GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - Page 9 WINNER ANNOUNCED

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final Week
by Dowbocop » Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:22 pm

Some final thoughts, in case I don't get another chance to post these.

I've enjoyed this game immensely, and in my opinion it's been the best forum game ever. I originally set out with the aim to just have a laugh, but it really has changed my life - if I hadn't gone to Subway to get a sandwich to review for the blogging task, I never would've seen the help wanted sign outside the place I now work. Okay, it's hardly my calling, but any port in a storm, and I actually pull in enough money to live on now :D
I'm happy that my tasking is over in a way as the pressure's off me, but I will also miss the anticipation of checking the new thread every week :lol:

Taskmaster - thanks for all the hard work you've put into this thread. It's been amazing!

Banjo - you've been a worthy adversary, and nothing but perfection will do if you want to beat me. You wouldn't want it any other way :)

Everyone else - thank you for a great past two months, some epic lulz have been had!

Other mad props:
My girlfriend, for filming me doing stupid things and generally being awesome about my shenanigans (e.g. the whole prostitute thing!).
Spacejebus, for filming and general support/input (especially with the Parkour route!).
My (lurking!) mate Al, for general support, such as lending me BTTF and letting me hang out at his on Saturday.
My dad, for lending me Hollow Man.
I don't think I've forgotten anyone else, if I have then sorry (and thanks!).

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final Week
by aayl1 » Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:54 pm

Well done Mocky. If Uni wasn't such a ball ache for work etc, I'd have been all over this, as I intended to be originally.

I am jealous I couldn't participate.

Thank you for the entertainment reading the threads have been.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final Week
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:00 am

Just in. Left the house at 8am. Do I get my task get? Pictures to follow tomorrow.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final Week
by Banjo » Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:19 am

Dowbo, you've really kept me on my toes these last few weeks. It's been fun. Just got my slide to accomplish and then I'll crack on with my big arse summary later.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Psychic » Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:39 pm

The Mirror

Honest, loyal, polite, witty and fairly intelligent.
Addictive personality, Socially inept and I look like I'm made out of drainpipes. :fp: :lol:



Not bad, definitely worth a read if you're a fan of his rambling monologues on his tv programme or radio show. The bit where he's getting his eyes tested is a particular highlight. Bonus point for the spinning selection too please, even though it meant the woman behind the counter wouldn't look me in the eye while checking the book out. :lol:

You Bet

Put a bet on Liverpool to win on Wednesday. :fp:

Top of the Trumps

Username: psychic
Password: sykes

I went for a videogame characters deck because it wasn't too taxing for me and I felt everyone here could probably enjoy it. Highest score wins including year of debut, which stops Mario becoming a near invincible card.

It's been fun playing Mocky, thanks for running this.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by mcjihge2 » Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:13 pm

Week 8 Tasks

Easy - 1 Point Each

The Mirror

Ive done this - too many negtives to mention.

Or you may want to keep such things private.


I may do this on the way home from work - Ill edit in later

Medium - 3 Points Each


i dont think ill be able to do this one - fail

You Bet

I might be able to do this on the way home. - Ill edit in later

Hard - 5 Points Each

A Day Away

too late - fail

Top of the Trumps

username: mcjihge2
password: tasks

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Mockmaster » Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:19 pm

Locations for a 'DangerWank'?


'Reptile House at Zoo'?


Excellent. A Top Trumps classic, surely.

Great deck Sykes. Check it out folks. L Block is my favourite. :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final Week
by White Rabbit » Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:33 pm


Librarial:'Feminism and autobiography : texts, theories, methods / edited by Tess Cossl. - London : Routledge
Due:27/11/2009' , the other one was the Female malady by Elaine Showalter, which I've already taken back so here's another: 'Film noir / Andrew Spicer. - Harlow : Longman Due:01/12/2009'

The Mirror:...I'm courageous, honest, faithful, loving and determined.
However, I'm also a little too sensitive, find it hard to trust and can also be impatient.

