Official GRcade Dreams Thread

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by captain red dog » Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:25 pm

Another dream I had was when I was a kid and it was about me getting a SNES. I played on it and everything and when I woke up I was absolutely gutted when I realised it was all a sham and my SNES never existed. I searched my cupboards and everything. :cry:

I have had a lot of Nintendo related ones actually. I remember when the GBA came out and I got Mario 2 advance and ended up having dreams about drowning in turnips. Undoubtedly the coolest one was just after Ocarina of Time came out (and I had finished it) and I dreamed I had got the sequel and it was set in the same world and a huge tower came out of the ground. It kind of freaked me out when I came across the Tower of the Gods in Wind Waker as it was very similar.

Anyway, onto my dream diary. I'll hunt it down on my hard disk and post some extracts. Expect some mild gorey descriptions (last night I dreamed that I fell over and cut my leg!).

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Johnny Ryall » Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:23 pm

I had a pretty cool dream this morning.. I was robbing Tesco with a whole army of people except Tesco had an army of checkout operators to come against us. There were all these shipping containers there that we had to climb over like something out of Crackdown. And then there were all these explosions and I ended up tunnelling in from a bunker and then I guess I woke up because I can't remember any more. :(

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by DaLax » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:08 am

Hulohot wrote:The best kind of dream is where your mind creates the perfect girl, and you just spend time close with them. Nothing dirty. But then you wake up and are like... NOOO COME BACK. :cry:

Gah. I hate that my subconscious can do that. It happens so very rarely, but when it does, it feels awful after waking up.

strawberry float you, brain.

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by PCCD » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:29 am

Strangest series of dreams I've ever had involve this person -


And a round of golf.

I don't even play golf when I'm awake! :? :fp:

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Hulohot » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:36 am

Wedgie wrote:Have you ever had this:

You are having a nightmare. So terrible that you willed yourself to wake up, as if you know that you are in a dream.

You awake, bathed in cold sweat.

Then you awake for real.

Properly freaked me out sometimes. :(

I used to do that all the time. When I was young I had this recurring dream where I was floating in darkness, going up and down getting faster and faster (you know the feeling when you are half asleep and it feels like you are going up and down, feels great) but there was a woman screaming, and it was getting louder and louder with each passing second, getting faster and faster until I woke up all scared. Eventually I learnt to wake myself up before the screaming got too bad.

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Irene Demova
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Irene Demova » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:38 am

I hardly ever remember dreams

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by PCCD » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:40 am

Hulohot wrote:
Wedgie wrote:Have you ever had this:

You are having a nightmare. So terrible that you willed yourself to wake up, as if you know that you are in a dream.

You awake, bathed in cold sweat.

Then you awake for real.

Properly freaked me out sometimes. :(

I used to do that all the time. When I was young I had this recurring dream where I was floating in darkness, going up and down getting faster and faster (you know the feeling when you are half asleep and it feels like you are going up and down, feels great) but there was a woman screaming, and it was getting louder and louder with each passing second, getting faster and faster until I woke up all scared. Eventually I learnt to wake myself up before the screaming got too bad.

Ever had one of those ones where something terrible is coming toward you and you can't move for no apparent reason? strawberry floating horrible they are.

The Holly and Delusi wrote:PENALTY: Blatant lies. Five minutes in the Sin Bin.
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by SEP » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:43 am

PCCD wrote:Ever had one of those ones where something terrible is coming toward you and you can't move for no apparent reason? strawberry floating horrible they are.

I used to get those quite regularly when I was a kid. Those, and the ones where you feel like you're falling, and you awaken as you hit the floor.

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Irene Demova
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Irene Demova » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:45 am

MCN wrote:
PCCD wrote:Ever had one of those ones where something terrible is coming toward you and you can't move for no apparent reason? strawberry floating horrible they are.

I used to get those quite regularly when I was a kid. Those, and the ones where you feel like you're falling, and you awaken as you hit the floor.

