The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by False » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:50 pm


- Get fit
- Get a job
- Move house
- Decide whether or not to do further education
- Get a girlfriend
- Socialise more

Get fit - Er, not quite there, but Im joining the gym after this months pay comes in.

Get a job - DONE! Got a job as an IT tech, piss easy and very good money and benefits for it too.

Move house - Planning on doing so early half of next year, money dictating.

Further education - Got formal IT qualifications to back up my skills and it lead to my new job and an award for Microsoft Apprentice of 2010, so aces there.

Get a girlfriend - Had a few casual efforts, but not really bothered here.

Socialise more - Done, gone out way more and saying yes to more social events. Hangovers am bad though.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Red Devil » Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:48 pm

- Work hard at university
- Be more sociable; get more friends
- Get a girlfriend
- Get a job
- Save enough money to see some World Cup games and visit friends
- Get fit/lose weight

2 out of 6 isn't bad.


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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club - Sign up NO
by JiggerJay » Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:54 am

JiggerJay wrote:Right here's mine,

- Continue on my Diet, some may recall I started a diet way back late october/november, and since then I have lost about 20lbs, although I still have a megaton more to shift, I realise it's not a new resolution, but I need to keep on track as temptation is around every corner!
- Join a gym, this will be in the spring/summer time, as right now I am not ready to join the gym and it'll be strawberry floating packed with the xmas noobs!
- Get a better job, the current job I have is utter dogshit, with no decent chance of promotion in this small company, for now I just use it to get me in a routine of waking up early, like they use me for slave labour!
- Read more, to my shame I probabily haven't read a book for many a year, and I think because of this my brain is getting a bit sloppy, for example I will be talking to someone and I'll completely forget what the next word is I am trying to say, and this is getting more and more frequent. Perhaps this will help with my memory problem as well, for those who don't know I have a really bad memory, unless something is important i'll forget it in a matter of minutes.

My overall aim for the year though is to be wearing L sized clothes by the end of 2010 (Currently on 3xl to my shame)

Heres my summary for the year

- The Diet went strong for a fair portion of the year, all in all since last november I'm down 5 stone (70 pounds!) Although I'm not going to say it's still going brilliantly, the only thing that has prevented me from putting it all back on is my Job as a postman, I'm walking 15 miles a day, which is helping the metabolism, even at current with me eating all the gooseberry fool again (Will kick start again next Monday)

- The gym didn't really pan out, I was aiming for the summer, but at that point I was unemployed and couldn't really afford to, once I started working again and making money, I didn't have the time or energy to persue this.

- Get a better job, well, this is a sucess for now, I use to work at a recycling centre due to the govenements iniciative for the unemployed (guarenteed 6 months work at minimum wage) Twas a real gooseberry fool job, with some right scummy workers/managers, not to make myself out to be some kind of wizard, but I was easily the most educated person there, (and that's including the "CEO") Obviously once the 6 months contract expired they were not going to keep me due to it coming out of their pockets, they offere cash in hand work, but I refused. Eventually my uncle got me a job down the post office... I deliver mail, it's not a "hard job" persay, but it is pretty physical, especailly a guy of my size, did take a while to get use to the walking, now I can do it in a reasonable time without mistakes in my preporation of my round, Although it is a better job than before, I am aiming higher in the near year.

- Read more - bitch please!

- Learn Japanese - I've been doing bits and pieces, and me and a friend have decided to go in 2011, and mummy strawberry floating climb mount Fuji, provided we get healthier by then, I see somekind of J-adventure happening in 2011!

Skarjo wrote:You can buy all the fancy houses you want, we still remember you in a bath covered in ketchup for a free copy of CSI.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club - Sign up no
by Seven » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:23 am

Seventh Day Of Christmas wrote:I know I said I have one but I have couple more:

- Brush my teeth every day. Really struggling with this. :-( (MAIN)
- Get learning how to drive. Been wanting to since 16/17 but never got round to it. I want to do something about that this year
- Be more confidence when socialing. Just say what I want to say, be relaxed around people I meet, and don't be too afraid what to say. Doing alright so far but I need put in more effort.
- Put in alot of effort when looking for a job.

First one: Fail - though I do have weeks where I managed to brush every day. Too bad things strawberry float up. :|
- I guess. I still have yet to learn how to drive - I plan to do this in 2011 properly.Se
Third one - its kind of steep, really. I can talk to people normally but there's times where I just can't. So half success, but must try harder.
Fourth: BIG MASSIVE strawberry floating SUCCESSFUL. I managed to get job, and not only that, but I managed to get BETTER job, which I start in 2011. So this is MASSIVE successful. :wub:

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Alpha eX » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:28 am

Alpha eX

- Get driving license before March
- Get a full-time job
- Move into own place

Well I didn't get my license before March but I got it in the end! (5 attempts and only passed by flirting with instructor :lol: )
Got a full time job, a really nice one, couldn't be happier with it!
Didn't move out because me and Antonia had our epic breakup and then broke up with the girl I met after her.

2/3 aint bad!

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Chocolate Jim » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:29 am

Chocolate Jim

- Gain a stone by March

FAIL - Desperately need to gain some weight this year.

