Alpha's Summer Adventure

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by Dual » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:06 am

Or they're jammin' (or in Alpha's case marmaldin') on the guitar in the shrine room.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by shas'la » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:26 am

hoping for a few updates in a row today/tomorrow for alphas time.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by Hulohot » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:58 am

I think it is safe to assume that Pudding killed Alpha in the night, for not sharing human food and constantly blinding him with the camera flash.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by Jimmy Shedders » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:42 pm

Maybe he finally went to that ghost house.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by Alpha eX » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:18 pm

Pudding goes to the Vet

We had to wake up early today as we needed to take Pudding to the vets for vaccinations. Straight after breakfast we took Pudding down to the car. One of the maids came along with us, I was surprised how comfortable he was in the car, my dog usually pants a lot and gets very uncomfortable but Pudding seemed to be enjoying it. Then again, Pudding didn't really know where he was going or why...


On the way to the vets, Antonia and her mother had to sort something out in Causeway Bay so they suggested I go play in the arcades for half an hour or so while I wait. Off to Game Cyber!


It was around midday so the arcade was empty, free of all the kids and the smoke that usually fills this place. I played just two games, Jubeat and another game I didn't catch the name of, Technica.


I've posted about Jubeat before, it's a music game similar to Ouendan where you have to touch the sqaures in time to the music.


I saw this Technica game once at an arcade show in London, again, it's a music game similar to Ouendan but in this you have two rows and a bar that goes across. On the rows are circles you have to tap or slide as the line passes over them which keeps it in time to the music. This is much harder than I thought, I failed within 20 seconds! I went back to Jubeat, much better and it has Polysics.


After everyone had finished doing what they had to in Causeway Bay we got back in the car and drove the vets. If you read my earlier post about Pudding, you'll know he was rescued and adopted from the SPCA. The vets we were taking Pudding to was the place Antonia got him just a year ago.


We arrived at the vets, it was quite empty and full of small dogs, Pudding just strolled in and didn't pay any attention to his surroundings or the other dogs.


We checked Pudding in and then had to weigh him, he got on the scales as if he knew what he had to do. I think it's just because he is lazy and could rest on here for a while.


On the way to the vets I was told he was a poster dog but wasn't sure what they meant. When we was seated in the waiting room, Antonia told me to go over and look at the posters, she was right, he was a poster dog but not what I expected...


Before Antonia adopted Pudding, he had facial reconstrutive surgery. The poster shows Pudding before, during and after the procedure. I didn't take a picture of the 'during' stage because it was quite grim.


We didn't have to wait too long in the waiting room before Pudding was seen. Pudding looked quite excited but then tired out and rested under a chair. Here are several pictures of Pudding.



Pudding was only in the vets room for a short while. The whole time he just lay on the table, even when having his shot, no reaction, it was like he didn't even feel it! What a cool dog.

After the vets it was back to Causeway Bay to the Travel Agencies. Me and Antonia are going to Beijing and Shanghai next month so we decided to look at the tours. Two floors of travel agencies and two hours later we had a whole bunch of leaflets, booklets and posters.


I was feeling snackish after all the travel agencies so decided to try a local snack. I don't know the name of this but it translates to something with egg in it. In reality, it's like a pancake with sauces on top, cheap and tasty. Mine had peanut butter and strawberry sauce in it, very good!


There is a large Coca Cola billboard in Causeway Bay. What makes this post worthy is the fact you can be on it.


Underneat the billboard is a little room where you can have your picture taken and then it is put into the advertisement on the screen above. The screen shows a music video with several moving heads which whistle and move their eyes/lips in time to the music.


I had to try this so off into the little room I went, a few seconds later my photo was taken, I got a quick picture, the preview only shows for a second or two before you put in your email address then you are escorted out.


It looks a little like me, though I wasn't wearing the hat, it just scans your face, turns it into a texture and applies it to a 3D model.

I ran out and looked up, there I was! I really like this type of advertisement, it's clever and fun for the public. I also recieved a discount voucher for Coca Cola for taking part, awesome.


When I got home, I had an email from Coca Cola. They sent me small video clip of my head! Here is the video, looks better on the big screen in the music video, i'll do it again and record the whole thing.