My only frequent dream, used to wake up after headbutting the bed :lol:

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by PCCD » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:49 am

Irene Demova wrote:
MCN wrote:
PCCD wrote:Ever had one of those ones where something terrible is coming toward you and you can't move for no apparent reason? ******* horrible they are.

I used to get those quite regularly when I was a kid. Those, and the ones where you feel like you're falling, and you awaken as you hit the floor.

My only frequent dream, used to wake up after headbutting the bed :lol:

That's not a dream, it's a Mitchell & Webb sketch waiting to happen.

I think I prefer the golf myself.

The Holly and Delusi wrote:PENALTY: Blatant lies. Five minutes in the Sin Bin.
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by gaminglegend » Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:04 pm

I want that medication!!

Hmm not my dream but a certain female who told me not to laugh just a hour ago.. then I saw this thread, the light bulb clicked "to GR", to share it with the world.

I had this dream we were going out and at work you just ignored me, so in the end I quit

Sadly, I stifled my laughs for two seconds, then I proceeded to Peter Griffin laugh right in her face. She was not amused. 8-) Most pointless dream ever. Not as good as the dream I had on a road trip adventure with Solid Snake and Jackie Chan - we made it only to the end of the street and I woke up :fp:

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Count Nood » Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:06 pm

I had a dream last night that I'd somehow gone back in time to the early 1900s. Kanbei was there, and we played football. He went in goal, just like John O'Shea did once in real life. The dream ended as I was thinking of ways to change the future.

The Eeveelution club!!! \o/
The Alchemist Penguin wrote:I want Tales of Vesperia PS3 now. Especially you loveable Patty. :wub:
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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Slayerx » Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:13 pm

Cuttooth wrote:I had a dream last night where I was poisoned with something and I could feel myself slowly suffocate. :(

Not fun.

That wasn't a dream fool !


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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by G-Rat » Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:56 am

I tend to remember quite a lot of my dreams. Or at least used to. My dreams are always very vivid, but I have trouble remembering them now.

The best though, is when you have a really cool dream one night, and wake up, and you're all like "ohh maaaaaan. dammit."

But then, the following night, it continues on from where you woke up!! I had the same dream going for like, 4 days once.
It was amazing.

But yeah, I also have a recurring fever dream. Like, whenever you're ill, or have a fever, I have exactly the same dream, EVERY time. I won't try to explain it, unless someone really wants me to, cos it's really hard to explain, and would involve a large wall of text with lots of "like"'s. The weirdest thing is though, my older brother has a very similar fever dream, except his is in green, while mine is in black and white. :shock:

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by captain red dog » Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:05 am

Two days and two utterly bizarre dreams, seriously weird! First one, I was back at school and in my final few days of 6th form. My final exam was an exercise just like the Apprentice. I had to do a task with my team and then report back to Allen Sugar in order to pass or fail. I ended up on the losing team. However, Sir Allen started laying into me in the boardroom and being rude and I spoke up for myself. He told me not to be rude and stop interrupting when I told him to “**** off you old C***” I pointed out how he preaches good business and then spends his time shouting and farting about and that now he has sold his business he actually does ****m all anymore. I absolutely owned him in the boardroom and then walked out to mass cheers from all my classmates! I guess I must have some serious pent up anger at the guy!

Second dream was just as odd but much more detailed. I got invited to stay at a house with my brother and his wife’s family in a big holiday country house. Whilst I was there I went paddling in a pool and then returned to the decking to put my socks and shoes on. I sat down in my usual place and a little girl was there with her Mum and the little girl told me I couldn’t sit there as it was her spot. I told her I wouldn’t be a second and there was plenty of room when her Mum stuck her oar in and told me not to treat her little girl like that. I pointed out I wasn’t being rude and that there was plenty of room but the mother was having none of it. At which point I told her to **** off and stop being so rude. At that point the dream got really weird as the Mum told the girl to beat me up. Not being able to hit a little girl was my downfall and I had to run back into the house to avoid a beating. I ended up finding my Mum and getting her to have a word with the little girl!

