The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club

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PostThe GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Dangerblade » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:20 am

Hello GRCade.

I, and I'm sure many of you, like to make New Year's resolutions. However, sometimes - perhaps often, even - I find myself not sticking to them. Maybe I don't stick to them at all, or maybe I stick to them for awhile, and then just...kind of...slow...down...until I stop keeping them completely.

I figured I would create this thread as it may help me, and indeed you.

Sign up here to The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club.

The premise is simple. You state your resolutions for 2010 and post in the thread with your progress. It can be something one-off, like calling or visiting an old friend, or something long-term, such as losing weight or job hunting. You can use this thread as a diary, to ask for advice or even to help others.

Ideally, many people will sign up, and we can all motivate one another to sticking to our resolutions, no matter how large or how trivial. Don't be shy, either; nobody is going to laugh at you if your resolution is to stop being so emo, or something.

It's never too late to sign up, but sign up as early as possible.

Below are a list of those that have signed up, along with their resolutions. Jokey ones have not been included because I'm a humourless bastard due to space constraints. If I have made an error, or you wish to change something, please let me know.

Throughout the year I hope to be updating a lot of these resolutions in a special golden font colour. This means the resolution has been achieved. I hope we can all achieve everything we strive for in 2010; this thread has then had the desired effect.

Perhaps there will even be prizes come the end of the year for those whom keep their resolutions...

Remember to track this thread and post with updates when necessary. Ask for advice often, as we are all in this together.

Let's work together to make 2010 a great year.


Alex Harman

- Eat healthily; get into better shape
- Work harder at school

Alpha eX

- Get driving license before March
- Get a full-time job
- Move into own place


- Go to bed earlier
- Work harder
- Get over 70% for the year
- Keep proper financial records
- Get everything properly ready for year in Alaska


- Stop eating junk food
- Find a career path
- Get back into exercise routine
- Get a girlfriend
- Be more adventurous

Baron Zemo

- Get fitter
- Socialise more
- Learn to drive

Bene Version 3

- Make sure food from Christmas is eaten before it goes off
- Make sure to not be surfing the Internet on New Year's Eve 2010


- Get a job
- Get a girlfriend

- Get a proper job


- Rejoin gym; train properly for Great North Run
- Move out
- Save up for car/wedding
- Pass driving test
- Sort out finances

Chocolate Jim

- Gain a stone by March
- Get a girlfriend
- Gain a promotion in work
- Expand website


- Get a job
- Put on weight


- Lose a fair chunk of weight
- Bathe and shave more regularly and brush teeth twice daily
- Get a decent, regular sleeping pattern
- Learn how to use household appliances
- Socialise more
- Go on holiday


- Get fit enough to do a half marathon in 2 hours by using the gym and going for runs along the local canal
- Finish third year with at least 2:1 level grades
- Be more confident
- Change style; wear better clothes
- Become more prudent; stop spending a lot of money on a lot of nothing
- Make friends with people at university
- Begin and complete applications for postgraduate courses both in the UK and abroad


- Get career going
- Get fitter and put on weight
- Win a major poker tournament
- Have more fun with the ladies
- Draw more and publish more of it online


- Go to bed earlier during the week


- Be more confident
- Sleep better


- Get fit
- Get a job
- Move house
- Decide whether or not to do further education
- Get a girlfriend
- Socialise more

Fatal Exception

- Get a social life
- Get a better job
- Get a cat


- Get a job
- Start a band
- Say "yes" to more things
- Learn how to cook
- Learn how to code with C Sharp


- Attend seminar at university


- Cook a new and exciting meal at least once a week


- Be more active; get into better shape
- Don't waste 9 months of the year; get a job or do volunteer work
- Socialise more
- Get a girlfriend


- Put on weight
- Enroll in a BSL course
- Get on an Access to Higher Education course
- Get more involved with St John Ambulance
- Fill in and send off applications for volunteer positions
- Take medication every morning
- Join a Ju-Jitsu class once fitter

Irene Demova

- Revise hard to get decent A levels
- Get a part-time job
- Socialise more


- Learn how to speak French & Spanish
- Turn fat into muscle; put on some more weight
- Read more
- Get a girlfriend


- Get fit at the gym


- Keep at the diet
- Join a gym in spring/summer time
- Get a better job
- Read more
- Learn how to read & write basic Japanese