A Day Away
Set off at 8am. An hour into our journey we're teased by mist (which would make our plans impossible). Thankfully it had cleared when we eventually arrived at the starting point of our walk, see below. Somehow this was around 1pm. We had been held up by traffic, stopped for coffee in Keswick, and suffered a short episode of mudslide while trying to pick somewhere to park, but other than that I can't see what took up all the time. The fact this walk was going to take us upwards of 5 hours didn't set alarm bells ringing as it should have done, seeing as we had sod all equipment (read: torches) and it would be dark around 4-5pm (when we'd be, conveniently, at the top of the mountain). It would infact take us a hell of a lot longer than what we anticipated...taking our time, enjoying the scenery...not knowing what was to come.
The beginning....I took this standing on a little wooden bridge and thought to myself...I wouldn't mind living in that white house.
The enchanted staircase up through woodland. (my favourite part - there's more pictures but this one will do)
A little later...our first hint of the views to come as we climb higher.
Looking back...
Forgotten the name of it but this is the tairn near the top. The way up from here (to the right of this photo) was incredibly hard...the soil became red sand and it was almost impossible to keep your footing. There was these huge spiders everywhere too, with gold bits on their bodies.
Fast Forward...view from the top. We would, over the course of our walk, pass over four peaks.
We made our way over here, and it seemed as if daylight decided to duck behind one of the mountains when we weren't looking (despite my 100+ photos!), and we were faced with a descent in the dark, where we'd be stepping blind but for the moon (which we would find, wasn't exactly lighthouse that night). Not only that but we were uncertain as to which way to go, and passed over this camel back in the next photo:
This is the last photo I took, when we were still wandering around the mountain tops at a loss for a way down. In the process of the three of us trying three different directions, we managed to lose eachother for half an hour when we soon found we could hardly see a step infront of us. The only light we then had was a clouded moon playing peek a boo. Finally deciding on a path (what we at least hoped was a path), we set off, slipping, sliding and tripping with every step we took. But the dark wasn't the only thing against us, we were exhausted, muscle-splittingly so...and then we reached a point when we realised this wasn't even a real way down and didn't know what the **** to do next...and that's when we saw a black shape charging for us. I laughed, I actually laughed. Turned out to be a dog of course, it's owners approaching with torches on their heads, who would for the next hour escort us kindly (and unkindly) down the mountain. Touch down on the ground, (we'd somehow ended up at the farm where you start your ascent for Haystacks)...but our troubles weren't over...we were miles along the road from where the car was parked and had to walk like penguins thinking we were going to get hit by approaching cars the whole way. We got home around 11:30, calling at a Kfc on the way.

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:43 pm

Taskmaster wrote:Week 8 Tasks

Easy - 1 Point Each

The Mirror

Some of these tasks have challenged you to step out of your comfort zone. To take a look at yourself as an individual and challenge you to do something you normally wouldn't. And some of these tasks have been forgettable but enjoyable distractions.

This task simply asks you who you are.

I want you to look in the mirror, and think of:

5 positive things about you as a person
3 negative things about you as a person

And that's it. I've purposefully set more positive than negative to encourage you to feel optimistic about who you are, whatever hand you've been dealt in life. It's up to you if you want to divulge the results in the thread. It may be cathartic. Or you may want to keep such things private.

5 positive things about you as a person
-Awesome dress sense
-Lost weight
-I look better with stubble than without
-I have blue/grey eyes, which look odd
-I have mega buttons in my hand

3 negative things about you as a person
-I'm very shy around people I don't know
-I struggle a bit and start to waffle when doing public speaking
-I'm wearing an Iron Maiden tour t-shirt and I still think I have awesome dress sense


Libraries provide an array of material that can educate, scare, humour, titillate, excite or surprise you through their array of books. It's a credit-crunch-friendly task as you need to reject any temptation to purchase and, instead, find your way down to the local library to investigate what they have available. You then have to loan/rent out any one book that appeals. Simple, huh? If you already have a library card, it will be simpler still.

Bonus points - 1 bonus point for randomly choosing your book by spinning in a circle and then walking forward in a random direction, and picking the book you arrive at.