Then the dream got even weirder. As everyone packed up to leave I saw somebody had left their little baby pet rabbit (which was pure white and called Mungo) which was on the loose. I tried to give the rabbit back to the owner but they said they didn’t want it anymore. I spent ages catching the rabbit and eventually caught hold of its leg and was going to take it home to keep along with our kitten. At that point I noticed somebody had left a hamster (which was Grey and called Buttons) which they also didn’t want. By now the rabbit had turned into a small pet mouse instead. I had to instruct my Dad to head to B&Q and get me two hamster cages so I could get them home safely. The hamster and the mouse escaped a couple of times but I managed to keep hold of them until I got the cages.

Then it was my turn to leave the house and by now I was last to leave. Just as I was about to go one of the pets escaped and I had to run back into the house to get them. However, some builders had turned up to demolish the house as they were going to build an even bigger one. At this point I realised the house was actually built on the hatch from Lost and that if they demolished the house it would start “the incident”. I managed to attract the attention of the builders after rescuing the mouse, but it was too late and they dug into the ground beginning the “incident”. At that point alarms started going off around the site and the voice of Dr Marvin Candle came over the speakers advising everyone that the Island (turns out I was on an Island!) was unsafe and we had to evacuate. The weird thing was, his voice wasn’t Dr Candle from Lost, but sounded exactly like President Eden from Fallout 3. Just as the “incident” was about to happen I woke up.

I have no idea what any of that can possibly mean!

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Dangerblade » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:02 am

I had the weirdest strawberry floating dream ever last night. It involved The Ashes, my sister driving her car, arson and Resident Evil.

I cba to post it up so I'll let you all wonder instead.

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by False » Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:07 am

Did anyone ever see The Frighteners?

I had a recurring nightnare years ago where I would be in various situations with a grim reaper style ghost similar to the baddie from the frighteners,

A few I can remeber is drowning on a canal boat (wtf) whilst this scary geezer was persuing me. Another was where I was running through some forest thing next to an abandoned road and although I was running faster and faster this crazy nutter was getting faster with me, I could see him running alongside me through the trees, just pulling ahead. He stopped me and stabbed me, and Im certain he killed me. Everything went black and I could feel the pain, Even though I was desperately trying to wake up as I knew it was a nightmare, Every time I opened my eyes he would just keep on stabbing me till I died.

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Luboluke » Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:25 am

I remember I had a dream one night where I was playing as Stan Lee in UFC 2009. I grabbed the guy in the clinch and uppercutted the strawberry float out of him.

Evidently, all I had done that day was play UFC and read comic books. :oops:

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by Ario » Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:22 am

I dont remember my dreams much at all these days, and they're pretty bog standard, never anything fun like
Yoshimi wrote:had a dream the other night that i was in a left4dead theme park :?

TruGamez wrote:I had horrible Recurring Dreams when I was a child, usually involving ghosts.

-One Involved some haunted-house on a hill, which would just fill me with fear. I'd wake up terrified.

-Another involved me being taunted by four headless ghost's, who would make me beg for mercy & make me make my Bed (:?).

-Another involved me being on my bed and a Blue Ford falling out of the Sky & crushing me to death.

Yesterday I had a dream where Lionel Richie & his twin brother where professional Wrestlers who wanted to kick the crap out of Kane for pretending to be a nude teenage girl.

Seriously, WTF?

:| :fp: :lol: :lol:

But when I do remember one, the morning after if I focus the individual events I can pinpoint exactly what happened the day before to cause them.

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PostRe: Official GRcade Dreams Thread
by SEP » Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:51 pm

I had a dream last night where my right foot was cut off. I eventually got a prosthetic one similar to Luke's new hand in Empire Strikes Back, but I had trouble adapting to it, and kept limping everywhere.


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