My brother is a big fan of silly expensive brand clothing. When he found out there was an 'A Bathing Ape' store in Central Hong Kong he insisted I go and get him a cool t-shirt. It didn't take too long to get there and Antonia knew where it was.


I tried taking pictures inside but as soon as I took the first, like a ninja a small female worker jumped out and told me that no photos were allowed. Don't worry, you're not missing much, the shop was full of highly over priced rubbish clothing and shoes.


I looked at some of the t-shirts to get my brother, I saw one that he might like but then saw the price tag. $1020 for a t-shirt, that's about £90, no way was I paying that. We left the store after that.

We later went back to Causeway Bay to meet Antonia's father in one of the big technology stores, Fortress. We looked at the laptops, I helped Antonia choose a good one and he bought it for her as hers was nearly broken. He seemed impressed that I noticed the salesman tried to sell her a different laptop to the one on display, something they wouldn't have noticed.

We got back quite late, as we got out of the car Antonia screamed, pointed at the wall then run inside the house. I looked over and thought I saw a bat on the wall. It wasn't a bat, it was the largest moth I had ever seen! It was bigger than a CD.


Last edited by Alpha eX on Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by The People's ElboReformat » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:33 pm

Pudding Vs Giant Moth.

Make it happen, Alpha.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by Dual » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:34 pm

Alpha eX wrote:What a cool dog.

Biggest understatement ever.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by BobbyDigital » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:34 pm

Quality update mayne, Pudding is actually the most G'd up dog I seen now.

Bathing Ape is expensive but you gotta admit the store looks strawberry floating mint mayne. Plus your brother knows they got a Bathing Ape store in London right???

Falsey wrote:He got me in the woods, on a road and most memorably, on a canal boat.
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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by Fatal Exception » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:57 pm


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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by JV » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:06 pm

strawberry floating heel. That looks like a cross between a Moth and a Bat. Or maybe a Velociraptor.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by DrPepperMan » Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:30 pm

JV wrote:******* heel. That looks like a cross between a Moth and a Bat. Or maybe a Velociraptor.

:lol: a Mat/Both!!! :shock:

Quality post there Alpha. That Coca Cola ad looked brilliant, if only they did one for Dr Pepper!

When I looked at those posters with Puddings surgery the first thing that came to my mind was the film Face Off but in a dog version :lol:

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by Floex » Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:47 pm

Poor little Pudding :cry:

Glad it's alright now, though :mrgreen:

And that advertisement thing is awesome! Hope they have something like that over in Toyko when I go

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - Pudding goes to the Vet (p23)
by darksideby182 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:04 pm

nice to see they drive a honda

keep up the blogging to its been a great read so far

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - Pudding goes to the Vet (p23)
by Hulohot » Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:06 am

Brilliant update. The Pudding poster is so sad. :( Trust you to manage to get your face on the big screen in Hong Kong. ;) Excellent.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - The Forgotten Birthday (p21)
by aayl1 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:34 am

DrPepperMan wrote:
JV wrote:******* heel. That looks like a cross between a Moth and a Bat. Or maybe a Velociraptor.

:lol: a Mat/Both!!! :shock:


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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - Pudding goes to the Vet (p23)
by Roonmastor » Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:34 am

So Pudding looks so cute because he's had a facelift? Thats cheating.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - Pudding goes to the Vet (p23)
by Alpha eX » Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:33 am

Double Date

I didn't manage to sleep till very early this morning so I woke up in the afternoon rather than the morning. Not long after I woke up it was time for lunch. The maids had made me another homemade burger, it seemed too much after just waking up but it was really good.


Today me and Antonia were going on a double date with her close friend Tina and her boyfriend Johnny. I had never met Tina or her boyfriend so didn't really know what to expect. We was due to meet in the afternoon but fell asleep again and didn't wake till around 3pm. We finally got to Times Square, the place we arranged to meet, around 4pm.


We met up with Tina and Johnny in the food court. We sat in the food court for a while talking so that Johnny could finish off his lunch, some sort of noodle dish. I didn't speak much with him but he seemed quite friendly. We decided that we would go see a film and then go out for dinner in the evening. We checked the local cinemas for films and times, we decided to see The Haunting in Connecticut but the film didn't start for another 45 minutes. We got the tickets and went off to get a desert before the film.