Secret Passions, Secret Remedies: Narcotic Drugs in British Society 1830 - 1920; Parssinen, T. I also chose it by going to the medical section of the library and spinning round and pointing at a book.

Medium - 3 Points Each


Think of this as a revisiting of your youth. A joyful snapshot of a more innocent time. To pass this task, all you have to do is slide down a ...slide. Find a park somewhere, maybe a pub garden. Anywhere that has a slide. And slide down it. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Bonus Points - 3 bonus points for going down a Water Slide

Image IronHide Rules - Revisit a memory of your childhood in some way, perhaps by doing some ritual you used to do as a child. Maybe playing with a particular toy? Eating a childhood food favourite?

Slid down a slide in my local park, but didn't manage a water slide unfortunately.

You Bet

This task requires you to place a bet at a proper bookies. Walk into your local Ladbrokes and place a bet on anything. It can be a football match, a horse race or who you think will be the latest winner of X Factor. I believe most of you are over the age of 18 so can legally bet. If any of you are under the legal age, do not worry, I have an alternative task ready. PM me for info on this secret task.

Image IronHide Rules - Use an online betting site.

Put accumulators on for the weekend's football and the Champions League this midweek, neither came in.

Hard - 5 Points Each

A Day Away

Time to get out and explore. This is simply a non-working/studying day that you need to leave the house in the morning and not return until the evening. Get out of the house.... Go shopping.... Go for a walk..... Visit someone.... Whatever you do during the day is up to you - what succession of activities you plan are up to you. All you need to do to pass is leave the house in the morning and not return home until at least 12 hours have passed. A 'Day Away'.

Bonus points - 3 bonus points for documenting your Day Away with a photo diary.

I stayed out between 8am-11pm on Thursday. I took pictures, but as my camera has been having trouble uploading I doubt I'll get them up tonight.

Image IronHide Rules - Get out of the house for a manageable amount of time that is comfortable for you but is longer than you normally might.

Top of the Trumps

For this task, I would like you to create your very own custom Top Trumps deck.

Go to:

I use these guys to order my own custom top trumps from time to time. They are great. Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to purchase a pack. I am simply asking you to use their online top trumps editor to create your own pack of top trumps, online. It’s a very user friendly editor. There are 31 cards in total (including a joker). You simply upload photos then add them in. Give the deck any theme you like. A hot babes deck perhaps? Something GRcade related? Cars? Dinosaurs? Anything. Give the deck a name. After you have done this, share your login details in the thread so that everyone can login into your account to take a look at your deck and witness how amazing it is. It is perfectly safe as you don’t have to give any personal details to set up an account. You just need a username and password. And an email address. Feel free to set up a new address for the purposes of this task.

Click on ‘MyTrumps’ and ‘create new deck’ to get you started.

username: corazon
password: drjohn

Three sets of GRCade members top trumps. I feel that bonus points should be awarded for such dedication.

The final Deadline for Task Completion is 9pm on Friday the 6th of November!

Good luck, and most importantly, have fun!

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Mockmaster » Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:45 pm

Stupendous scenery there, White Rabbit. I was toying with visiting the Highlands (I assume it's the Highlands? Where specifically? You don't actually say exactly where it is you went) myself in December. I imagine conditions will be somewhat less forgiving than on your trip if I choose to go in the depths of winter. Nevertheless, some amazing photos and it only enthuses me more to sort out my trip. I particularly liked the magic steps in the forest, and the 'tairn', whatever that is. Quite a spot of luck that you ran into that dog and its owners, eh?

Anyway, Task GET!

Corazon de Leon

PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Corazon de Leon » Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:49 pm

For my task I went to University during the day,(I had no classes or tutorials) leaving at 8am to catch the train, and used it productively writing out a large chunk of several essays. I then went straight from there to work at 5, wherein I stayed until 10(remember that there isn't a day in the week when I'm not working or at Uni for a substantial time), and then walked briskly home for a bit of exercise, arriving at 11pm.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by The People's ElboReformat » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:28 pm

Username: zenigame
password: password

Top Trump Theme: Avatars I have used on forums/Xbox over the years.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by False » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:32 pm

Fairly unspectacular from me this week, Ive been busy so just played it safe.

