin.


Kane revealed that over 70% of fans had voted for Seth Rollins to face Orton and Reigns in a Triple Threat for the WWE Championship at Payback. Many in the crowd were filing out during this. Roman Reigns then Speared Rollins to take RAW off the air.

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by KK » Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:29 pm

WWE King of the Ring Results April 28 2015 wrote:Image

Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and John "Bradshaw" Layfield

After the pyro and ballyhoo, Jerry Lawler came out on the stage to welcome everyone to the return of the WWE King of the Ring. The crown, robe, and throne are set up on the stage. They then recapped the tournament matches from last night's RAW.

Bryon Saxton interviewed 2010 KOTR winner Sheamus in his locker room. Sheamus vowed in less than an hour he will win the King of the Ring, beating that English elf Neville in the process. He said Neville does defy gravity, but nobody can defy gravity unconscious. Afterwards every little fella in the WWE will line up and "kiss me arse".

Renee Young then interviewed Neville backstage. He noted he is the longest reigning champion in NXT history, & less than a month ago he made his move to WWE. Neville said that while nobody expects him to beat Sheamus tonight, he has spent his life defying expectations...and gravity.

Semi Final - Match 1: Neville defeated Sheamus with the Red Arrow in 6:00 when Dolph Ziggler came out on the stage with a microphone and distracted Sheamus by playing his victory over him at Extreme Rules.

After the match Ziggler told Sheamus he was collecting on the Extreme Rules stipulation. Ziggler then sprinted the ring and both men got into a brawl. Sheamus managed to bail to the outside, but was so enraged ended up charging back into the ring. 8 referees ultimately ran down to separate the two men. Sheamus was badly cut above his right eye.

Renee Young interviewed Bad News Barrett backstage. R-Truth has arachnophobia, but he should rather have bullhamer-phobia. He then said Neville will be a "Neville-will be" & become the man that nobody remembers. Barrett stated the only thing people will remember is him becoming the King of the Ring.

R-Truth was interviewed by Bryon Saxton in his locker room. Truth said that everyone knows he is afraid of spiders, and when he wins tonight he will put a declare (I think he meant decree) on all spiders being removed. He then vowed to build a castle, and around this castle is a drawbridge and a moat. Truth then remembered he hadn't considered water spiders. Barrett wouldn't be invited either, unless he can kill spiders. No I haven't just made this all up.

Semi Final - Match 2: Wade Barrett pinned R-Truth off a thumb to the eyes followed by the Bull Hammer Elbow in 5:00.

We got a package on Verne Gagne, who passed away aged 89.

At the interview positioned, Renee Young talked to Dolph Ziggler about the ongoing situation with Sheamus. Ziggler said he couldn't take it any more & mentioned that he had apologised to Dean Ambrose for costing him a shot to become King of the Ring last night. Sheamus shouldn't worry about him kissing his arse, rather him kicking it.

Bryon Saxton interviewed Bad News Barret backstage. Barrett said he was on a roll after beating R-Truth, & will therefore plow through Neville just like he did Truth.

Final - Main Event: In a rematch from the Extreme Rules Kick-Off show, Bad News Barrett pinned Neville with the Bull Hammer in 7:00 to become the 2015 King of the Ring.

After the match, Bad News was coronated on the stage. Barrett told Lawler that he will rule with an iron fist & Bull Hammers for all. "Boom."


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