On the floor below the cinema is a load of places to eat. We went to a place that very loosely translates as, Tea Parlour but i'm told by Antonia it's not really what it is, it's not a cafe, it's a resteraunt.


We sat down and decided to order sweet drinks, I was looking through the menu and saw some amazing ice cream dish, Mien Mien Strawberry Ice.


The strawberry ice was amazing, sometimes it's called cotton candy ice because of the texture, it is very light and fluffy but has a full rich flavor. The strawberry slices on top are very thin which go well with such a light texture. The ice is shredded in a way it feels like cotton candy, I could eat a bucket of this stuff.

We finished eating quite late and had to hurry to the cinema. We got in just as the trailers were showing. The cinema wasn't as nice as the last one but the seats had a lot of leg room and was layered so you didn't have to watch the film through the back of someone's head, something they should do for cinema's in the UK.

The film was ok, nothing special or memorable, just a few jumps and scares. I'd give it a 4/10 but wouldn't say it was a bad film or that I didn't enjoy it, I did, it just wasn't that great.

We took a cab from the cinema to King Kwong Road in Causeway Bay, writing that, I wish I took a picture of the road name. As I looked up there was a huge neon sign.


Tina and Johnny took us to a Korean Restaurant simply called, Korean Restaurant. We had to go up a large set of stairs to get into the place, it was quiet but nicely decorated.


We ordered lots of meat for a Korean BBQ, one of my favourites. While we was waiting for the meat, a lot of cold dishes arrived.


I didn't like many of these, the sweet potatoes were nice but i've had better. I was glad when the meat finally arrived, it's been a long while since I had a good Korean BBQ and I had high hopes of this place.



Antonia and Tina prepared the meat while me and Johnny sat back and watched. They didn't want us messing it up but they destroyed some of the fishes anyway.


The meat was really good, so good that we ordered another lot of it. I didn't like the fish at all but all of the meat was perfect! My high hopes were not shot down with a crappy BBQ.


Johnny and Tina got the bill which was nice of them. We left the restaurant to head back to Causeway Bay for a local style of desert. Just as we got in the cab, I turned and saw something that freaked me out, just what the hell is this thing!?


Tina, Johnny and Antonia took me to the Yee Shun Milk Company for desert. They sell milk based deserts and some food aswell. Before we went in, I could see all of the deserts in the window.


Antonia insisted I try the steamed milk desert, litterally a pudding made from milk. The flavor was milky as you'd expect but the texture was thick and similar to a jelly but seemed to be weaker. It was tasty but lacked flavor, Johnny had the chocolate one which was a lot better.


I also had a Banana Milkshake, it was very fresh, tasted like I was drinking a banana. I didn't like this too much, I prefer milkshakes thicker and much sweeter.


We left the Yee Shun Milk Company and headed to the arcade for a bit. We played a few games, mostly Taiko no Tatsujin. We wasn't here for too long as Johnny and Tina had to leave.


Me and Antonia left the arcade a little later than Tina and Johnny. As we were leaving and walking back through Causeway Bay, we saw Tina sitting in a parked bus, she looked distressed and was talking to someone outside, Johnny.

It turns out Tina had got on the bus while Johnny was in the shop. She obviously didn't hear him say he was going to the shop or he just didn't say anything at all. Either way, it lead to an amusing situation where the bus drove off with Tina leaving Johnny at the 7/11.

The Double Date was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed all the deserts and thought the korean BBQ was amazing. It was nice meeting Tina and Johnny, they are a nice couple and we will be seeing them again to go Ocean Park.

Last edited by Alpha eX on Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - Pudding goes to the Vet (p23)
by Rog » Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:41 am

That DIY BBQ looks immense and the homemade burger looks the nuts.

Alpha Ex wrote:Just what the hell is this thing?!


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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - Double Date (p23)
by Fatal Exception » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:37 am

Wow, that girl has a really skinny arm.

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PostRe: Alpha's Summer Adventure - Double Date (p23)
by Dolph Wiggler » Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:33 pm

What do you mean by layered seating in the cinemas?

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