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Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:11 pm
by Oblomov Boblomov
Alright, pal, you're clearly a bit thick so I'll leave you to it. Nice speaking to you, bye.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:12 pm
by Fatal Exception
Donk wrote:
Mind Crime wrote:
Donk wrote:
Mind Crime wrote:
Donk wrote:Shakespeare was seen as trash in it's time,

I can't believe you would make this kind of error; you're contributing to the decline of GRcade.

Oh boo hoo a SPG mistake on an internet forum.

At least I don't read Dan Brown.

At least I'm not a pretentious twat. :)

If being a pretentious twat means I'm not the sort of sewer dwelling eejit who watches Big Brother, thinks the Halo series are the best games ever, and reads Dan Brown, then I'm totally in.

The Pretentionometer is off the charts :shock:

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:12 pm
by Drumstick
I've enjoyed the rest of his books so I'll probably be picking this up.

To the folks arguing about Brown's work: who cares? I like his books and am fully aware that they're not masterpieces or anything closely resembling such, but I find them entertaining. I don't see the issue.

Also: Deception Point > Digital Fortress > Angels and Demons > The Da Vinci Code

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:14 pm
by Oblomov Boblomov
Fallen Phoenix wrote:From reading his other books, the problem he has is they all use exactly the same formula

Starts with the lead waking up

Called / Goes into work

Love interest is the person they don't seem to get on with

The goodie / person in power is actually the bad guy

The bad guy is misunderstood somehow

Final confrontation

Lead goes to bed

This is an excellent point; the formula for his stories are all shockingly similar. The worst aspect of this is, like you mention, that the goodie/person in power is actually the bad guy every time :lol:.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:17 pm
by Poser
Exactly, Drumstick. God forbid people would actually have the temerity to read stuff they enjoyed reading.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:18 pm
by abcd
It's just an elaborate holiday read to be honest.....I'm sure.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:19 pm
by Pancake
I don't think anyone has ever tried to argue that Dan Brown is a quality writer! It's just enjoyable fluff and there ain't no harm in that! It's stupid to think that every book ever released should be some kind of literary masterpiece, particularly when these masterpieces can often be insanely boring!

In short, everyone likes a bit of trash! :wub:

Not that I like Dan Brown in particular, but that isn't the point.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:41 pm
by Moggy
Donk wrote:
Mind Crime wrote:
Donk wrote:
Mind Crime wrote:
Donk wrote:Shakespeare was seen as trash in it's time,

I can't believe you would make this kind of error; you're contributing to the decline of GRcade.

Oh boo hoo a SPG mistake on an internet forum.

At least I don't read Dan Brown.

At least I'm not a pretentious twat. :)

If being a pretentious twat means I'm not the sort of sewer dwelling eejit who watches Big Brother, thinks the Halo series are the best games ever, and reads Dan Brown, then I'm totally in.

No, being a pretentious twat means that you can not resist telling people that they are wrong and you are right. Over and over and over again. In the thread that you are supposed to not be interested in.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:59 pm
by Hulohot
Drumstick wrote:
Also: Deception Point > Digital Fortress > Angels and Demons > The Da Vinci Code

Angels and Demons > Deception Point > Digital Fortress > The Da Vinci Code.


Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:08 pm
by Bene Version 3
I've read The Da Vinchi Code (who hasn't) and I think Deception Point (possibly Digital Fortress can't really remember) and enjoyed both. Dan Brown may not be an incredible writer but he knows how to make a page turner.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:08 pm
by Jax
What a troll thread. :fp:

Anyway yeah I won't read this probably but I do find some of his books quite good. The Da Vinci Code is probably his weakest but on their own they all stand up well. The Lost Symbol sounds like a title of something I wouldn't enjoy much. Especially since my favourite of the ones I've read is one that has nothing to do with religion, Deception Point.

I also agree with Bene Version 3, that he makes good page turners.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:08 pm
by Hulohot
I actually borrowed the name of the assassin in Digital Fortress when creating my username.

Hulohot, the man in the wire rim glasses.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:19 pm
by aayl1
I think enjoying a Dan Brown book is like enjoying a summer blockbuster. There's probably more engaging stuf out there, but it's nice to switch your brain off sometimes.

Anyway, Dan Brown isn't for me.

Lee Child however? strawberry floating Jack Reacher's on the strawberry floating case. This man knows everyfuckingthing.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:26 pm
by Drumstick
aaronayl1 wrote:Lee Child however? strawberry floating Jack Reacher's on the strawberry floating case. This man knows everyfuckingthing.

My Uncle is always banging on about Lee Child books.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:56 am
by Extralife
Being a masterpiece is not essential, but being entertaining is and Dan Brown pretty much fails on that level. Every plot twist and big reveal can either be seen from a mile off or is so detached from everything so far it seems totally disjointed.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:02 am
by Fatal Exception
Extralife wrote:Being a masterpiece is not essential, but being entertaining is and Dan Brown pretty much fails on that level. Every plot twist and big reveal can either be seen from a mile off or is so detached from everything so far it seems totally disjointed.

Lots of people disagree and enjoy the books. I would say Shakespeare fails on that level since it bores me to tears, it doesn't make it true. You can't compare the two though.

I just think it's mass market snobbery as usual - "Whatever the plebs like, that's what I don't like"

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:08 am
by Xeno
I don't think it's that for most of us who dislike his books, I genuinely don't get why people like them as they are dull and about as entertaining as a Lembit Opik. I personally would rather read Ulysses again than another dan brown book and I hate that book.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:01 am
by Fatal Exception
Xeno wrote:I don't think it's that for most of us who dislike his books, I genuinely don't get why people like them as they are dull and about as entertaining as a Lembit Opik. I personally would rather read Ulysses again than another dan brown book and I hate that book.

Pretention in your post asside, the books provide entertainment for millions. Much like Harry Potter.

You can't tell people to buy 'more entertaining' things, they wont listen. I mean, look how many idiots are buying the Wii.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:09 am
by Poser
Xeno wrote:I personally would rather read Ulysses again

I rolled my eyes for real at that. For. Real.

Re: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown- 15th September.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:10 am
by Xeno
It's in my top 50 hated books.