The Mirror
Positive: Good sense of humor, Pretty cool dude, Relaxed, Approachable, I love my nose.
Negative: I need to sleep more (big bags), A bit angry, I need a haircut

My local library was the centre of a massive battle between residents and the mayor to cut budgets, They wanted to kill the library but the residents were all protesting and stuff (besudes the fact that they never used the place..) anywho, We won, So the library survived. I had to get a new card but I picked a book at random and got 'Does anything eat wasps?' Its an assortment of light hearted articles from New Scientist, Its not bad.

I did this about 25 mins ago. I have a slide in my back garden 8-) Also, Its been raining for 2 days, so the slide is wet. Water get? :shifty:

You bet
Put a pound on Everton to draw v Benfica. I did it at Dave Pluck in Eastham Village.

Day away
Failed, I managed an undocumented 6-7hours. But its just too cold out there.

Top of the Trumps
Ive not done one, But I might bang it out before 9. Not sure.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by The People's ElboReformat » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:35 pm

Lots of lols at mcjihge2 trump cards. :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Terrible_Lizard » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:48 pm

Lol at Police Station front desk! xD

Group activity = 10? :fp: :lol:

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by The People's ElboReformat » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:49 pm

My Week 8 Tasks Summary

Easy - 1 Point Each
The Mirror

Positive: Trusting, Can be funny (IRL), full of ridiculous knowledge that comes in handy at pub quizzes, creative, helpful
Negative: Lazy, can't grow a beard, wasting life

Did this the other day using the "Spin around and point" method. Ended up with some book called "Boy A":


Might give it a read later.

Medium - 3 Points Each
Zenigame wrote:(Water) Slide complete.

Went down to the park during the day so wouldn't be inturrupted by any children (who are all at school, innit). I pull up in my car just outside of the park. Sit there and wait for the only person in the area (walking his dog) to leave. Then make my move.

Grabbing my 2 litre Pepsi bottle (filled with tap water) I run across the grass, over the little fence and to the slide. Take off my coat and climb the steps of the slide. Open the bottle and start pouring water down the slide (which was already rather wet because of last nights rain). Then I slide down it while still pouring water behind me as I do so. Wet arse and a soaked T-shirt.

Put my coat back on and leg it back to the car. Drive home and get changed out of my wet clothes. Just realised I left the bottle at the scene of the crime.

You Bet
Zenigame wrote:You Bet

Whilst in town I popped into the bookies (William Hill) and put a £1 5-game accumulator on for Saturday's football. Bit of a rubbish accumulator with only a potential win of £7.26 (plus stake) - Backed Lolerpool, Lolsea, Lolchester United, Blunderland and the team playing the Plymouth Pirates. I'll probably not even win. Hopefully Man U will lose. :shifty: Oh and the strawberry floating kid working in the bookies ID'd me. :x

Didn't win because of Lolerpool, Blunderland and Plymouth Pirates finally playing up ( :wub: )

Hard - 5 Points Each
A Day Away
Fask Tailed

Top of the Trumps
Username: zenigame
password: password

Theme: Avatars I've used.

Last edited by The People's ElboReformat on Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by False » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:50 pm

lmao mcjihge

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Mockmaster » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:51 pm

We could probably do a spin-off topic with these Top Trumps when this is all said and done.

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Terrible_Lizard » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:52 pm

Taskmaster wrote:We could probably do a spin-off topic with these Top Trumps when this is all said and done.

Sounds like a plan!

I had a few ideas when I started, Id have an excuse to make them then xD

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PostRe: GRcade Tasks of the Week: Week 8 - The Final DAY
by Terrible_Lizard » Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:53 pm

Me and Banjo met up and slid down a slide a couple of hours ago. It was raining profusely and water was running down it as we went down, does this count for bonus points?


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