- Get a girlfriend

FAIL - Can barely look after myself at the moment, let alone think about someone else

- Gain a promotion in work

FAIL - I should achieve this in 2011 easily

- Expand website

WIN - Record amount of revenue, I just wih the site was about something im interested in :x :x :x

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by False » Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:23 am

Chocolate Jim doesnt like chocolate


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PostThe GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Qikz » Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:01 pm

Falsey Claus wrote:Chocolate Jim doesnt like chocolate


This WTF

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by frogg » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:08 pm

I got my degree. Decided to go for Honours for some fucktarded reason.

Get fit?

Band? Made steps and have all the required people, uni is killing it though. Songs are pretty decent if I say so myself.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Xeno » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:10 pm

He could expand to Jellybellies.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Alpha eX » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:13 pm

Japanta wrote:
Falsey Claus wrote:Chocolate Jim doesnt like chocolate


This WTF

Everything about him is a lie. I bet his name isn't even Jim. :cry:

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by DML » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:16 pm


- Get career going
- Get fitter and put on weight

- Win a major poker tournament
- Have more fun with the ladies

- Draw more and publish more of it online

The middle two are still real niggles, but the others have taken leaps and bounds, the potential for number one if certain things go right early in January is enormous.

All in all, a successful year.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by smurphy » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:25 pm

- Don't screw up at university - Didn't even start, change of life plans so this one is void.
- Move out of parents' house - Kind of hand in hand with the first one
- Play gigs - Did this near the start of the year
- Find a drummer; play gigs with other band - Drummer found, didn't get organised enough for gigs though. Our target is February.
- Get a job - Totally done
- Be more sociable; make more friends - Done
- Go on proper camping trip/adventure - Done
- Fix sleeping pattern - Half done. Getting up for work is fine, but on days off I still get strawberry floated up.

Fairly successful year, though I feel a lot of it happened recently. Next year is going to be awesome though.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by SEP » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:26 pm

DML wrote:DML

- Get career going
- Get fitter and put on weight

- Win a major poker tournament
- Have more fun with the ladies

- Draw more and publish more of it online

The middle two are still real niggles, but the others have taken leaps and bounds, the potential for number one if certain things go right early in January is enormous.

All in all, a successful year.

Number 5 hurts my eyes.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Mr Chips » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:44 pm

1. Achieve a 1st in my degree.

Really need to get a move on with my final year project, all other courseworks have gone well except the big one.

2. Loose some of that stomach, perhaps put on some muscle in the process (may post before and then after pics :P)

My mum bought a blender recently, so I have been experimenting with smoothies, had a very bitter one this morning (pinapple + Strawberrys + Plain low fat yogurt). Decided im going to eat normally during tea, but breakfast and lunch are going to be low fat or small portions. Going to also go on runs (live down a country road which is all right for running) and use my weights how my sister, who is a P.E teacher, is going to teach me.

One of last years resolutions was to not get into as much trouble when drunk (broke my nose and wrist year before...on separate nights out). I would like to report that I have cut down on drinking a lot, mainly due to my girlfriend and a lot of my mates getting there a Girlfriend of there own so we all have less big nights out. I've done the odd stupid thing this year, but non no where near as bad as previous years. Its definately an on going resolution.

My other resolution was to get a girlfriend and I have achieved that with flying colours...all by drunk luck mind...but hey.

1, Got a 2.1 which has turned out fine for getting interviews anyway. 2, Buy innocent smoothies now, way too much hassle making your own, still dont go the gym and probably never will - its just not for me, but have been playing 7/5 a side footy every week for last 6 months and have lost quite a bit of the stomach. Definitely am a lot more sensible with the drink, can't believe I wrote that i'd done less stupid things... this post was written on 3rd Jan, but last new year I woke up in middle of night, puked on my girlfriend (coldslaw puke) fell a sleep then some time later she woke me up saying she was cold and wet for some reason and to turn the light on, it took me quite a while to work out it was me and not her who puked... coldslaw gave it away.

This year my resolutions are:
1) Read various books on the software and processes I need to know for engineering jobs, do my own projects, get better at sketching. Generally keep up with it all, just need to get that job.
2) My plans for life drastically change if I get a job as then I can move out and get girlfriend to move in, hoping to do all this before June when I want to book a 2 week summer holiday with said bird.
3) Gamble more sensibly - Never bet on your own team.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by Fatal Exception » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:51 pm

Fatal Exception

- Get a social life - Epic Fail - Split up with the girlfriend and I seem to have no social life
- Get a better job - Pass - Got a better job, I struggle sometimes but it's awesome and pays a fuckton more than my old one.
- Get a cat - Fail - Can't have one where I live at the moment.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by That » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:59 pm

Revise for exams - I got an A* in Maths, which was what I was hoping for, so pass.
Read more - I certainly read more than I would have, so pass.

Hooray! I shall have to think of two for 2011.

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club - Sign up NO
by Oh Teh Noes » Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:54 pm

Hohoho Teh Noes wrote:- Get a better job
- Get my own place/move in with Bunni (depends on job)
- Save up for a wedding
- Get another degree

Done, but then not done again
Done, but then not done again
Not attempted. Not interested any more.

Dr Cottle wrote:My favourite flavour of popsicle is DICK.
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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by SEP » Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:57 pm

Dangerblade wrote:- Rejoin the army

Yeah, the whole criminal record thing kinda got in the way there. Who'da thunk it?

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PostRe: The GRCade New Year's Resolutions 2010 Club
by smurphy » Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:15 pm

Join a PMC, where a criminal record is mandatory.

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