John Galt

- Be friendlier and more sociable

Johnny Ryall

- Lose 3-and-a-half stone by July


- Revise hard for exams
- Read more


- Get fit again
- Form a band and play some gigs
- Pass university


- Get a girlfriend
- Drink less alcohol
- Be more adventurous; socialise more
- Work harder at learning guitar; play some gigs
- Get better at darts
- Learn how to speak Spanish or Italian

Look Over There

- Stop getting really drunk
- Pass driving test by April
- Get a part-time job
- Get UCAS form sent by the end of first week of January
- Start exam revision earlier than usual

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

- Get back into weight training; do more 5K runs
- Finish PhD
- Cut down on swearing

Mind Crime

- Learn how to speak French


- Get a job
- Join a gym
- Lose 4-5 stone by the end of the year


- Get a girlfriend
- Be more outgoing
- Make better use of time


- Sign up for the Great South Run and train for it
- Keep up with work at university
- Save up enough money to take girlfriend on holiday in the summer

Oh Teh Noes

- Get a better job
- Get own place or move in with girlfriend (depending on job)
- Save up for wedding
- Get another degree
- Be more assertive
- Be more confident


- Learn how to use Csound efficiently


- Get a 1st in degree
- Lose some weight and put on some muscle
- Stop getting into trouble when drunk
- Get a girlfriend


- Get a job
- Get fitter
- Cut down on Internet usage
- Be a nicer person


- Make sure work comes first


- Lose weight
- Program more
- Draw more
- Finish model ship

Red Devil

- Work hard at university
- Be more sociable; get more friends
- Get a girlfriend
- Get a job
- Save enough money to see some World Cup games and visit friends
- Get fit/lose weight


- Learn how to cook
- Get back into weightlifting


- Get within and maintain BMI


- Cook new recipes
- Get back to 100% fitness


- Put on weight
- Learn to drive
- Cut down on Internet usage
- Drink less alcohol


- Brush teeth daily
- Learn to drive
- Be more confident
- Put more effort into looking for a job
- Save up money
- Catch up with videogame backlog


- Cut down on Internet usage
- Read more


- Get the Merit - Merit grade from college course
- Get into university
- Get a job
- Cut down on smoking weed
- Lose 5 stone
- Be more confident and sociable
- Learn to enjoy life rather than worry about it
- Have a fun and exciting 2010


- Move out of parents' house
- Don't screw up at university
- Play gigs
- Find a drummer; play gigs with other band
- Get a job
- Be more sociable; make more friends
- Go on proper camping trip/adventure
- Fix sleeping pattern

Somebody Else's Problem

- Rejoin the army


- Complete EP
- Send child's book out to 30+ publishers/agents
- Write 50,000 words of novel
- Get a suntan

The Alchemist Penguin

- Set up a company with some friends

The Monsoon Lizard

- Drink a lot less
- Iron clothes


- Cut down on smoking weed
- Stop eating junk food
- Stop drinking during the week
- Masturbate less often
- Work harder


- Find a career path


- Get down to 10% body fat by eating healthily on a daily basis
- Make the most of the trip to Tokyo


- Stop staying up past midnight wasting time on the Internet


- Go running to get fit

William Shatner

- Exercise more
- Eat more healthily
- Stop biting fingernails
- Learn how to play the piano again


- Get degree
- Sort out life; do more worthwhile things
- Spend less time sleeping
- Stop being so poor


- Go to more music gigs and festivals
- Get a new PS3 and HDTV
- Hone art/drawing skills
- Learn how to cook a good steak

Total Members: 64
Total Resolutions: 215
Resolutions Achieved: 12

Last edited by Dangerblade on Sun May 02, 2010 2:30 am, edited 47 times in total.
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Oblomov Boblomov
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Oblomov Boblomov » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:36 am

I'm going to learn how to speak French as best I can.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Jax » Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:16 am

I was actually surprised that I managed to fulfil my new year's resolution from last year - though it was only recently. And for next year it's going to be to get fitter, I am joining a gym.

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Red Devil
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Red Devil » Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:55 am

Epic list incoming:

- Do well on my uni course. Do a bit more reading for my modules and study for exams and essays.
- Start talking to a few more people in general. I realised this semester that I know about 2-3 people in the two modules I've got now so I wouldn't mind having a few more people to talk to. I want to get rid of this lack of confidence but don't have any idea how. :x
- The above should get me on step closer to having a gf. :lol:
- Try and get a job to earn some money.
- From this, I hope to save enough money so I can hopefully get to a world cup game or two or at least see my friends on a more regular basis.
- Lastly, get fit or at least less round looking.

Easy right?

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Trinity » Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:58 am

1. Combat my addiction of internetness
2. Improve on WoW.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by TravelJug » Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:17 am

1) My single goal in 2010 will be to get down to 10% body fat by eating healthy everyday opposed to just 4 or 5 days a week. Obviously I'll pie out the odd time, you'd go crazy if you didn't man!

2) I could be off to Tokyo with work for 6 months this year so I think I'll make the most of that should it be the case!

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John Galt
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by John Galt » Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:42 am

TravelJug wrote:2) I could be off to Tokyo with work for 6 months this year so I think I'll make the most of that should it be the case!

Sweet. What job do you have?

My resolution is to be more friendly and more people orientated than my current egocentric form. This will involve such things as:

* pretending to be interested in things which aren't of interest to me
* physical contact with people - whilst sober
* waiting to get to know people before instantly dismissing their ill-founded philosophical beliefs

I'm not so sure how I can keep tabs on this so may have to think of some sort of daily task I should do. Suggestions welcome

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Red Devil » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:09 am

Read the Daily Mail.

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Dr. Nyaaa~!
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by That » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:35 am

I am going to revise my arse off in the three days of holiday I have left starting the 1st, seeing as I've avoided doing it since before Christmas. :( As good a resolution as any I guess!

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by TravelJug » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:39 am

John Galt wrote:
TravelJug wrote:2) I could be off to Tokyo with work for 6 months this year so I think I'll make the most of that should it be the case!

Sweet. What job do you have?

I work for NYSE Technologies as a placement student :) I do computer science at university and have my final year next year.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by LewisD » Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:12 pm

I'm going to keep mine easy this year:

  • Remain alone.
  • Spend too much time on the internet achieving nothing.
  • Drink far too much
  • Continue to hate people
  • Continue to bring down the happiness of others with my own sense of pestilence and misery

..... :lol: :lol:
Should be pretty easy to achieve those. 8-)

I am, of course, only joking. I shall make some proper ones later..

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by jiggles » Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:24 pm

Mine is:

Work comes first this year.

Alex Harman
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Alex Harman » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:28 pm

  • Start eating healthily with the ultimate goal of getting into better shape.
  • Put waaaay more effort in with school.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Exxy » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:33 pm

I intend to be a little more confident with people and sleep better. That's all really.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by The People's ElboReformat » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:21 pm

- Sort out life.
- Get rich.

The Eeveelution club! \o/
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by andretmzt » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:24 pm

- Go to bed earlier
- Work harder
- Get over 70% for the year
- Keep proper financial records
- Get everything properly ready for my year in Alaska

I am not looking forward to the financial records, I have a drawer full of ATM receipts ect. to match up to my bank statements :(

HSH28 wrote:No Last Guardian.
No new exclusive PS4 games.
No longer free MP for PS4.

Microsoft win E3.
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Dolph Wiggler » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:27 pm

I'm just going to try and get more fit by starting to go out for runs. I'm finished my degree this year so don't really have any idea what the second half of the year will hold, pretty exciting. I'll probably be straight on the dole and posting on here all day though :fp:

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Igor » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:38 pm

I think a problem that quite a few people have (myself included) is that they're not specific enough with their goals. For example, 'get fitter' doesn't mean anything. You need specifics, like 'be able to run a mile in less than 6 minutes', together with a time limit. People say 'I want to lose weight', and then just sit on their arses. It gets to March and they think 'oh well, I've still got nine months of the year to sort it out'. It gets to July and they think 'hmm, still got five months'.

Think specifically about what you want, with a target in mind; exactly how you intend to achieve it and when you want to achieve it by. Think positively as well. Don't say 'I want to be less fat', say 'I am going to be slimmer by...'.

I'll do mine later.

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The People's ElboReformat
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by The People's ElboReformat » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:48 pm


The Eeveelution club! \o/
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by andretmzt » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:50 pm

Christmas Treegor wrote:It gets to March and they think 'oh well, I've still got nine months of the year to sort it out'.

What if you're going by the Chinese New Year and it starts in March?

HSH28 wrote:No Last Guardian.
No new exclusive PS4 games.
No longer free MP for PS4.

Microsoft win E3.

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